Easier to Read HomePatrol-1/HP-2 Digital Scanner and Sentinel Manual

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Last Updated August 16, 2024  

Introduction Scanning
Main Features   Changing Locations
  Extreme Features   Selecting Favorites List to Scan
Band Coverage/Default Steps   Other Option Menu
Conventional Simplex and Repeater Systems   Selecting Service Types
Understanding CTCSS/DCS/NAC Turning Nationwide Systems On/Off
Understanding Trunking Holding
Understanding Multi-Site Trunking System Side Menu
  Understanding IDs Department Side Menu
Understanding the Memory Channel Side Menu
Profiles Using Global Attenuation
  Favorites Lists Setting the Squelch
Systems Changing the Range
Departments/Trunking Sites Replaying/Recording Transmissions
Buttons and Inputs Muting Audio
Power and Batteries Quick Frequency Entry
Text Tagging Locking/Unlocking the Screen
Using the Startup Wizard Using the HomePatrol with a GPS
Installing the Sentinel Software Weather Modes
Sentinel Toolbar and Menu   Weather Scan
  Updating the Firmware   Weather Alert Standby
Updating the Database Adding Counties to Monitor
Using General Help Extreme Features
A Look at the Display   Programming Systems with the Scanner
Managing Profiles   Analyze System
Radio Settings Trunked System Analyzer
Setting Your Location and Range System Load/Reception Statu
Understanding Range Current Activity
Service Types LCN Monitor
Manage Favorites Lists Activity Log
Adding Channels to a List Talk Group Converter
  Create a List when you Find a Channel EDACS/LTR LCN Finder
  Create a List Manually Band Scope
  Use Location Control   RF Power Plot
Programming Systems from the Database Raw Data Output
Program/Edit Other Systems Discovery Mode
  Review Avoids List   Trunking Discovery Mode
Selecting Lists to Scan/Download Conventional Discovery Mode
Export/Import a List Review Discovery Mode
Export List to a kml File Limit Search
Copy a List Serial Mode
Rename List Reformatting the MicroSD Card
Move/Sort Favorites Lists Related Links/Info
Delete List Common Fleet Maps
Write to/Read from HomePatrol Motorola Type II Special Status Bits

Introduction Contents


Not like a handheld or base model, it's more of a desktop scanner that sits on a included stand. It will also sit vertically on any solid surface. It has a 3.5-inch diagonal color touch-sensitive LCD screen.

The scanner relies on the Radio Reference Database (updated weekly) for channel information and can be customized by 'avoiding' anything you don't want to hear from the
Full Database. The database is stored on the included Micro SD card under the batteries. The included Sentinel software will make it easier to name your locations, favorites list, etc., and manually program favorites list. The software also allows you to update the database and the firmware in the scanner.

There are two versions of the firmware; one for programming using the Sentinel software and RR database and the 'Extreme' version. The Extreme version (now $50 extra-may or may not be worth it for you) includes the ability to program new systems, departments and channels without the need for the software, a trunked system analyzer that includes a reception status graph, an activity chart and log, LCN activity monitor, and talkgroup converter. It also has a LCN channel finder, a band scope, a frequency power plot, and a raw data output. A 'Discovery' mode that will log new frequencies/IDs not found in the
Full Database, and a limit search.

There is optional software for the HomePatrol such as arcpatrol but you will still need the Sentinel Software to update the database and firmware in the scanner. It also has USB audio output that is supposed to be compatible with future third party software.

Now the annoying stuff. The battery meter is either full or low; no in between so not very useful. The confirmation displays you have to 'OK' are a pain when you're in a hurry. While it is possible to export a profile to a kml file to actually see locations you are scanning in Google Earth, unless someone has updated the area in the Full Database, only one generic department location is shown for all departments and site locations are not shown at all for trunking systems. With a screen this big you would think there would be room for a lockout button and a scan button to force scanning to continue. The most complete help is in the scanner using the 'Help' button. The help file for the Sentinel software is quite vague on things like setting up weather alerts, what all the coloring denotes for some of the Analyze features, and there is nothing at all about operating the scanner with a GPS.


I should also mention that Rich Barnett, president of Scanner Master, was kind enough to lend me a HomePatrol and Paul Opitz, Uniden Product Manager, was generous with an Extreme upgrade so I could write this manual. Without these personal gestures, you would not be reading this. And, thanks to the many people who have posted their valuable insight on the Radio Reference Forums and Yahoo groups.

I hereby absolve myself from anything that happens to anyone or the scanner as a result of the information you will be reading. You are welcome to copy and/or print these pages and use them in the scanning hobby as long as you don't change, redistribute, or charge/accept money for them. I have tried the best I can to make sure everything is accurate here but if I missed a step or you see something that's obviously wrong, please email me.

Check back often as this document will be updated and revised from time to time.

