Sentinel SDS100/200 Software Manual

Also the SDS100E, SDS200E, and USDS100

See also the Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual


Last Updated July 21, 2024


Understanding the Memory Edit Departments
  Profiles   New Department/Options
  Favorites Lists   Append Department to Favorites List
  Systems   Department Location
  Departments   Delete Department
  Trunking Sites   Move/Sort Departments
Understanding Quick Keys Edit Sites
Connecting the USB Cable New Site/Options
Installing the Sentinel Software Band Plan
  Sentinel Menus and Toolbars Site Location
Planning Favorites Lists Delete Site
  Worksheets Move/Sort Sites
Creating a Favorites List from the Database Edit Channels
Turning Nationwide Database Systems On/Off New Channel/Options
Add Channels On Range... Append Channel to Favorites List
Avoiding Systems, Departments, Sites, and Channels Delete Channel

Editing Tips

Move/Sort Channels

Edit Favorites Lists

Managing Profiles
New Favorites List Profile Tabs
  Append to Favorites List

Scan Selection
  Location Control

Service Types


Favorites List Quick Key

Location Settings


Favorites List Number Tag

Search/Close Call


System Quick Keys Status

Broadcast Screen


Importing/Exporting Favorites Lists

Custom Search


Exporting/Viewing Favorites Lists in Google Earth

Close Call


Copy List



Rename List



Delete List

Favorites Lists Quick Keys Status


Move/Sort Favorites Lists


Edit Systems

Display Options


New System/Options

Band Defaults


Append System to Favorites List


Unit IDs

Programming Checklist

  Dept/Site Quick Keys Status Write to/Read from the SDS


Fleet Map



TGID Format

Using Filters


Location Format

Entering IDs


Delete System

Common Fleet Maps


Move/Sort Systems


Understanding the Memory

All of the information contained in the scanner is stored on a micro SD card supplied with the scanner. This includes Profiles, Favorites Lists, all the radio settings, and the Radio Reference database.  

Because the memory is based on the Radio Reference database we now have a different order of organization not like banks and channels in traditional scanners, not like objects in Object Orientated Memory, but sort of like Dynamic Memory Architecture. You have to use 'Favorites Lists' that follow RR database structure of 'Systems' that contain 'Departments' that hold the channels (conventional frequencies or IDs) and then 'Sites' to hold just the trunking frequencies. If you familiar with DMA (Dynamic Memory Architecture) scanners, think of departments as being like groups.

A Profile is a group of settings that includes your Favorites List settings (download/monitor status, quick key status), location information (zip code, any saved locations, location range, GPS options), Service Type selections, Search and Close Call settings, weather settings, Tone-Out settings, and all your basic radio settings (display options, replay options, etc.).

The first time you use the scanner to set a location you will start to setup a profile. Only one profile at a time can be used in the scanner. You can create multiple profiles for different locations, Favorites List selection, or scanning preferences. The Sentinel software allows you to download your profile from the scanner, edit, save, and create new profiles to upload them back to the scanner. 

Profiles also hold your Favorites Lists settings (not the actual lists) for monitoring and uploading to the scanner. If you delete a profile (in the software), your Favorites Lists will still be there. When you create a new profile, you can select which Favorites Lists will be associated (enabled or disabled) with the new profile. 

Favorites Lists
Because the memory is based on the Radio Reference database we now have a different order of organization not like banks and channels in traditional scanners, but more like Dynamic Memory Architecture. You can now use Favorites Lists that follow RR database structure of Systems that contain Departments that hold the Channels (conventional frequencies or IDs) and then there are Sites to hold just the trunking frequencies. If you are familiar with DMA (Dynamic Memory Architecture) scanners, think of departments as being like channel groups. 

Favorites Lists will allow you to store channels you find when you are scanning from the full database (the easiest way). They can contain channels from trunking systems and conventional systems. You can also manually add systems, (not single sites), departments and channels into Favorites Lists from the database as well as program new systems, departments, sites, and channels with the Sentinel software.  

You can save up to 256 different lists in the scanner (and software) and associate them with any or all of your profiles. You can monitor one or more lists at a time and/or the database. You can also export you lists to a file to share them. Deleting a profile will not delete the lists associated with a profile. However, deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.

Systems will hold all of your Sites, Departments, and Channels.

Departments are also created inside systems. Departments hold frequencies (channels) for conventional systems and IDs (also called channels) for trunked systems. Departments are typically used for the various Agencies that you listen to within a system. If you are familiar with DMA (Dynamic Memory Architecture) scanners, think of departments as being like 'channel groups'. 

Trunking Sites
Inside systems are trunked sites hold the trunking frequencies for any trunking system and any band plan information needed. You will need at least one site for each trunked system and some systems can have several sites.

Understanding Quick Keys


Organizing your Quick Keys will be part of the planning. You will have to figure out which QK's to assign to your Favorites Lists, Systems, Departments, and Sites so you can scan them without a table of contents and with some sort of logic you can remember. Enabling/disabling QK's is not the same thing as Avoiding or Unavoiding Favorites Lists, Systems, Department and Sites.

Favorites List Quick Keys (FLQK)
Favorites Lists Quick Keys are used to enable or disable Favorites Lists for scanning. They are just the number keys on the scanner but once assigned to a Favorites List they become the QK's. Your Favorites Lists hold your Systems that also may have System QK's assigned to those Systems. Selecting a Favorites List will enable all (Unavoided) Systems in that list for scanning. Favorites List QK's can only be assigned once to any one Favorites List. If you don’t assign a QK to a list, it will always be enabled. There are 100 Favorites List QK's (0-99) to use for your Favorites Lists.

System Quick Keys (SQK)
System Quick Keys are used to enable or disable conventional and trunking systems for scanning. You can assign any QK to one or more Systems, or program one or more systems with no QK assigned that will always be scanned unless you Avoid it. There are also 100 System QK's (0-99) to use for your Systems.

Department/Site Quick Keys (DQK)
You now also have 100 Department or Site QKs to assign to your Sites and/or Departments within your Systems. You can assign any QK to one or more Departments or Sites, or program one or more Department or Site with no QK assigned that will always be scanned unless you Avoid it. If you are going to be using some keys for Departments and some for Sites, you may want to do something like start numbering your sites at 50 so you don't mix them up with your departments.

Assigning a QK to a FL is a good idea but don't go overboard and assign QK's to all your 40 Systems, 125 Departments, and 300 Sites if you don't need to. Only assign QK's to what you may want to turn on of off. If you are always going to scan a Department or Site, leave it at the default (no QK) which will always enable it for scan. Using locations along with Location Control can also turn Departments or Sites on and off. If you are still bent on shutting stuff on and off, try creating a FL for some stuff on, and another for some stuff off. There's plenty of room on the SD card. To sum it up, don't make QK's any more complicated than they have to be.

Search Quick Keys
You can assign any Search QK's (SRCH1, SRCH2, or SRCH3) to any (1) Custom Search, Tone-Out Search, or Close Call Only Search for quick access to your favorite searches.

Connecting the USB Cable


Turn on the scanner. When you connect the mini USB cable to the scanner ("Charge" port) and then to a USB port on your computer you will see "USB Cable Detected Select USB Mode" - "Mass Storage = "E" or Serial Port = ".".
Press E/yes to use Mass Storage mode for connection to the Sentinel software, database updates, firmware updates, and for reviewing Discovery sessions and recordings.
Windows should install drivers needed to read the SD card like an external drive and can be viewed in Windows/File Explorer.

Press .no when serial mode will be used for audio streaming, raw data output, and serial control modes in future software from 3rd party developers.

The mini USB cable or a micro USB cable can also be used to power the SDS100 with or without the battery pack. Plug the USB cable into the SDS100.
Press and hold
the power button to turn on the scanner. Press .no when prompted to select "Serial Port".

Note: Remember to turn the scanner off before unplugging the USB cable so the scanner can write to the card before it shuts off.

Installing the Sentinel Software

The Sentinel Software allows you to manage your profiles, Favorites Lists, the database, and firmware updates. You don't need to remove any previous version of the software.

1. Use the USB cable to connect your scanner to your PC.
2. Turn on the scanner and press E/yes for Mass Storage.
3. USB Mass Storage displays while it is connected to the PC.
4. The microSD card in your scanner will install to your PC like an additional drive.
5. Open the drive folder and double-click setup.exe in the Setup folder.
6. When installation is complete, Sentinel software is installed on your PC.
7. You can now disconnect the USB cable.
8. Sentinel will automatically notify you if a more recent version is available.

Sentinel Menus and Toolbars

The first thing you want to do is select the scanner you will be working with to give you the correct options as the software is also used for the BCD-X36HP models.

Click on the Tools in the menu bar and mouse over Target Model then click to select 'SDS100' or 'SDS200'.

Top Toolbar

File Menu

New... click to create a new profile. 
Open... click to open a profile. 

Save click to save a profile. 

Save As... click to save a profile with a different name.
Import (Favorites List) from hpe file...
Export (Favorites List) to hpe file...
Import Display Customizing Settings... allows you to load display customizer settings.
Export Display Customizing Settings...
allows you to save display customizer settings.
Export to Google Earth... click to save lists as kml file to open and view with Google Earth.

Edit Menu

Edit Profile... click to edit the current profile. 
Edit Favorites List... click to select list or create a new list. 

Edit Display... using the display customizer.
Add Channels on Range...
Sort Favorites List...

View Menu

Motorola/P25 TGID Format click to select Decimal or Hexadecimal.
EDACS TGID Format click to select AFS Format or Decimal Format.

Scanner Menu

Read from Scanner... 
Write to Scanner... 

Clear User Data... 

Update Menu

Update Firmware... 
Update Master Database (HPDB)... 

Tools Menu

Discovery Log Viewer...
allows you to set the default folder to save profiles in and reconstruct the database.
Target Model... allows you to select the correct scanner for the options available.

Help Menu

About... shows the software version and revision.

Using the Display Customizer - SDS profiles only
Allows you

Clear User Data Allows you to clear all user data in the scanner (full reset). This will delete all favorites lists, reset all profile options to default, clear all avoids, delete all recording sessions, and all discovery and analyze logs. Connect the scanner using the USB cable and select 'Mass Storage'

Update Firmware/Software
Uniden will update Sentinel and release scanner firmware updates to improve functionality, add new features, or address issues found with the existing firmware. Sentinel will need to connect to the Internet to check for the current version.

To update the SDS firmware:
1. Connect your scanner to the computer using the supplied USB cable and turn the scanner on and select 'Mass Storage'.
2. Start Sentinel on your computer. Note: The computer must be connected to the Internet for the following steps.
3. In Sentinel, select Update > Update Firmware… Sentinel checks the web for the latest firmware.
3a. If you need a software update for Sentinel, the program should let you know and send you to a download link. You need to install the latest software to download the latest firmware. Do that first.
4. When Sentinel completes writing to your scanner, disconnect the USB cable. The scanner then applies the update and reboots.

Update Master HPDB
The HomePatrol website updates the database about every week. When you update through Sentinel it checks the website for the most current database and downloads it to the software. You can then upload it to the scanner.
If you want to submit corrections or additions to the database got to the
Radio Reference Data Base and click the Submit Info button.
Note: Favorites Lists are not automatically updated to receive new information when channels change in the main database.
In Sentinel, select Update > Update Master HPDB…
The next time you "Write to Scanner", the Database will be updated in the scanner.

The SDS uses the following databases:
Radio System Database – provided by, contains radio system information including frequencies, trunked talk groups, and geographic locations for radio systems across most of North America.
ZIP Code Geographic Database – provides geographical coordinates for every zip code in the US and every postal code in Canada.
Radio Reference SysID Database – contains system ID and geographic location information for trunked radio systems across North America.
City Location Database – includes the center point of most named counties.

Favorites List Toolbar

Create New Favorites List
Copy Favorites List
Rename Favorites List
Append to Favorites List

Delete removes any selected (click on) Favorites List, System, Department, Site, or Channel.
Avoid Avoids any selected System, Department, Site, or Channel.
Clear Avoid clears the Avoid for any selected System, Department, Site, or Channel.
Review Avoids allows you to review and clear Avoids for selected entries in the Database or each Favorites List.

Planning Favorites Lists


A Profile contains all your configuration settings as well as your Favorites Lists and settings, Systems, Avoids, etc., and is a complete image of what is in your scanner. Other settings such as range, service types selected, enabled Favorites Lists, weather settings, display and audio settings also define a profile. Remember,all Favorites Lists are common to all profiles. Enabling and disabling Favorites Lists within a profile is part of defining a profile.
Deleting a profile will not delete the lists associated with a profile. However, deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.

You automatically start to create a profile once you enter your location. If you create a new profile in the software, your Favorites Lists will be included (but not enabled) with the new profile. The scanner only holds one profile at a time. Others can be created and uploaded to the scanner with the Sentinel Software.

Startup Keys
You can program each of your Favorites Lists with a Startup Key (0-9) so that when you power up the scanner and press the key number, just those Favorites List(s) assigned to the key will be enabled for scan. Systems are not affected. See also Using Startup Keys.

Number Tags 
Numbers tags will allow you to tag each Favorites List, System, and Channel to locate easier. Number tags can range from 0 to 99 for Favorites Lists and Systems, and 0-999 for Channels. You can assign number tags to channels even if the Favorites List does not have a number tag but, without a Favorites List number tag, you can only navigate to these channels while holding or scanning in that Favorites List. See also
Using Number Tags.

You can program your scanner to alert you when, a Channel or Unit ID is received, you receive a Close Call hit, an ID is transmitted with an Emergency Alert or you receive a Tone-Out hit. For each alert in the scanner, you can select from 9 different tone patterns, 15 volume settings, and for the LED Alert Light, set 7 colors, and 3 flash patterns.

I have put together complete pdf worksheets ready to print to help you plan your Systems, Close Call, and Fire Tone-Out, etc. settings.
Even if you don't fill them out, they are a good check list for programming.

Sentinel Profile Worksheet   Favorites Lists Worksheet   Settings/Tone Out Worksheet    
Conventional Worksheet   Motorola P25 Worksheet   Motorola 800/900 Worksheet   Motorola VHF/UHF Worksheet  
EDACS Worksheet
  LTR Worksheet   NEXEDGE Worksheet   DMR Worksheet

Creating a Favorites List from the Database

The easiest way to create a list is to select (or turn off) any Nationwide Systems, then use Add Channels On Range to specify a location, set the range, and the service types you want to listen to, and import channels from the full  database to a new list. Then, delete or 'Avoid' any system, departments, sites, or channels you don't want to hear.

Another way is to create a new list and use Append to Favorites List to add systems, departments, or channels from the full database. You can't add single sites. All sites for trunking systems will be brought in with the systems.

You can also program your own Favorites Lists, systems, departments, sites, and channels.
Turning Database Nationwide Systems On/Off
Nationwide systems are basically common systems that used to be in the Service Searches.
There is no real setting (yet) for turning all Nationwide systems on or off, but there is an ad hoc method that will accomplish the same thing.
Expand the Database to Nationwide Systems for any state.
Select Nationwide Systems so you can see them in the right pane.
Right-click to Avoid selected Systems or right-click and "Select All", then right-click "Set Avoid".
Add Channels on Range...
From the Menu bar click Edit > Add Channels On Range...
This feature will add all channels currently enabled for scan to a Favorites List. This includes any selected lists and the full database.
It will also allow you to enter any location, enter the range, and the select service types for the channels you want to monitor. This allows you to set up lists for other locations.
Clicking OK will allow you Create a List or Select a List to save the channels in.
Notes: Only departments and sites with programmed locations will be added. Any avoided system/site/department/channel (red type) will not be added.
Avoiding Systems, Departments, Sites, and Channels
Right-click any System, Department, Site, or Channel to "Set Avoid" (permanent Avoid only).
See also Review Avoids.

Editing Tips

Note: There is no 'undo' feature after an entry has been entered (right-click to undo during edit).
The only way to undo changes is to redo them or exit the Favorites List editor and select No at "Save Changes".
See also this post.
Editing Favorites Lists/Database (Main Window)

Right-Click any FL, System, Department, Site, or Channel for options.
Use Append to copy Systems, Departments, and channels to Favorites Lists.
Click then Shift-click to select multiple entries to set/clear Avoids.
Click and drag column headings to organize for current view (Resets columns for each view).