Main Features Contents
HP-1 Version 1 Features
Scans APCO 25 Trunked and Conventional Systems, Motorola Analog and Mixed Digital Systems, EDACS Narrowband and Wideband Systems, LTR Systems, and Conventional Systems.
Includes a 2 GB microSD card for storing favorites lists and recording transmissions.
Programmed with the Radio Reference Database (updated weekly) for radio systems in the United States and Canada.
Create new or edit existing systems in the Sentinel Software.
Allows you to set your location(s) by Zip/Postal code, city, or GPS coordinates for instant reception.
Auto-locate feature that may find local systems if you don’t know where you are.
A range control lets you set how far out from your current location HomePatrol will search for channels in Favorites Lists and the Full Database.
Easily add channels to Favorites Lists from the database with the Sentinel software.
Has the ability to scan by service types i.e. Fire, Police, Railroad, etc.
Instant replay plays back up to 240 seconds (4 minutes) of the most recent transmissions.
One-touch recording to capture transmissions for later playback.
100cps scan rate.
Connectible to a GPS unit (not included) for automatic department and site selection.
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) reduces the volume if signals are strong and increases it if signals are weak.
Temporary or Permanent system/department/site/channel avoid (lockout).
CTCSS/DCS/NAC tone decode that displays CTCSS tones/DCS codes and NAC codes being received.
Text Tagging allows you to name each system, site, department, channel, talk group ID, location, and SAME group, using up to 37 characters per name.
You can use the scanner's attenuator to reduce the input strength of strong signals per channel or trunked system or globally.
A Signal Strength Meter shows the signal strength for the more powerful transmissions.
Adjustable mute options.
Standby options include clock display or weather alert.
Shutdown timer up to 3 hours.
Auto Dim for display and Power Save options.
Weather Scan with Programmable Weather Alert Standby (SAME).
Built-in Battery Charger allows you to charge the batteries in the scanner.
Accessories include an AC power adapter, car charger, USB cable, 4 X AA NiMH rechargeable batteries, rubber antenna, microSD card (installed), and table stand.
Optional car mount kit.
HP-1 Version 2/HP-2 Features
Support for the HomePatrol Extreme firmware upgrade.
Scan multiple Favorites Lists (up to 256) and/or the Full Database.
Per-channel delay/resume lets you determine how long HomePatrol stays on a channel after the transmission ends.
ID Search stops on all (unavoided) IDs even if the ID is not in HomePatrol's database.
Unit ID Tagging allows an alpha tag showing the information about a specific radio unit being received.
The ability to add current channels to a favorites list based on your location, a range, and the service types you are interested in.
CTCSS/DCS or NAC Search option.
The ability to quickly store CTCSS, DCS, or NAC tones when it finds an active frequency for channels not in the Full Database.
The ability to quickly save a found Unit ID.
Per-channel attenuation.
Per-channel volume offset.
Better location precision for departments and sites that allows you to also define a location and range using up to 32 rectangles instead just of a single circle.
Channel Alerts allow you to program your scanner to alert you when a channel is received. For each alert in the scanner, you can select from 9 different tone patterns and 15 volume settings.
Emergency Alert sounds an alert when a unit triggers their emergency status on compatible EDACS/Motorola radio systems.
New service types for Racing Officials, Racing Teams, and eight custom tags.
An Import/Export feature that allows you to share Favorites Lists.
A kml Export feature so you can map system information in Google Earth.
HP-2 (New) Features
Includes a 4 GB microSD card for storing favorites lists and recording transmissions.
APCO 25 Phase II TDMA Support.
Extreme Features
Complete programming with the scanner lets you edit existing systems in Favorites Lists and create new systems without the software.
Trunked System Load/Reception Status tool.
EDACS/LTR LCN Monitor will display which Motorola trunking channels or EDACS/LTR LCN channels that are active.
Current Trunked System Activity Log shows details of every channel grant and certain other system activity.
Talk Group Converter for P25/Motorola DEC to HEX and EDACS AFS to DEC.
EDACS/LTR LCN Finder lets you determine the correct LCN assignments for frequencies on EDACS or LTR systems.
A RF Power Plot graphically indicates the received signal level for a single frequency over time to help locate RF signal sources and to determine the effect of other factors on received signal strength.
A Band Scope Mode graphically indicates the received signal level across a range of frequencies to help identify RF signal sources.
Raw Data Output used to analyze raw decoded data using external software.  
Trunking Discovery monitors system traffic on a trunked radio system to find unknown IDs and automatically records audio from and logs new channels for later review and identification.
Conventional Discovery searches a range of frequencies to find unknown frequencies and automatically records audio from and logs new channels for later review and identification.
A Limit Search to search a range of frequencies for activity.
USB audio output and control allows you to capture or stream audio and control the HomePatrol using a USB connection.

HomePatrol Band Coverage/Default Steps Contents
Frequency Range Step (kHz) Mode Band Frequency Range Step (kHz) Mode Band
25-26.960 5 AM Petroleum/Broadcast Pickup 216-224.995 20 NFM 1.25 Meter Ham
26.965-27.405 5 AM CB 225-379.995 25 NFM UHF Air
27.410-27.995 5 AM Business & Forest Products 380-399.9875 12.5 NFM Military Trunked
28-29.695 20 NFM 10 Meter Ham 400-405.9875 12.5 NFM Miscellaneous
29.700-49.995 10 NFM VHF Low Band 406-419.9875 12.5 NFM Federal Trunked
50-53.995 20 WFM 6 Meter Ham 420-449.9875 12.5 NFM 70 cm Ham
108-136.9916 8.33 AM Commercial Air 450-469.9875 12.5 NFM UHF Standard
137-143.9875 12.5 NFM Military Land Mobile 470-512 12.5 NFM UHF TV
144-147.995 5 NFM 2 Meter Ham 758-787.99375 6.25 NFM Public Service
148-150.7875 12.5 NFM Military Land Mobile 788-805.99375 6.25 NFM Public Service
150.8-161.995 5 NFM VHF High 806-823.9875 12.5 NFM Public Service
162-173.9875 12.5 NFM Federal 849.0125-868.9875 12.5 NFM PS Trunked
174-215.950 5 FM VHF TV 894.0125-960 12.5 NFM Public Service, 33 cm Ham

Conventional Simplex and Repeater Systems  
Simplex systems use a single frequency for both transmit and receive. Most radios using this type of operation are limited to line-of-sight operation. This type of radio is frequently used at construction job sites, and with inexpensive consumer radios such as GMRS/FRS radios. The range is typically 1-8 miles, depending upon the terrain and many other factors.