Editing with the Favorites List Editor
  Select Favorites List to edit Systems options in the right pane by clicking on field (twice) and selecting from the drop-down menus.
Select System to edit Sites or Departments options in the right pane by clicking on field (twice) and selecting from the drop-down menus.
Select Department to edit Channel options in the right pane by clicking on field (twice) and selecting from the drop-down menus.
Select Setting and type in number setting vs. the drop down arrow. Type the first letter for text entries to get close e.g. n for None.
Click to select a Setting in a column to right-click copy (for Alerts, close the window then copy). Click and drag to select multiple settings in a column to right-click paste.
Click and drag to select multiple Channel Rows to copy/paste into same number of rows in new/different department (or delete).
Click and drag to select multiple Department Rows to copy/paste into same number of rows in new/different system (channels not copied).
Click and drag to select multiple Sites Rows to copy/paste into same number of rows in new/different system (frequencies not copied).

Edit Favorites Lists

It might be a good idea to just load up the database to start with, to get a feel for the scanner and how it operates, then come back and start creating Favorites Lists.
Append to Favorites List If you know what you want to hear, appending systems from the Database is the easiest way to construct a Favorites List.

Expand the Database to select any System, Department, or Channel (can't append a Site).
Click the A
ppend to Favorites List button
Or, right-click and select Append to Favorites List.
Select the target list or create a new list and click OK.

New Favorites List

Click the New Favorites List button
Or, Edit > Edit Favorites List > New Favorites List
Give it a name and click OK.

Edit Favorites List

Click Edit Favorites List and double-click a list to edit.
, Edit > Edit Favorites List > (Select List).
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Favorites List Options are in Blue.

  Location Control Favorites List Number Tag Export/Import a List Rename List
    Understanding Range Startup Configuration Keys Export List to a kml File Delete List
  Favorites List Quick Key

System Quick Keys Status Tab

Copy a List

Move/Sort Favorites Lists

Favorites List Editor The editor opens up at the Systems Tab for the Favorites List showing all the Systems and their settings. You can also make edits from here to systems by selecting the options drop-down menu.


Options Tab


Location Control Allows you to enable or disable channels scanned in the list based on your location. Actually, it enables/disables Sites and Departments in Favorites Lists (as long as they have locations programmed) based on your current location and scan range settings.
Location Control is always enabled when scanning from the full database. 

To use Location Control, you have to enable it for each Favorites List (default is No).
You also need to have locations programmed for sites and departments in each list (you can’t program a location for a system).
With Location Control set to Yes, the scanner only sees Departments/Sites with programmed locations. Any Department/Site with no location information programmed will not be scanned. If you append (add) a System/Department to a list from the database, the locations will be brought in with each System/Department you append
(double check location and range info).
With Location Control set to No, the scanner will enable all Sites and Departments in your Favorites List no matter what the
scan range or Site/Department range is set to. 
If all your departments/sites don't have locations programmed with Location Control set to Yes, you will see Nothing to Scan.

You don’t need a GPS to scan by location if all of the following apply:
1. You have Location Control set to On for the list.
2. You have set your location (by zip code, city, Auto Locate, or manually).
3. Your Departments and Sites in the list have locations programmed. 

The scanner then compares your location data with site and department data to determine which channels to scan.

Conceivably, you could program everything you want to hear into one Favorites List and scan just by selecting locations rather than enabling/disabling lists.
If you are traveling long distances a GPS device would be a better way to go (unless you want to keep changing your location).


Understanding Range
There are actually two range settings. Your 'Location' range and the range you can program for each Department or Site. The 'Location' range (I think) is designed for scanning the 'Full Database' where you can't program ranges for Departments and Sites. You can program a range for each Department/Site in Favorites Lists so
you will receive Departments/Sites that have a range equal to your Location range plus the programmed range of the Departments/Sites. For example, if your Location range is set to 10 miles and a Department/Site range is set to 30 miles, and that Department/Site is less than 40 miles away from your current location setting, it will be enabled in your Favorites List according to both range settings.

2. The range settings will only work with Favorites Lists that have Use Location Control set to On and with Departments/Sites that have locations and ranges programmed.
Location Control is always enabled when scanning from the Full Database which has locations and ranges programmed for everything.

If you use Add Current dB Channels from a list with a 20 mile range (selected location by zip/postal code) and then set the range to 30 miles, Location Control will not add the other channels included in that extra 10 mile range.


Favorites List Quick Key You can only use a Favorites List QK once. If you don’t assign a QK to a Favorite List, it will always be scanned unless you turn it off in Scan Selection.
      None, 0-99


Favorites List Number Tag This allows you to number a Favorites List so you can access it quickly from Channel Hold Mode. See also Using Number Tags.
      None, 0-99


Startup Configuration Keys This allows you to turn on the scanner with the Favorites List enabled for scan. See also Using Startup Keys.
Check the keys you want to use to enable the Favorites List.


System Quick Keys Status Tab This is where you enable your System Quick Keys. 
Same function as "Set Scan Selection > Manage Quick Key Status > System Quick Key" in the scanner.


Check the Systems to turn the Quick Keys On or uncheck to turn Off.
Right-click anywhere to select All On or All Off.
Mouse over each number to see which System the key is assigned to.

Import/Export a List Allows you to import or save a Favorites List to share or backup.

To Export a list click File > Export to hpe file... Select the list you wish to export and click OK. Select the systems to export and click OK.
Name the list, navigate to a location, and click Save.

To Import a list click File > Import from hpe file... Select the list or create a new list (and name) you wish to import into.
Navigate to a location containing a hpe file and click Open.

Export List to a kml File You can export selected lists to a kml file that will allow you to see (programmed) locations (circle only) for departments (not sites) for your current location in programs like Google Earth. The feature will only export enabled Favorites Lists (lists with Monitor set to On).

1. Click Edit Profile or Edit > Edit Profile > Scan Selection.
2. Enable each list by selecting the list (or right clicking) then selecting On next to Monitor.
3. Uncheck Monitor Full Database or you will get a huge file for the whole database.
4. Close the Profile window and click File > Export to kml file...
5. Select the range for the departments you want to see (All will include nationwide departments) and check Open Google Earth after Exporting.
6. You will be presented with a window that allows you to save the kml file. Navigate to a location (or use the default) and click Save.

Copy Favorites List Click the list to select then Copy Favorites List .

Type a name for the new list and click OK.

Rename Favorites List Click the list to select then Rename Favorites List . Take care to delete the old named Favorites List in the scanner before you upload the newly named list. If you don't, you will end up with the old list scanning without a QK as the new list will take it (if it had one assigned).

Type in a new name and press OK.

Delete Favorites List Click to select the Favorites then Delete .

Or, right-click any list and select Remove from Favorites List.

Move/Sort Favorites Lists Edit > Sort Favorites Lists...

Click to select Favorites List then to move up, or to move down.
to sort. On window exit click Yes to Save Order of Favorites Lists?.
For new order to appear in scanner you need to check Erase Favorites Lists on Scanner when you Write to Scanner.

Edit Systems

New System

Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
At the Systems Tab, click the append icon , type the System Name, select the System Type from the dropdown menu, and click OK.

Edit System

Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System on the left to select, then select The Options tab in the right pane.
System Options are in Blue. See also Editing Tips.

  Append System to Favorites List System Quick Key Dept/Site Quick Keys Status
  System Name System Number Tag Fleet Map (Motorola only)
  System Avoid Hold Time TGID Format
  ID Search Priority ID Scan Location Format
  Emergency Alert (Moto/EDACS only) End Code (Motorola only) Delete System
  Emergency Alert Light Digital Waiting Time (Conventional only) Move/Sort Systems


Status Bits (Motorola only)

Unit IDs


Append System to Favorites List

Click to select any System from the Database or a Favorites List.
Click A
ppend to Favorites List
Or, right-click > Append to Favorites List.
Select the target list or create a new list and click OK.