Repeater systems use two frequencies: one transmits from the radio to a central repeater; the other transmits from the repeater to other radios in the system. With a repeater based system, the repeater is located on top of a tall building or on a radio tower that provides great visibility to the area of operation. When a user transmits (on an input frequency), the signal is picked up by the repeater and retransmitted (on an output frequency). The user's radios always listen for activity on the output frequency and transmit on the input frequency. Since the repeater is located very high, there is a very large line of sight. Typical repeater systems provide coverage out to about a 25-mile radius from the repeater location.

Understanding CTCSS/DCS/NAC Contents
Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) and Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) are two methods used to prevent interference by other radio communications. Your scanner can receive transmissions that use these codes (or more commonly referred to as tone codes).

CTCSS and DCS systems all use some form of coded squelch. Coded squelch techniques involve the transmission of a special 'code' signal along with the audio of a radio transmission. A receiver with coded squelch only activates when the received signal has the correct 'code'. This lets many users share a single frequency, and decreases interference caused by distant transmitters on the same channel. In all major metropolitan areas of the United States, every available radio channel is assigned to more than one user. Public safety radio systems on the same frequency are usually set up at a distance of 40 miles apart, or more. This means that you may hear transmissions from a distant system when your local system is not transmitting. By programming the CTCSS tone for a local channel the scanner will not stop on transmissions from the distant system. With few exceptions, such as the VHF Aircraft and Marine bands, almost every other VHF or UHF radio system uses some form of coded squelch. By far, CTCSS is the most popular mode among non-trunked systems.

NAC, similar to CTCSS/DCS, has a 3 digit hexadecimal code that is broadcast along with the digital signal being transmitted.

For more information visit Radio Reference's respective pages on CTCSS, DCS, and NAC.

Understanding Trunking Contents
Trunking systems let a large group of 2-way radio users (or even different groups of 2-way radio users) efficiently use a set of frequencies. Instead of selecting a specific frequency for a transmission, the user’s radio selects a programmed trunking bank in the system when that user presses their PTT (push to talk) button. The trunking system automatically transmits the call on the first available frequency, and also sends (on a different frequency called a Data or Control channel) a code that uniquely identifies that transmission as a talkgroup ID (or just ID.) So when you are trunktracking a system, you are listening to active IDs transmitting in the system (each using the first available frequency in the system.) Trunking systems in general allocate and use fewer frequencies among many different users.

Since the trunking system might send a call and its response on different frequencies, it is difficult to listen to trunked communications using a conventional scanner. These scanners let you monitor the control channel frequency so you can hear calls and responses for users and more easily "follow" conversations than with a conventional scanner.

This scanners trunktrack the following types of systems:
  • Motorola Type I
  • Motorola Type II
  • Motorola Type IIi Hybrid
  • Motorola Type II Smartnet
  • Motorola Type II Smartzone
  • Motorola Type II Smartzone Omnilink
  • Motorola Type II VOC
  • LTR Standard
  • EDACS Standard (Wide)
  • EDACS Narrowband (Narrow)
  • EDACS Networked (Wide/Narrow)
  • EDACS ESK (not ProVoice)
  • Project 25 Standard-Phase I
  • Project 25 Phase II (HP-2 only)
  • P25 X2-TDMA (HP-2 only)
When you program Motorola/P25 and EDACS system frequencies into the scanner, one frequency is the control (or data) channel, and the rest are voice frequencies shared by all the users. There may be 3 or 4 frequencies assigned as (primary or alternate) control channels but only one control channel will be active at a time. These scanners will allow you to program just Motorola/P25 control channels into the trunking system and the voice channels will automatically be found (but not programmed). EDACS systems need all the frequencies for the system programmed and in the correct LCN (Logical Channel Number) order.

The control channel is continually transmitted to the field units and has a sound similar to listening to a boat engine over the phone (in manual mode; you won't hear this when you are trunking the system.) This control channel is also a good check to see if you can trunktrack the system. If you can't hear a control channel when you step through the trunking frequencies (in manual mode), you either don't have all the frequencies or are too far away to receive the control channel and the system.
Motorola systems are limited to a maximum of 28 frequencies per system or site. Ericsson EDACS systems are limited to 25 frequencies per system or site. Motorola and EDACS systems can be either analog, digital, or mixed (digital and analog talkgroups). Mixed Motorola systems should be programmed as Motorola systems and not P25 digital systems. That way the talkgroup options will allow you to select if it is a digital or analog.

LTR systems work a little differently. LTR systems typically do not have a dedicated control channel.
This type of system encodes all trunking information as digital subaudible data that accompanies each transmission. The frequencies also have to be in LCN (Logical Channel Number) order or the correct 'slot' for the system to trunktrack properly. Each repeater has its own controller, and all of these controllers are synchronized together. Even though each controller monitors its own channel, one of the channel controllers is assigned to be a master that all controllers report to. Each of these controllers sends out a data burst approximately every 10 seconds so that the subscriber units know that the system is there. This data burst is not sent at the same time by all the channels, but happens randomly throughout all the system channels. If you listen to the frequencies of an LTR system in manual mode (not trunking), on every channel in the system you will hear this data burst that will sound like a short blip of static like someone keyed up and unkeyed a radio within about 500 msec. LTR systems are limited to 20 frequencies per system.

Trunkscanning is basically scanning IDs that are programmed into ID locations (same concept as frequencies into channels.) You can then trunkscan just the programmed IDs. Trunktracking is searching for all IDs in a system (same concept as searching for frequencies in a band.)
Understanding Multi-Site Trunking
Some Motorola and EDACS systems covering a very large geographic area use multiple antenna sites that each operate on different frequencies and use the same Talk Group ID's for traffic. When programming such a system, you program each site's frequencies into their own site, program departments to group your IDs, then program the IDs into the departments. You can then select which sites to scan or have the scanner select sites based on your location. Since all sites share all the channels within the system, multi-site trunking is much more efficient than programming each site as a separate system.
Radio Reference.com has an excellent page explaining the various types of trunking systems in more detail here.

Understanding IDs Contents
IDs are what you see instead of frequencies when you monitor a trunking system.
Motorola IDs come in two formats: Type I and Type II. Each format displays and uses talk group IDs in slightly different ways. Type I/II hybrid systems use both fleet-subfleet and 5-digit formats for talk group IDs.
Type I IDs are in the format BFF-SS where B is the block, FF is the fleet, and SS is the sub-fleet. Type I systems are usually organized with different IDs assigned to different fleets. For example, a valid fleet/subfleet ID identifying all detectives within a police department might be 000-12, where 000 identifies all police IDs and 12 identifies the Detective division. To properly trunk a Type I system, you have to program the fleet map for the system.
Type II IDs are identified by a 5-digit number. Motorola Type II IDs can also be expressed in Hexadecimal format.
EDACS IDs come in two formats: AFS and Decimal.
AFS IDs are in the form AA-FFS where AA is the agency, FF is the fleet, and S is the sub-fleet. EDACS systems are organized with different IDs assigned to different fleets and agencies. For example, a valid agency/fleet/subfleet ID identifying all detectives within a police department in an agency might be 06-101, where 06 identifies the agency (Police), 10 identifies the Police division (East side), and 1 identifies the Detective division.
Decimal IDs are shown as a decimal number from 0 to 2047.
You can find a chart showing Decimal and AFS IDs here: Conversion Chart.
LTR IDs are in the format A-HH-UUU where A is the area code (0 or 1), HH is the home repeater (01-20), and UUU is the user ID (000-254).
I-Call IDs (or Private IDs) (Motorola/EDACS only) are direct unit-to-unit transmissions that are not heard by other system users.
Unit IDs (or Radio IDs) are 7 or 8 digit numbers identifying individual radios. Note: To view unit IDs you have to turn the option on in the 'Display Options' menu.

Understanding the Memory Contents
All of the information contained in the scanner is stored on a microSD card (under the batteries) supplied with the scanner. This includes profiles, favorites lists, all the radio settings, firmware, and the Radio Reference database.

Because the memory is based on the Radio Reference database we now have a different order of organization not like banks and channels in traditional scanners, not like objects in Object Orientated Memory, but sort of like Dynamic Memory Architecture. You have to use 'Favorites Lists' that follow RR database structure of 'Systems' that contain 'Departments' that hold the channels (conventional frequencies or IDs) and then 'Sites' to hold just the trunking frequencies. If you familiar with DMA (Dynamic Memory Architecture) scanners, think of departments as being like groups.

A profile is a group of settings that includes your location information (zip code, city, auto-locate info, and any saved locations), scanning range, service types scanned, GPS options, your basic radio settings (backlight, contrast, weather settings, standby options, etc.), 'Avoid' lists, recording sessions, weather event records, and if you have the 'Extreme' firmware, 'Analyze' logs and 'Discovery' logs. The first time you use the scanner to set a location you will start to setup a profile. Only one profile at a time can be used in the scanner.
You can create multiple profiles for different locations (although profiles can have multiple locations), Favorites List selection, or scanning preferences. The Sentinel software allows you to download your profile from the scanner, edit, save, and create new profiles to upload back to the scanner.

Profiles also hold your Favorites Lists settings for monitoring and uploading to the scanner. If you delete a profile (in the software), your Favorites Lists will still be there. If you create a new profile, you can select which Favorites Lists will be associated with the new profile.

Favorites Lists
Because the memory is based on the Radio Reference database we now have a different order of organization not like banks and channels in traditional scanners, but more like Dynamic Memory Architecture. You can now use Favorites Lists that follow RR database structure of Systems that contain Departments that hold the Channels (conventional frequencies or IDs) and then there are Sites to hold just the trunking frequencies. If you are familiar with DMA (Dynamic Memory Architecture) scanners, think of departments as being like channel groups. 

Favorites Lists will allow you to store channels you find when you are scanning from the Full Database (the easiest way). They can contain channels from trunking systems and conventional systems. You can also manually add systems, (not single sites), departments and channels into Favorites Lists from the Full Database as well as program new systems, departments, sites, and channels with the Sentinel software.  

You can save up to 256 different lists in the scanner (and software) and associate them with any or all of your profiles. You can monitor one or more lists at a time and/or the Full Database. You can also export you lists to a file to share them. Deleting a profile will not delete the lists associated with a profile. However, deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.

You can only add single channels with just the scanner from the Full Database. With the Extreme version, you can manually program systems, sites, departments, and channels into Favorites Lists with the scanner (as well as the software).

Systems will hold all of your Sites, Departments, and Channels.

Departments are also created inside systems. Departments hold frequencies (channels) for conventional systems and IDs (also called channels) for trunked systems.
Departments are typically used for the various Agencies that you listen to within a system.

Trunking Sites
Inside systems are trunked sites hold the trunking frequencies for any trunking system and any band plan information needed. You will need at least one site for each trunked system and some systems can have several sites.