System Options Tab


System Name Type in a name.


System Avoid This determines whether a System will be scanned or not (even if the system is enabled).
(Off), or Avoid


ID Search This sets whether the scanner searches for all IDs in a trunking system (On), or scans only programmed IDs (Off).
      On or Off


Emergency Alert This sets how your scanner audibly alerts you to IDs that have the emergency flag set.
      If On, set the Alert Tone and Alert Volume.
Auto is the master volume level.


Emergency Alert Light This sets how your scanner visually alerts you to IDs that have the emergency flag set.
      If On, set the Alert Color and Alert Pattern.


Status Bits This sets how your scanner works with Status Bits (also called S-bits), letting you control how the scanner interprets and displays Motorola talk group IDs.
      Yes - the scanner treats all received IDs as unique IDs.
      Ignore - the scanner rounds all IDs down to the next interval of 16.


System Quick Key If you don’t assign a QK to a System, it will always be scanned unless you Avoid it.
      None, 0-99


System Number Tag This allows you to number a System so you can access it quickly from Scan Hold Mode.


      None, 0-99



Hold Time This sets (in seconds) the amount of time the scanner will scan the System before moving on to the next system. All (Unavoided) channels will be scanned at least once regardless of this setting. The scanner moves to the next system after the hold time expires, any current transmission ends, and the channel delay time expires.
      0-255 sec.


Priority ID Scan This allows you to use Priority Scan with IDs in the System. See also Priority Scanning.
      On or Off


End Code This sets how the scanner handles the transmission end code sent by most Motorola Systems.
Analog - The scanner recognizes only analog end transmission codes.
      Analog+Digital - The scanner recognizes analog and digital end codes.
      Ignore - The scanner waits for the carrier to drop before leaving a channel.


Digital Waiting Time This setting gives the scanner time to determine if channels on Conventional Systems have digital or analog transmissions. During this time, the scanner will evaluate the received signal and, if it detects digital data, will open squelch immediately. If digital is not detected before the delay expires, the scanner will open squelch at the end of this delay. This is to prevent "false decode" problems. This setting only affects conventional channels with an Audio Type set to All.
0 to 1000

Unit IDs Tab


Click the append icon . Enter the Name, Unit ID and select the Alert Tone and Alert Light. See also Editing Tips.

Dept/Site Quick Keys Status Tab


This is where you enable your Department and Site Quick Keys.
Check the Departments/Sites to turn the Quick Keys On or uncheck to turn Off.
Right-click anywhere to select All On or All Off.
Mouse over each number to see which Department(s)/Site(s) the key is assigned to.

Fleet Map Tab


This allows you to program a fleet map for Motorola Type I Systems. You must program a system fleet map in order for the scanner to properly track and display talk group IDs.
For each Block, scroll to the size code (0-14) and press E/yes.
Defaults to 0 for all blocks (Motorola Type II system).
The next available block is prompted to select the next size code (0-14).
Repeat for each block as needed (0-7).
If you select size code 12, 13, or 14, these restrictions apply:


12 can only be assigned to Blocks 0, 2, 4 or 6.
13 can only be assigned to Blocks 0 and 4.
14 can only be assigned to Block 0.
Since these size codes require multiple blocks, you will be prompted for the next available block.
Example: If you assign Block 0 as 12, the scanner prompts you for block 2, the next block available, instead of block 1.

TGID Format

Click on the "View' menu in the Favorites List Editor.
Motorola/P25 TGID Format
click to select Decimal or
EDACS TGID Format click to select AFS Format or Decimal Format.

Location Format

Click on the "View' menu in the Favorites List Editor.
Location Format click to select DMS:DDD MM’ or DEG:DDD.dddddd.

Delete System Click to select a Favorites List. From the Systems Tab, Click to select a System then click Remove .

Or, from the main window right-click and select Remove from Favorites List.

Move/Sort Systems

From the Systems Tab, Click to select System then to move up, or to move down.
to sort.

Edit Departments

New Department

Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System to select.
At the Departments Tab, click the append icon , click to select and type the Department Name.

Edit Department

Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System on the left to select. Expand the System and click the Department to select, then select each tab in the right pane.
Department Options are in Blue. See also Editing Tips.

  Append Department to Favorites List Department Quick Key Delete Department
  Department Name Dept Filter (conv only) Move/Sort Departments

Department Avoid

Department Location


Append Department to Favorites List


Click to select any Department from the Database or a Favorites List.
Click the A
ppend to Favorites List button
Or, right-click > Append to Favorites List.
Select the target list or create a new list and click OK.

Department Options Tab


Department Name Type in a name.


Department Avoid This determines whether a Department will be scanned or not (even if the Department is enabled).
(Off), or Avoid


Department Quick Key If you don’t assign a QK to a Department, it will always be scanned unless you Avoid it.
      None, 0-99


Dept Filter This allows you to set a Filter for the department. This setting will override the Global Auto Filter.

Department Location Tab Click on the "View' menu in the Favorites List Editor. Location Format click to select DMS:DDD MM’ or DEG:DDD.dddddd.


Location Type Select Circle or Rectangles.


Circle Enter the Longitude and Latitude.
Enter Range 0-6000.
Cick the append icon for a new rectangle.
Click to select, then click to edit each corner of each rectangle.

Delete Department Click to select a System. From the Departments Tab, Click to select a Department then click Remove .

Or, from the main window right-click and select Remove from Favorites List.

Move/Sort Departments

From the Departments Tab, Click to select Department then to move up, or to move down.
to sort.

Edit Sites


New Site


Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System to select.
At the Sites Tab, click the append icon , click to select and type the Site Name.

Edit Site


Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System on the left to select. Expand the System and click the Site to select, then select each tab in the right pane.
Site Options are in Blue. See also Editing Tips.

  Site Frequencies Site Attenuator Band Plan (P25/Motorola only)
  Site Name Site Quick Key Site Location
  Site Avoid Site Filter Delete Site
  Site Modulation (no P25/One Freq) P25 NAC (no P25/X2) Move/Sort Sites

Band Type (EDACS only)

Digital Waiting Time (Motorola only)


Site Frequencies Tab This is where you program trunking frequencies for the Site.


Click the append icon to add each Frequency.
For EDACS and LTR sites enter the LCN number.

Site Options Tab


Site Name Type in a name.


Site Avoid This determines whether a Department will be scanned or not (even if the Department is enabled).
(Off), or Avoid


Site Modulation This setting selects the modulation used for the Site.
      Auto, NFM, or FM


Band Type EDACS Wide is the same as EDACS Standard and uses a 9600 baud control channel. EDACS Narrow-band sites use a 4800 baud control channel.
The default setting is Wide
Wide or Narrow


Site Attenuator This setting controls whether the scanner attenuates signals on the Site by about 20dBs.
      On or Off


Site Quick Key If you don’t assign a QK to a Site, it will always be scanned unless you Avoid it.
      None, 0-99


Site Filter This allows you to set a Filter for the site. This setting will override the Global Auto Filter.


P25 NAC This allows you to have the scanner search for NAC codes or you can program a specific code for the System.
Search - The scanner opens squelch for any digital signal and displays the NAC being used.
      Set P25 NAC - The scanner opens squelch only for signals that include the programmed NAC.


Digital Waiting Time This setting gives the scanner time to determine if channels on mixed Motorola Systems have digital or analog transmissions. During this time, the scanner will evaluate the received signal and, if it detects digital data, will open squelch immediately. If digital is not detected before the delay expires, the scanner will open squelch at the end of this delay. This is to prevent "false decode" problems. This setting only affects conventional channels with an Audio Type set to All.
0 to 1000

Band Plan Tab Band plans are required so the scanner can correctly determine the voice channel frequencies.


P25 Systems


Explicit mode systems (which comprise most systems in use) include all information needed to determine voice frequencies on the control channel, leave all entries blank. The system will automatically detect the band plan and fill in the entries.
systems need you to supply the systems band plan for the scanner to correctly determine voice frequencies.
For each Band (as needed) 0-9, A-F:


Input Base Freq - Enter the base frequency.
Input Spacing - Enter the step size.


Motorola Systems


For the Band Type select Standard or Splinter (analog 800Mhz systems with frequencies between 866-869 MHz ending with 0 instead of 5 e.g. 852.1250, not 852.1375).
The scanner will use the regular Motorola band plan.


Motorola Rebanded and Motorola/VHF/UHF Systems


These systems require a Custom band plan. Custom band plans require that you enter both a lower and an upper base frequency value. The lower base frequency (or base) is always the base frequency as provided in the Radio Reference Database.
Use this
Excel spreadsheet to calculate the upper base frequency value.
The upper base frequency can also be found using the
Band Plan Calculator at the online Wiki


For Motorola Rebanded and Motorola VHF/UHF Systems, select the Custom option.
For Standard 800 MHz Rebanded Systems
, you need to set Band Plan 1 and Band Plan 2 as follows:

Band Plan

Lower Base Freq

Upper Base Freq









25 kHz






25 kHz

Site Location Tab Click on the "View' menu in the Favorites List Editor. Location Format click to select DMS:DDD MM’ or DEG:DDD.dddddd.


Location Type Select Circle or Rectangles.


Circle Click on the "View' menu in the Favorites List Editor. Location Format click to select DMS:DDD MM’ or DEG:DDD.dddddd.
Enter the Longitude and Latitude.
Enter Range 0-6000.
Cick the append icon for a new rectangle.
Click to select, then click to edit each corner of each rectangle.

Delete Site Click to select a System. From the Sites Tab, Click to select a Site then click Remove .

Or, from the main window right-click and select Remove from Favorites List.

Move/Sort Sites

From the Departments Tab, Click to select Department then to move up, or to move down.
to sort.

Edit Channels


New Channel


Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System on the left to select. Expand the System and click the Department to select.
At the Channels
Tab, click the append icon , click to select and type the Channel Name.

Edit Channel


Edit > Edit Favorites List
, Right-click any list and select "Program Favorites List".
Or, Click Edit Favorites List
and double-click a list to edit.
Click the System on the left to select. Expand the System and click the Department to select.
In the right pane, click to select the channel and enter the settings, or click twice (not double-click) to use the drop down menus and select.
Channel Options are in Blue. See also Editing Tips.

  Append Channel to Favorites List Audio Option (Conventional) Channel Delay Channel Number Tag
  Channel Name Audio Type (Motorola) Alert Tone/Volume P-Ch (Priority Status)
  Channel Avoid Channel Service Type Alert Light/Pattern Delete Channel
  Frequency/TGID Attenuator (Conventional) Volume Offset Move/Sort Channels

Modulation (Conventional)


Append Channel to Favorites List

Click to select any Channel from the Database or a Favorites List.
Click A
ppend to Favorites List
Or, right-click > Append to Favorites List.
Select the target list or create a new list and click OK.

Channel Options


Channel Name Type in a name.


Channel Avoid This determines whether a Channel will be scanned or not.
(Off), or Avoid


Frequency or TGID Enter the frequency or ID. See also Entering IDs for partial IDs.


To enter an I-Call ID, enter an 'i' then the ID.


To enter a Wildcard I-Call (any) ID, enter an 'i' then 0.


To enter a Unit ID, see Unit IDs Tab.


Modulation This setting selects the modulation used for the Channel.
      Auto, AM, FM, NFM, WFM, or FMB (FM Broadcast)


Audio Option (Conventional) Select All if this channel might contain both digital and analog signals. If you are sure the channel is analog set the channel to Analog Only. This will prevent the Digital Waiting Time for the conventional system from losing the first part of the transmission up to the wait time you set there.


All - The scanner determines whether the audio is analog or digital.
Analog - The scanner will only receive analog audio.


Analog Options


CTCSS/DCS - Select CTCSS/DCS Search, a CTCSS Tone or a DCS Code.
Tone L/O  - This will lockout any selected CTCSS tone or DCS code.


Digital - The scanner will receive the channel only if it is carrying APCO 25 digital audio.


Digital Option


Search - the scanner searches and displays any NAC tone received.
Set P25 NAC - allows you to program a NAC code.


Audio Type (Motorola) Select All if this channel might contain both digital and analog signals. If you are sure the channel is analog, set the channel to Analog Only. This will prevent the Digital Waiting Time for the Motorola site from losing the first part of the transmission up to the wait time you set there.


All - The scanner determines whether the audio is analog or digital.
Analog - The scanner will only receive analog audio.
Digital - The scanner will receive the channel only if it is carrying APCO 25 digital audio.


Digital  Option


Search - the scanner searches and displays any NAC tone received.
Set P25 NAC - allows you to program a NAC code.


Service Type This sets the Service Type for The Channel.


Attenuator This setting controls whether the scanner attenuates the Channel by about 20dBs.
      On or Off


Delay Sets the number of seconds the scanner should wait after a transmission stops before moving on to the next channel.
      -10 -5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 30 sec.


Alert Tone/Volume This setting controls the alert tone and volume if the channel becomes active.


Tone - Alert 1-9 or Off.
Volume - Level 1-15 or Auto (the master volume level).


Alert Light/Pattern This setting controls the alert light and pattern if the channel becomes active.


Color - Off, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, or White.
Pattern - On, Slow Blink, or Fast Blink.


Volume Offset This setting controls whether the scanner attenuates the Channel by about 20dBs.
      -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, or +3


Channel Number Tag This allows you to number a Channel so you can access it quickly from Channel Hold Mode. See also Using Number Tags.
      None, 0-999


P-Ch (Priority Status) This sets the channel as a priority channel while scanning.
      On or Off

Delete Channel Click to select a Department. Click to select a Channel. Click to select a Channel then click Remove .

Or, from the main window right-click and select Remove from Favorites List.

Move/Sort Channels

From the Channels Tab, Click to select a Channel then to move up, or to move down.
to sort.

Managing Profiles


A profile contains all your configuration settings as well as all of your Favorites Lists, Avoids, and system settings. If you create a new profile, your Favorites Lists will automatically be associated with the new profile but will not be enabled for scan. Remember that all Favorites Lists are common to all profiles. Enabling and disabling Favorites Lists within a profile is part of defining a profile. Deleting a profile will not delete the lists associated with a profile. However, deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.

To Create a New Profile Click the New Profile button or File > New... type a name for the profile then click OK.
To Save a Profile Click the Save Profile button or File > Save to save the profile in the default folder.
To Save a Profile with a different name Click
File > Save as... to save the profile with a different name.
To Open a Profile Click the Open Profile button
or File > Open... and select the profile then click OK.
To Edit a Profile Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile to edit the current profile.
To Delete a Profile Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile select the profile then click Delete.


Profile Tabs

Notes: Anytime you "Read From Scanner" your current profile settings in the software will be overwritten with the profile in the scanner. Good idea to "File > Save as" Backup.
There is no 'undo' feature after an entry has been entered (right-click to undo during edit). The only way to undo changes is to redo them or exit the Profile editor, close the program, and select No at "Save Changes".



Scan Selection

Custom Search

Custom Waterfall

Display Options


Service Types

Close Call

Quick Keys Status

Band Defaults


Location Settings





Search/Close Call



Discovery Log Viewer



Broadcast Screen





Scan Selection

Select each list (or right click) then select On or Off next to Monitor or Download. Your Favorites List will not scan unless you set Monitor to On for each list.
Selecting Monitor On will also select Download On. Selecting Download Off will also select Monitor Off.

Check "Monitor Full Database" if you want to include it with your Favorites Lists.

To include selected Custom Searches with scanning Check "Monitor Search with Scan".
Click the 'Options' button. Make sure the Avoid System option is unchecked.
Select each Custom Search by selecting and clearing the Avoid (  –  ) in the drop down menu.

To include any Close Call hits that have been found with Close Call Priority or DND, clear the Avoid for the "Hits with Scan" Department.
You will see "Close Call Hits" in the display when the Department is scanned if any hits have been received.

The Hold Time setting determines how long each Custom Search or "Hits with Scan" will run during Scan Mode.
Click to select and enter the Hold Time (in seconds) from 0 to 255. Note: 0 will scan the whole range.