Buttons and Inputs Contents

Power and Batteries Contents
Press and hold the Power button for about 4 seconds to turn the scanner on.
The HomePatrol-1 comes with an AC adapter and a DC adapter for use in you car.
The HomePatrol-2 comes with a mini USB cable to connect to your HomePatrol-2 to your computer or a USB to AC power adapter (not included).
It does not an AC adapter or DC adapter.
The HomePatrol also requires 4 AA alkaline or NiMH rechargeable batteries (included).
You can leave them in the scanner and select to recharge them when the HomePatrol is connected to external power.
To Use AC or DC Power with the HP-1:
With the HP-1 powered On or Off:
1. Connect HomePatrol to a power source (AC or DC). Turn on the unit if it is not already on.
2. The HP-1 displays a message asking if you want to charge the batteries (if installed). Select No.
The scanner will display a power symbol (
) in the battery status area.
To Use USB Power with the HP-2 (only, not the HP-1):
  With a PC USB Port or USB to AC/DC adapter less than 500mA power output:
  With the HP-2 powered Off:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Start Charging' select No.
Turn on the scanner.
At 'Select USB mode' select 'DC Supply'.

With the HP-2 powered On:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Select USB mode' select 'DC Supply'.
At 'Start Charging' select No.
  With a USB port or USB to AC/DC adapter greater than 500mA power output:
  With the HP-2 powered Off:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Start Charging' select No.
Turn on the scanner.

With the HP-2 powered On:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Start Charging' select No.
Recharging the Batteries
The rechargeable batteries included with the HomePatrol are 2300 mAh. You can set how long it will take to recharge the batteries from a drained state to a fully charged state (based on the battery size in mAh) through the Set Charge Time setting in the Advanced Menu. The maximum mAh setting for the HomePatrol is 2300.
When battery power drops below a certain level, a battery low pop-up displays the following message:
Batteries are low. Replay and Recording disabled. Connect external power to prevent data loss.”
The HomePatrol sounds a battery low beep every five seconds. Tap the pop-up screen to close it and stop the battery low beep.
To Recharge the Batteries in the HP-1:
Connect HomePatrol to a power source (AC or DC). Turn on the unit if it is not already on.
The HP-1 displays a message asking if you want to charge the batteries. Select Yes.

The scanner will display a power symbol () in the battery status area.
To Recharge the Batteries in the HP-2:
There are two different ways you can use the mini USB to USB cable (included) to recharge your HP-2:
With the scanner on or off. To charge with scanner when powered on you will need a USB power source great than 500mA output.
  With a PC USB Port or USB to AC/DC adapter less than 500mA power output:
  With the HP-2 powered Off:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Start Charging' select Yes.
At the 'Low-Power' warning tap the screen to turn the scanner off.

With the HP-2 powered On:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Select USB mode' select 'DC Supply'.
At 'Start Charging' select Yes.
At the 'Low-Power' warning tap the screen to turn the scanner off.
  With a USB Port or USB to AC/DC adapter greater than 500mA power output:
  With the HP-2 powered On or Off:
Plug the mini USB side into the HP-2 and the other end into the USB port.
At 'Start Charging' select Yes.
The scanner will display a power symbol (
) in the battery status area if the scanner is on.
The charging LED on the front of the scanner turns red while the HP-2 is charging. When charging is complete, the LED turns green.
Note: The HomePatrol retains your selection for 1 hour after you disconnect external power. If you reconnect within that hour, it will automatically resume charging according to your last selection.

Text Tagging

Text Tagging is fairly straight forward.
When ever you see the text field and keyboard select the button in the lower right for the type of characters;
uppercase-ABCDEF, lowercase-abcdef, numbers and special characters-123&?@.
Tap Space for a space. Tap
 to erase. Press and hold  to erase all.

Using the Start-up Wizard Contents
The first time you turn on your HomePatrol (or anytime you 'Clear User Data') it will run the startup wizard that will allow you to install the HomePatrol Sentinel software. It will also allow you to set a location by zip code and select channels from the Full Database with the default service types to monitor. To run the startup wizard again anytime, press and hold the Help button.
Installing the Sentinel Software
HomePatrol's Sentinel Software allows you to manage your profiles, Favorites Lists, the database, and firmware updates/upgrades. To download the latest version of Sentinel go to the HomePatrol TWiki. When you turn the scanner on for the first time (or reset it), it will recommend that you connect the scanner to your computer and install the Sentinel software. This is an optional step. You don't need to remove any previous version of the software. Turn on the scanner. Connect the scanner to your computer using the supplied USB cable. The screen turns white when connected to the computer. HomePatrol will install to your computer like an additional drive. If the setup program doesn't autorun, navigate to the setup.exe file in the Setup folder on the microSD card and double-click it. Disconnect the cable when the installation is complete.

Top Toolbar

Sentinel Toolbar and Menus There are also various options for items in their right-click menus.
File Menu

New... click to create a new profile.
Open... click to open a profile.

Save click to save a profile.

Save As... click to save a profile with a different name.
Import from hpe file... click to import a list.
Export to hpe file... click to export a list.
Export to kml file... click to save lists as kml file to open with Google Earth.

Edit Menu

Edit Profile... click to edit the current profile.
Edit Favorites List... click to select list or create a new list.

Add Channels on Range...
Sort Favorites List...

View Menu

Motorola/P25 TGID Format click to select Decimal or Hexadecimal.
EDACS TGID Format click to select AFS Format or Decimal Format.

HomePatrol Menu

Read from HomePatrol... 
Write to HomePatrol... 

Clear User Data... 

Update Menu

Update Firmware... 
Update Master HPDB... 

Tools Menu

Discovery Log Viewer...
Activity Log Viewer...
allows you to set the default folder to save profiles in and reconstruct the database.

Help Menu

Contents shows the help file.
About... shows the software version and revision.