Service Types Not all service types are enabled when you set your location in the scanner. By default (*) only EMS Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, Law Dispatch, Custom 1, and Multi-Dispatch are enabled.
You can right-click anywhere in the list to Select All, Clear All, or Reset to Default.
  Service Type Description
  Aircraft For civilian aircraft and air traffic control operations most typically in the 118-136 MHz and 225-380 MHz bands in AM mode.
  Business Most business related entities not covered by other tags.
  Corrections Jail/prison operations and other corrections activities, including federal prisons.
  Emergency Ops Emergency Operation Centers and similar emergency management or disaster related operations.
  EMS Dispatch* Ambulance dispatch, including rescue squads.
  EMS-Tac Ambulance on-scene communications, tactical operations and secondary channels.
  EMS-Talk Ambulance talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.
  Federal All federal government operations (except corrections, traditional law enforcement patrol and fire/EMS operations).
  Fire Dispatch* Fire dispatch, including combined fire/ambulance dispatch.
  Fire-Tac Fireground, tactical and on-scene communications, including combined fire/ambulance operations.
  Fire-Talk Fire talk-around and car-to-car operations, chiefs, supervisors, etc., including combined fire/ambulance operations.
  Ham Any amateur radio assignment.
  Hospital Ambulance-to-Hospital communications and patient reports.
  Interop Interoperability communications, cross-agency communications, mutual aid, etc.
  Law Dispatch* Law enforcement dispatch.
  Law-Tac Law enforcement tactical, SWAT, on-scene, surveillance and specific sub-agency communications.
  Law Talk Law enforcement talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.
  Media Newspapers, television and broadcast radio operations.
  Military Military operations, e.g., range control, air-to-air combat, etc.
  Multi-Dispatch* Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance dispatch.
  Multi-Tac Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance tactical and on-scene communications.
  Multi-Talk Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance tactical talk-around and car-to-car operations.
  Other Miscellaneous
  Public Works Public agency non-public safety communications. This includes any non-public safety government services, such as trash, streets, roads, sewer, zoos, administration, maintenance, animal control, community initiatives, code compliance, etc.
  Railroad All common carrier railroad communications.
  Schools School-related communications (schools, school buses, football games, etc.).
  Security Non-law enforcement security operations, including private security companies, noncommissioned government agency security, school security, etc.
  Transportation Public and private bus, taxi, and public passenger rail communications.
  Utilities Private electric, water, natural gas, phone, cable TV, etc. operations.
  Custom 1*-8 Custom 1 is default for new channels. Custom 2-8 can be used for custom groups of channels in systems, sites, etc.
  Race Officials Available for use to identify officials frequencies for racing events.
  Race Teams Available for use to identify team frequencies for racing events.


Location Settings

Current Location Settings

To create a location from a zip/postal code, click the Zip/Postal button and enter the zip/postal code.
To create an exact location, select the GPS Options Format and enter (or paste) the longitude and latitude.
To save the location, click the Append button and give the location a name.
To rename a location, select (or right click) the location name and click Recall. Click Append and rename it. Select (or right click) the old location name and click Remove.
To use a different location, select (or right click) the location name and click Recall. The location in blue type is the current location.
To remove a location, select (or right click) the location name and click Remove.
To set the range for the location, use the drop down arrow to select 0-50 miles. Tip: set it to 0 and adjust the range in departments and sites accordingly.
Note: You may receive distant systems in other states that have a range that overlaps your area when using the database. This is due to the structure of the database. Tip: Use Export to kml to see what you have.
To reset the range for a saved location, Recall it, Remove it (longitude and latitude will remain), change the range, then Append it with the old name.

Understanding Range

1. The range setting will only work with departments/sites that have locations programmed and with Favorites Lists that have Location Control set to 'On'. Everything in the full database has locations programmed. If you manually program departments/sites with no location information included, the range setting will have no effect on them because the scanner doesn't know where they are.

2. You will receive departments and sites that have a range equal to your scan range setting plus the programmed range of the departments and sites. For example, if your scan range is set to 10 miles and a department/site range is set to 10 miles, and that department/site is less than 20 miles away from your current location setting, it will be enabled in your Favorites List according to both range settings.

3. If you Add Channels On Range with a 20 mile range and then set the range to 30 miles, Location Control will not add the other channels included that extra 10 mile range.

GPS Options

Select DMS for degrees, minutes, seconds or DEG for decimal degrees.
Leave the Baud Rate at the default 4800bps for most GPS units.


Search/Close Call These are the settings you should look at before you perform a Quick Search, or Close Call Search.

Quick Search/Close Call Settings


Attenuator This controls the attenuator by about 20dB.
On or Off


Modulation Select Auto, AM, NFM, FM, WFM, or FMB (Broadcast).


Delay - Determines how long the scanner waits after a transmission ends before resuming search operations. A negative delay will force a resume after that number of seconds.
-10 -5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 30 sec.


Digital Waiting Time This setting gives the scanner time to determine if frequencies have digital or analog transmissions. During this time, the scanner will evaluate the received signal and, if it detects digital data, will open squelch immediately. If digital is not detected before the delay expires, the scanner will open squelch at the end of this delay. This is to prevent "false decode" problems.
The default setting is 400 ms.
      0 to 1000

Custom Search/Quick Search/Close Call Settings

Repeater Find Sets whether the scanner tries to tune to a repeater output frequency when it detects a transmission on a repeater input frequency. Turning this feature on can let you hear both sides of the conversation on the output frequency. The default setting is Off.
On or Off

Filter Sets the Filter for Search and Close Call operations. This setting will override the Global Auto Filter.
Global, Normal, Invert, Auto, Wide Normal, Wide Invert, Wide Auto, or Off.
Global will use the Global Auto Filter setting.

Search Keys

The scanner has three search keys that you can assign to a search range. The search keys are number keys 1, 2, and 3.
This allows you to start a Custom, Tone-Out, or Close Call Search without having to go into the menus.
For each Search Key, select a Custom Search, Close Call Search, or Tone-Out Search.

Avoided Frequencies This allows you to program, review, and delete search/Close Call frequencies.


Broadcast Screen Automatically ignores transmissions that are on common broadcasts, paging systems, and other annoyance radio sources during Custom Search, Quick Search, or Close Call Search. You can select common bands you want to ignore or program custom bands. The default setting is Pager On. You can right-click in the Preset Broadcast area to Set All or Clear All.

Preset Broadcast

Select each common band desired.

Custom Band Range

Check to enable each custom range and double-click to enter the lower and upper frequencies.


Custom Search You can edit the 10 Custom Search ranges.           

Click to select and enter the name, lower, and upper frequencies.
Click to select and enter the other settings, or click twice (not double-click) to use the drop down menus and select.
See also Editing Tips.

Bank Status enables/disables each search range during Custom Search.


Close Call See also Close Call.

Close Call Mode Selects the Close Call mode when scanning or searching.

Off - Close Call is turned off.
CC DND - Close Call checks for frequencies every two seconds between transmissions.
CC Priority - Close Call checks for frequencies every two seconds.

Close Call Alert

Tone Type - Select the alert 1-9 or Off (refer to Close Call menu in scanner for sounds).
Tone Volume - Select the level 1-15 or Auto (master volume level).
Light Color - Select Off, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, or White.
Light Pattern - Select On, Slow Blink, or Fast Blink.
Pause Time - Sets how long the Close Call hit remains in the display.

3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, sec. or Infinite.

Close Call Bands Check to select each band.


WX Weather settings.



WX Priority Turning the weather alert priority feature on allows the scanner to check the weather channels every 5 seconds for a 1050 Hz weather alert signal and still scan or search. If you should receive an alert, you will hear a loud warbling then the weather channel audio.
      On or Off


Attenuator Sets the attenuator (20 dB) for weather operation.
      On or Off


Delay Sets the number of seconds the scanner should wait after a transmission stops before moving on to the next channel during weather scan.
      -10 -5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 30 sec.

SAME SAME (Specific Area Messaging System) is a system developed by the National Weather Service to reduce the number of alerts received by consumers by allowing them to hear alerts only for the counties they are interested in. Each alert contains information about the type and severity of the alert, as well as the specific geographic locations affected by the alert.
To receive SAME alerts, you can program up to 5 groups of 8 FIPS codes.
To find the FIPS codes for your scanner call the NWS toll free at 1-888-697-7263 (follow the instructions you hear) or see
NWR Station Search.
See also SAME Event Codes.

For each SAME group (0-4), double-click to enter the name, and click to enter each code.


Tone-Out Your scanner can be set to respond to fire tone-outs, a system comprised of standardized two-tone sequential paging, short one-tone paging, and long group tone paging. Fire-Tone-Out will monitor up to 32 different channels for paging tones (two-tone sequential, single tone, and group tone). For more information on Fire Tone-Out see this webpage at Radio Reference.
See also Fire Tone-Out.                 

Click to select and enter the name and frequencies.
Click to select and enter the other settings, or click twice (not double-click) to use the drop down menus and select.
See also Editing Tips.


Quick Keys Status

Check the Favorites List to turn the Quick Keys On or uncheck to turn Off.
Right-click anywhere to select All On or All Off.
Mouse over each number to see which Favorites List the key is assigned to.


Discovery Allows you to setup your Discovery Sessions. See also Discovery Mode.                 

Click to select Conventional or Trunked Discovery.
Click to select and enter the name.
Click to select and enter the other settings, or click twice (not double-click) to use the drop down menus and select.
See also Editing Tips.

Discovery Log Viewer Allows you to view Discovery logs in the Sentinel software.

Plug the scanner into your computer using the supplied USB cable and select Mass Storage.
From the Menu bar select Tools > Discovery Log Viewer...
Click on the Import Discover Log button
in the log viewer window.
Type a
Name for the collection and check Move from HP-1 if you don't want to leave a copy on the microSD card and click OK.
Expand the collection in the left pane and click a run to view.
The Options
button will let you change the ID format and Location format. The drop-down menu will let you select Summary or Detailed information.
Select a recording and press the play
button to listen.


Display Options

Motorola/P25 TGID Format Sets the ID display format.
      Decimal or Hexadecimal

      AFS Format or Decimal
  Simple Mode
      On or Off
  B/W Color Mode
Color, Black w/White Text, or White w/Black Text.


Opening Message Allows you four lines to text and show when the scanner powers on.

Backlight The scanner will turn on/off the LCD and the Keypad backlight automatically according to backlight setting.

Dimmer Sets the Dimmer.
      High, Middle, Low, or:
            + Polarity - If the orange wire gets 12V when you turn on the headlights.
            -  Polarity - If the orange wire is switched to chassis ground when you turn on the headlights.

Squelch Light Determines how the backlight acts with squelch.
      Off - The backlight stays off when the squelch opens.
      5 sec - The backlight stays on 5 seconds after the squelch opens.
      10 sec - The backlight stays on 10 seconds after the squelch opens.
      15 sec - The backlight stays on 10 seconds after the squelch opens.
      Open Squelch - The backlight stays on only when the squelch is open.

Keypress Light
      Infinite - The backlight stays on when any key is pressed.
      15 sec
- The backlight is on for 15 seconds when any key is pressed.
      30 sec - The backlight is on for 30 seconds when any key is pressed.
      60 sec - The backlight is on for 60 seconds when any key is pressed.
      120 sec - The backlight is on for 120 seconds when any key is pressed.

Backlight Timer (BCD436HP only) This allows you to reverse the display so you can mount the scanner upside-down and hear the speaker from the top.
10 sec - Turns the backlight on for 10 seconds when you press .
      30 sec - Turns the backlight on for 30 seconds when you press (default).
      60 sec - Turns the backlight on for 60 seconds when you press .
      Infinite - The backlight always stays on.


Band Defaults This allows you change the ‘Auto’ values you can select while programming frequencies, searches, etc. to whatever you feel Auto should be for each band (vs. the radio defaults). Since all of the step and modulation settings default to Auto, this allows you to skip those settings when programming. See also Band Defaults.

Click to select and enter the settings, or click twice (not double-click) to use the drop down menus and select.
See also Editing Tips.



General Options

Priority Scan Mode
      Off - The Priority feature is off.
      DND - The scanner checks Priority channels only when not receiving other conventional channels.
      Priority - The scanner checks conventional priority channels.

Priority Interval Time This sets (in seconds) how often the scanner will check the priority channels.
      1-10 sec.

MaxChannels/Pri-Scan This sets the maximum number of priority channels that are scanned during one priority scan interrupt. If there are more priority channels than the value you select, the channels are divided into more than one group and the scanner scans each group in turn. Example: If you set the maximum channels to 20 and there are 100 priority channels, the scanner checks those 100 channels in groups of 20 and takes a total of 5 intervals to complete the priority scan.

Global Attenuator This setting turns attenuation on for everything.
      On or Off

Key Beep Allows you to turn the key beep on or off and adjust the volume level. Auto sets the alert beep to the master volume level.
      Off, 1-15, Auto

Site NAC Operation his allows the scanner to ignore a transmission from a different trunk system that utilizes one or more of the same frequencies that your site uses.
      Use Site NAC or Ignore NAC

Global Auto Filter Sets the filter for all Departments, Sites, Custom Searches, CC Mode, and Weather Scan which can then be overridden for each if desired.

Audio Off Time (SDS200 only) Determines how long the amplifier stays on after a transmission ends. If you hear hum between transmissions, change this from Infinite to one of the available settings..
      100ms, 500ms, Auto, 1-5 sec, 10 sec,30 sec.

Clock Options

Time Zone Select.

Daylight Savings Time Advances the clock one hour during DST when On.
      On or Off

Replay Options

Replay Duration Is how far back in real time recordings are kept. Your scanner Replay feature acts as an instant replay of the transmissions you’ve just heard. You can set how long a period Replay records for instant playback. This period can range from 30 seconds to 240 seconds (4 minutes) or off. While you can replay that recording immediately and continue replaying it, you cannot save it for future listening. See also Replay Options
      Off, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, or 240 sec.

Options (SDS100)

      Off, 1-15

      Open, 1-14, Tight

Battery Save Turns off RF power for 1 second and turns it on 300 ms to extend the battery life in Channel Hold Mode for a Conventional System (without Priority Scan), and in any Search Hold mode when there is no transmission over 1 minute.
      On or Off

Battery Low Alert

Alert Tone

640, 780, 920, 1060, 1200 (Hz).

Alert Volume

Off, 1-15, Auto

Alert Interval

1-60 sec.

There are 2 other battery settings only in the scanner. Menu>Settings>Battery Options...

Set Voltage Sets when the low battery alert goes off.

3100-3400 (mV). Default is 3300mV.

Set Charge While On - allows you to charging with the scanner on.

Enable or Disable.

Intermediate Frequency Exchange (IFX) Changes the IF used for a selected channel/frequency to help avoid image and other mixer-product interference on a frequency.
This allows you to program, review, and delete IFX frequencies.

Write To/Read From Scanner


Programming Checklist:


Edit Profile > Scan Selection Tab: Make sure 'Monitor' and 'Download' are On for FL's you want to scan. Check or uncheck 'Monitor Full Database'.

Edit Profile > Service Types Tab: Make sure Service Types you want to monitor are checked. Custom 1 is needed for miscellaneous channels.

Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab: Make sure you have a location programmed for scanning the Full Database or FL's with 'Location Control' set to On.

Edit Profile > Quick Key Status Tab: Make sure FLQK's are checked for FL's you want to monitor.

Edit Favorites List > System Quick Keys Status Tab: Make sure SQK's are checked for systems you want to monitor.

Edit Favorites List > System > Options Tab: Make sure 'ID Search' is On if no IDs are programmed.

Edit Favorites List > System > Dept/Site Quick Keys Status Tab: Make sure Department/Site QK's are checked for departments/sites you want to monitor.

Edit Favorites List > System > Dept/Site > Location Tab: Make sure Departments/Sites have locations programmed if 'Location Control' is set to On for the FL.

To Write to Your Scanner plug the scanner into your computer and select 'Mass Storage'. Click the Scanner menu and select Write to Scanner.
If you are connected to your scanner properly you will see the model number highlighted with the ESN number to the right.
Use the write options to erase your favorites lists or update the database in you scanner if desired.
The software will ask you to replace any Favorites List that is different in the scanner.