Favorites List Toolbar

Updating the Firmware
Uniden will release firmware updates to improve functionality, add new features, or address issues found with the existing firmware. Sentinel will need to connect to the Internet to check for the current version.
To Update the HomePatrol Firmware:
1. Plug in the scanner’s AC adapter or ensure that the scanner has fully charged batteries installed.
2. Connect your scanner to the computer using the supplied USB cable and turn the scanner on. If prompted, select 'Mass Storage'.
3. Start Sentinel on your computer. Note: The computer must be connected to the Internet for the following steps.
4. In Sentinel, select Update > Update Firmware… Sentinel checks the web for the latest firmware and writes it to your scanner.
5. When Sentinel completes writing to your scanner, disconnect the USB cable. The scanner then applies the update and reboots.
To Use the Extreme Features, you need to update the firmware to at least version 2 first, then buy and apply a registration key available at the HomePatrol TWiki. When you complete the purchase, you will be given a 32-digit key that is specific to the serial number on your scanner.
To apply the key:
1. Turn on the scanner.
2. Select MENU > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Register Advanced.
3. Key in the registration key and select ACCEPT. This unlocks all Extreme features.
After upgrading to the Extreme version, the scanner will prompt you to select 'Mass Storage' or 'Serial' mode when you connect it to a computer. Use 'Mass Storage' mode for database updates, firmware updates, and connection to the computer for uploading and downloading profiles. Serial Mode will be used for audio streaming, raw data output, and serial control modes.
Updating the Database
The HomePatrol website updates the database every week. When you update through Sentinel it checks the website for the most current database and downloads it to the software. You can then upload it to the scanner. If you want to submit corrections or additions to the database got to the Radio Reference database and click the Submit Info button.
To update the database in Sentinel select Update > Update Master HPDB…
Note: Favorites Lists are not updated when channels change in the main database.
HomePatrol uses the following databases:
Radio System Database – provided by www.radioreference.com, contains radio system information including frequencies, trunked talk groups, and geographic locations for radio systems across most of North America.
ZIP Code Geographic Database – provides geographical coordinates for every zip code in the US and every postal code in Canada.
Radio Reference SysID Database – contains system ID and geographic location information for trunked radio systems across North America.
City Location Database – includes the center point of most named cities and counties.

Using General Help
The Help button provides information on topics related to each screen you are viewing. Pressing the little 'book' icon will present the help menu. Pressing or will allow you to scroll through the general help topics.
General Help file is also located on the microSD card (if you plug the scanner into your USB port).
Navigate to HP > HomePatrol > firmware and you can open the "HomePatrol_Help_XX_XX_XXXX.hphml" file with WordPad then format it and save it as you please.

A Look at the Display Contents

The HomePatrol Main screen is the screen you will see when scanning. It displays the names of the transmission you are listening to. From that screen, you can also access other screens that let you adjust various settings and manage HomePatrol features and settings.

The three center rows of the Main screen display the system, department, and channel associated with the transmission. If you want to hold on any of these, tap on it. HomePatrol will hold and monitor that specific level until you tap it again. A lock icon on that row displays to indicate the hold.

When you tap on the
(arrow) on the right side of each line a side menu pop-up appears. You can select from a set of options for that level.

Managing Profiles Contents
A profile contains all your configuration settings as well as all of your Favorites Lists, Avoids, and system settings. If you create a new profile your Favorites Lists will automatically be associated with the new profile. Remember that all Favorites Lists are common to all profiles. Enabling and disabling Favorites Lists within a profile is part of defining a profile. Deleting a profile will not delete the lists associated with a profile. However, deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.
In Sentinel:

To Create a New Profile Click the New Profile button or File > New... type a name for the profile then click OK.
To Save a Profile Click the Save Profile button or File > Save to save the profile in the default folder.
File > Save as... to save the profile with a different name.

To Open a Profile Click the Open Profile button or File > Open... and select the profile then click OK.
To Edit a Profile Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile to edit the current profile.
To Delete a Profile Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile select the profile then click Delete.

With the Scanner:
You automatically start to create a profile once you enter your location. Other settings such as range, service types selected, enabled Favorites Lists, weather settings, display and audio settings also define a profile. The scanner can only contain one profile at a time. Others can be uploaded to the scanner only with the Sentinel Software.

Service Types  
Not all service types are enabled automatically when you create a new profile or set your first location in the scanner. By default only EMS Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, Law Dispatch, and Multi-Dispatch are enabled.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Service Types Tab
Check or uncheck service types to enable or disable for the current profile.
With the Scanner: Menu > Select Service Types

Scroll up or down with or to page then tap a service to enable or disable channels matching that service type. Selected services are highlighted in orange. When using a Favorites List, only those service types included in the list are selectable. Others are grayed out. * = default.