To Read from Your Scanner plug the scanner into your computer and select 'Mass Storage'. Click the Scanner menu and select Read from Scanner.
If you are connected to your scanner properly you will see the model number highlighted with the ESN number to the right.
The software will ask you to replace any Favorites List that is different in the software.

It's also a good idea to backup the data on the microSD card to your computer in case you have to reformat it.




Using Filters


ilters were introduced as a firmware update and are used to fine tune reception problems adding additional countermeasures to help in strong signal areas (especially for VHF/UHF). Three RF high pass filters (HPF) were available, "Normal" (always use HPF), "Invert" (always use inverted HPF), and "Auto" (try HPF then if no signal detected to open squelch, try inverted HPF). If 'Auto' is selected, conventional scan and search speed will be greatly slowed, as every frequency on which a signal is not detected on first pass will be rescanned using the inverted HPF setting.(3)

Another firmware update added "Wide Normal", "Wide Invert" and "Wide Auto" filter options for FM performance improvement. When you pick this setting, the filter becomes weaker for interference on a nearby frequency. However, the linearity of the IF can be maintained even when there is strong interference within the band, and the reception may be improved in some cases.(3) Another update gave us an 'Off' option.

Because there has been little documentation released from Uniden, they are basically trial and error. They work differently for different transmissions and locations so one setting may work for one person and not the other for the same system. Choosing the right filter may improve performance for some systems.
You can set filters only for conventional Departments and trunked Sites.

The Global setting will set all Searches, Departments, and Sites which can then be overridden for each Search and Close CallDepartment option, or Site option if desired.

With that said, all I can do is refer you to interesting links that may help you out.

Using Filters                              What is the difference with all the filters in the sds100 scanner?              
Global Filter Modes                   BCD436HP vs. SDS100 Missing Transmissions                  SDS100 Questions


Entering IDs

These are the acceptable entry formats for IDs.
Partial IDs can be used to receive all IDs in a Fleet, Sub-Fleet, Agency, etc.
Partial IDs can also be Avoided.
Partial IDs cannot be used with decimal formats.

System Type

TGID Format

Motorola Type I Systems
B=Block (0-7)

N=Decimal Number
i=I-Call ID

BFF-SS Normal ID
Normal ID (Fleet is 100 - 127)
Fleet ID
Fleet ID (Fleet is 100 - 127)
= Block ID

NNNNN (size code 0)
iNNNNN (size code 0)

Motorola Type II Systems
N=Decimal Number
i=I-Call ID

H=Hexadecimal Character
i=I-Call ID

Decimal Format


Hexadecimal Format


P25 Systems
N=Decimal Number
i=I-Call ID

H=Hexadecimal Character
i=I-Call ID

Decimal Format


Hexadecimal Format


EDACS Systems
AA=Agency (00-15)
FF=Fleet (00-15)
S=Sub-Fleet (0-7)

N=Decimal Number
i=I-Call ID

AFS Format

AA-FFS Normal ID
Fleet ID
Agency ID

Decimal Format


LTR Systems
A = Area number (0 or 1)
RR = Home Repeater Number (01-20)

UUU = Decimal Number (000-254)

Normal ID

Repeater ID




Scan Mode, Nothing to Scan:
1. Make sure you Set Your Location to scan the Database.
2. Make sure Favorites Lists are enabled in Set Scan Selection.
3. Make sure Service Types are enabled for the Channels you want to hear.
4. Make sure you have locations programmed if Use Location Control is On.
5. Make sure longitude and latitude are N and W (for N America).
6. Make sure Systems/Departments/Channels are not Avoided.
7. Make sure Favorites List/System/Department/Site QK is enabled.
8. (Search with Scan) Make sure Search with Scan is enabled in Select Lists to Monitor and the Search for Menu and for the Custom Search or Hits with Scan department.

All Channels out of Range:

1. Increase your range.
2. Change your location.
3. Turn Use Location Control Off for the Favorites List.

Scanning Interrupted:
1. Turn off Priority Scan.
2. Change Priority Interval.
3. Turn off Close Call Priority.
4. Turn off Weather Priority.
5. Set Channel Delay longer.
6. Set positive
Channel Delay.

Removing the Micro SD Card

SDS200 – Push the card into the slot with a fingernail until it springs out.
SDS100 – Remove the battery cover and battery.
Carefully slide the locking clip to the right and the card will spring up.
Installation is the reverse procedure.

Reformatting the Micro SD Card

SD cards should only be formatted using the special SD Card Formatter. Cards up to 32GB are supported. After formatting, the scanner may not be automatically detected (since it is wiped clean), so you may need to uncheck "Hide empty drives" in (Windows 7) Tools>Folder Options>View before doing the next "Clear User Data" step. Then, you need to "Clear User Data" and check "Display all drives" using Sentinel to restore all files and directories to the card. You will also need to "Write to Scanner" in the "Scanner" menu to restore your Favorites Lists.


Common Fleet Maps

These are some common fleet maps to choose from. In Motorola II systems, all the blocks have size code S-0. In Type I systems, size codes are used in different blocks to denote the maximum number of users in that block. Notice that size code 12 uses 2 blocks. A Motorola Hybrid system (Type IIi) has 'blocks' of the system that are Type I Fleets/Subfleets and Type II talk groups.
The maps that are Hybrid systems are in bold.
Fleet Map 1 Fleet Map 2 Fleet Map 3 Fleet Map 4 Fleet Map 5 Fleet Map 6 Fleet Map 7 Fleet Map 8
Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code
0 S-11 0 S-4 0 S-4 0 S-12 0 S-4 0 S-3 0 S-10 0 S-1
1 S-11 1 S-4 1 S-4 1 (S-12) 1 S-4 1 S-4 1 S-10 1 S-1
2 S-11 2 S-4 2 S-4 2 S-4 2 S-12 2 S-4 2 S-11 2 S-2
3 S-11 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 (S-12) 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-2
4 S-11 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-12 4 S-4 4 S-3
5 S-11 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 (S-12) 5 S-4 5 S-3
6 S-11 6 S-4 6 S-12 6 S-4 6 S-4 6 S-12 6 S-4 6 S-4
7 S-11 7 S-4 7 (S-12) 7 S-4 7 S-4 7 (S-12) 7 S-4 7 S-4
Fleet Map 9 Fleet Map 10 Fleet Map 11 Fleet Map 12 Fleet Map 13 Fleet Map 14 Fleet Map 15 Fleet Map 16
Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code
0 S-4 0 S-0 0 S-4 0 S-0 0 S-3 0 S-4 0 S-4 0 S-3
1 S-4 1 S-0 1 S-0 1 S-0 1 S-3 1 S-3 1 S-4 1 S-10
2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-11 2 S-10 2 S-4 2 S-10
3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-11 3 S-11
4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-11 4 S-0
5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-4 5 S-0 5 S-0
6 S-0 6 S-4 6 S-0 6 S-0 6 S-0 6 S-12 6 S-12 6 S-12
7 S-0 7 S-4 7 S-0 7 S-4 7 S-0 7 (S-12) 7 (S-12) 7 (S-12)
You can tell which block a Motorola ID is in by its number.
Block Lower ID# Upper ID#
0 0000 8191
1 8192 16383
2 16384 24575
3 24576 32767
4 32768 40959
5 40960 49151
6 49152 57343
7 57344 65535


Size Code Fleets Sub Fleets Number of Blocks Number of Talkgroups per Block Max IDs per Talkgroup Max Radios per Block
S0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 512?
S1 128 4 1 512 16 16
S2 16 8 1 128 64 64
S3 8 8 1 64 128 128
S4 1 16 1 16 512 512
S5 64 4 1 256 32 32
S6 32 8 1 256 32 32
S7 32 4 1 128 64 64
S8 16 4 1 64 128 128
S9 8 4 1 32 256 256
S10 4 8 1 32 256 256
S11 2 16 1 32 256 256
S12 1 16 2 8 1024 512
S13 1 16 4 4 2048 512
S14 1 16 8 2 4096 512

Thanks to
Radio for most of this information.

Click here to visit Scanner Master
Last updated July 21, 2024