Service Type Description
Aircraft For civilian aircraft and air traffic control operations most typically in the 118-136 MHz and 225-380 MHz bands in AM mode.
Business Most business related entities not covered by other tags.
Corrections Jail/prison operations and other corrections activities, including federal prisons.
Emergency Ops Emergency Operation Centers and similar emergency management or disaster related operations.
EMS Dispatch* Ambulance dispatch, including rescue squads.
EMS-Tac Ambulance on-scene communications, tactical operations and secondary channels.
EMS-Talk Ambulance talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.
Federal All federal government operations (except corrections, traditional law enforcement patrol and fire/EMS operations).
Fire Dispatch* Fire dispatch, including combined fire/ambulance dispatch.
Fire-Tac Fireground, tactical and on-scene communications, including combined fire/ambulance operations.
Fire-Talk Fire talk-around and car-to-car operations, chiefs, supervisors, etc., including combined fire/ambulance operations.
Ham Any amateur radio assignment.
Hospital Ambulance-to-Hospital communications and patient reports.
Interop Interoperability communications, cross-agency communications, mutual aid, etc.
Law Dispatch* Law enforcement dispatch.
Law-Tac Law enforcement tactical, SWAT, on-scene, surveillance and specific sub-agency communications.
Law Talk Law enforcement talk-around, car-to-car and supervisor operations.
Media Newspapers, television and broadcast radio operations.
Military Military operations, e.g., range control, air-to-air combat, etc.
Multi-Dispatch* Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance dispatch.
Multi-Tac Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance tactical and on-scene communications.
Multi-Talk Combined law enforcement and fire/ambulance tactical talk-around and car-to-car operations.
Public Works Public agency non-public safety communications. This includes any non-public safety government services, such as trash, streets, roads, sewer, zoos, administration, maintenance, animal control, community initiatives, code compliance, etc.
Race Officials Available for use to identify officials frequencies for racing events.
Race Teams Available for use to identify team frequencies for racing events.
Railroad All common carrier railroad communications.
Schools School-related communications (schools, school buses, football games, etc.).
Security Non-law enforcement security operations, including private security companies, noncommissioned government agency security, school security, etc.
Transportation Public and private bus, taxi, and public passenger rail communications.
Utilities Private electric, water, natural gas, phone, cable TV, etc. operations.
Custom 1-8 (firmware v2 or later) Custom 1 is default for new channels. Custom 2-8 can be used for custom groups of channels in systems, sites, etc..

Radio Settings  
Audio Options Set Auto Shutoff Avoid (Lockout) Options Standby Options
Display Options Set Clock Mute Options Restore Options
Owner Information Set Charge Time Replay Options Version Information


Audio Options
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Miscellaneous Tab
With the scanner: Menu > Audio Options
  Audio AGC tap to toggle On or Off. AGC (Automatic Gain Control) attempts to equalize the audio volume for different channels.
Note that AGC cannot compensate for extreme volume differences.

Screen Tap tap to select Auto (the scanner sets the tap sound to the master volume level), Soft, Loud, or Off.

Hidden Options (HP2 only). These are test setting brought over from the HP-1 that may or may not help with P25 reception. I you aren't having any problem you should not need to adjust these.
Press and hold
the gray box in the bottom right of the screen. P25 Filter and P25 Mode will appear. Press and hold again and P25 Logging On will appear.
See also this post.
P25 Filter tap to toggle A or B. B may work better for simulcast systems.
P25 Mode
tap to toggle Auto, Level 5-13. Allows you to adjust the threshold setting for a better (lower) error rate.
P25 Logging Lets you view decoding information under the system name and creates a log file in the HomePatrol/debug folder on the SD card.
Display Options
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Miscellaneous Tab
View > Motorola/P25 TGID Format
View > EDACS TGID Format
With the scanner: Menu > Display Options
Set Contrast tap then tap slider to adjust.
Set Backlight Level tap then tap slider to adjust.
Auto Dim tap to toggle On or Off.
  When Auto Dim is on, the display dims 15 seconds after the transmission ends and brightens during a transmission.
Auto Dim will also dim the display if there is 15 seconds with no keypad activity.
Power Save tap to toggle On or Off.
The scanner turns off power for 1 second and turns it on for 300 ms when you monitor a channel/frequency that has no activity for more than a minute (if it works like 'Battery Save' on previous scanners).
Note: No Icon will appear in the display to tell you if the battery save feature is on or off.
Unit ID Display tap to select Mode 1, Mode 2 or Off.
  Mode 1 - Unit ID information appears in the second line of the Channel Bar.
Mode 2 - Unit ID information appears on the bottom line of the Channel bar. the service type and TGID information will not dispay.
Motorola/P25 TGID Format tap to toggle DEC or HEX.
EDACS TGID Format tap to toggle DEC or AFS.
Font Size tap to select 8, 9, 10.5, or 12.
Owner Information Allows you to type 6 lines with up to 37 characters per line.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Miscellaneous Tab
With the scanner: Menu > Owner Information > Change

Set Auto Shutoff (scanner only) Allows you to have the radio shut off after a certain amount of time and also set the standby mode.
Menu > Advanced Menu > Set Auto Shutoff
Turn Off In: tap + or - to select 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 minutes or 1, 2, or 3 hours.
Shutoff Mode: tap to select All Off, Clock Standby or WX Standby.

Set Clock
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Advanced Settings Tab
Time Format tap a/p/24 to select AM/PM or 24hr format.
Time Zone tap to select time zone.
Daylight Savings Time tap DST: Yes or No.
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Set Clock
At the blinking prompts type time, tap to toggle AM or PM or 24hr format, type month/day/year, tap to select time zone, tap to toggle DST, tap accept.

Set Charge Time (scanner only) Allows you to set the charge time based on battery capacity (in mAh). Max setting is 2300.
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Set Charge Time
At the blinking prompt enter the battery capacity. Tap accept.


Avoid (Lockout) Options Allows you to set default avoid option and review the avoid list.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Advanced Settings Tab
To Review Avoided systems, departments, and channels, in the left pane on the main screen click on the + next to (or double-click) each system or department/site to expand. Items highlighted in red are avoided.
To Clear any Avoid, right-click any item and select Clear Avoid or select item and click the clear avoid button .
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Avoid Options
Default Avoid: tap to toggle Temporary or Permanent.
Review Avoid List use or to page then tap item to clear avoid or tap Clear All Avoids.
Mute Options
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Advanced Settings Tab
With the scanner: Press and hold Mute or Menu > Advanced Menu > Mute Options
Default Mute tap to select 5, 15, 30 seconds or 1, 2 minutes or Permanent (until you tap to unmute).
Mute Level tap to select level 0 (full mute), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Silence tap to select Keytap, Reception or Both.
Replay Options
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Advanced Settings Tab
With the scanner: Press and hold Replay or Menu > Advanced Menu Replay Options
Set Replay Duration tap to select 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, or 240 sec.
Review Recordings tap to select recordings. Tap to Play, Delete, or Rename recording session.
Standby Options Allows you to set the standby options. The display will operate for one minute only unless you tap the screen.
Weather Standby may deplete the batteries within 3-6 hours.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Advanced Settings Tab
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu Standby Options
Default Mode External Power tap to select All Off, Clock Standby or WX Standby.
Notes: If the power goes off then back on with no batteries installed in Weather Standby Mode, the scanner will resume in scan mode.
If the power goes off then back on with no batteries installed in Clock Standby Mode, the scanner stays off.
If the power goes off then back on with batteries installed in either standby mode, the scanner will resume in the 'Default Mode Battery Power' setting.
Default Mode Battery Power tap to select All Off, Clock Standby or WX Standby.
Restore Options Allows you to clear all user data (full reset) or reset just profile settings to default.
In Sentinel: Click the Clear User Data button or HomePatrol > Clear User Data...
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu Restore Options
Clear User Data (full reset) will delete all favorites lists, reset all profile options to default, clear all avoids, delete all recording sessions, all discovery and analyze logs, and all weather event records.
Reset User Settings (Scanner Only) will just reset all profile options to default.
Version Information Allows you to view the scanner firmware version, database version, and ESN (serial number) or Sentinel software version.
In Sentinel: Help > About...
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu Version Information

Setting Your Location and Range

Enter Zip Code Auto-Locate Set Scan Range Review/Rename/Change/Delete Location
Enter City Manual Location Input Save Location Understanding Range
Enter Zip Code will set the center of a zip/postal code as your location and a default scan range of 10 miles.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab
To Create a Location click Zip/Postal and enter the zip/postal code then click OK. Use the drop-down arrow and select the range. Click Append to give this location a name and click OK to save it.
The location in blue type is the current location.
With the scanner: Menu > Set Your Location > Enter Zip Code > USA/Canada
Enter the zip or postal code and tap Accept.
See below to set the range then name and save the location.
Enter City (scanner only) will set the center of a city as your location and a default scan range of 20 miles.
Menu > Set Your Location > Enter City
Type enough relevant characters to be able to select your city from a short list (or nothing for the whole list) and tap Accept. Example: SPRINGF for Springfield.
Scroll down (if you have to) using
to select the correct city and tap Accept.
See below to set the range then name and save the location.
Auto-Locate (scanner only) will set the center of the discovered radio tower as your location and a default scan range of 30 miles.
Menu > Set Your Location > Auto Locate
The Auto Locate feature works by trying to monitor any Motorola or P25 system in your area that is also in the RR database. The scanner will then set your location based on the system(s) it receives.
See below to set the range then name and save the location.
Manual Location Input will set your precise location and a default scan range of 0 miles.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab
To Create a Location select the GPS format in GPS Options.
Enter the latitude and longitude (remember to include negative - for west) then use the drop-down arrow and select the range.
Click Append to give this location a name and click OK to save it.
The location in blue type is the current location.
With the scanner: Menu > Set Your Location > Manual Location Input Tap the GPS format button in the lower right to select DD.dddd or DMS.
If you make a mistake use
to erase. Press and hold to clear the line.
For decimal degrees input:
Enter the latitude (you need to add 6 decimal places ex: 39123456 for 39.123456) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and 6 decimal places ex: 081123400 for 81 12' 34.00), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be, then tap Accept.
See below to set the range then name and save the location.
For degrees, minutes, and seconds input:
Enter the latitude (you need to add 2 decimal places ex: 40583608 for 40 58' 36.08) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and add 2 decimal places ex: 085583608 for 85 58' 36.08), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be, then tap Accept.
See below to set the range then name and save the location.


Set Range lets you override the default range setting for your current location to increase or decrease the number of channels you can receive. Actually, it increases or decreases the number of sites and departments you can receive when you are scanning from the Full Database and when you are scanning Favorites Lists with Use Location Control enabled.
See also Understanding Range.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab

To Reset the Range for a Saved Location you will actually have to delete the old location and create a new one.
Select (or right click) the location name and click Recall.
Click Remove to delete the location.
The location data doesn’t change.
Use the drop-down arrow to change the range.
Click Append to give the new location the original name and click OK to save it.

With the scanner: Tap the Range button or Menu > Set Your Location > Set Range Tap + or - to set the range.


Understanding Range

1. The range setting will only work with Favorites Lists that have Use Location Control set to On and with Departments/Sites that have locations programmed. Everything in the Full Database also has locations programmed. If you manually program Departments/Sites with no location information included and set 'Use Location Control' to Off, the range setting will have no effect on them because the scanner doesn’t know where they are.

2. You will receive Departments/Sites that have a range equal to your location range setting plus the programmed range of the Departments and Sites. For example, if your location range is set to 10 miles and a Department/Site range is set to 30 miles, and that Department/Site is less than 40 miles away from your current location setting, it will be enabled in your Favorites List according to both range settings.

3. When you plug a GPS device into the scanner, the scan range is reset to 0 miles by default and will stay there until you change the range setting.
Unplugging the GPS will not restore the previous range setting.

4. If you use Add Current dB Channels from a list with a 20 mile range (selected location by city) and then set the range to 30 miles, Location Control will not add the other channels included in that extra 10 mile range.


Save Location This will save the current location, the range, and set the location as current for scanning the Full Database and Favorites Lists with Use Location Control enabled.

In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab
Click the Append button to name the location.

With the scanner: Menu > Set Your Location > Save Location
Type a name for the location and tap Accept. Tap Listen to exit.


Review/Rename/Change/Delete Location
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab

To use a different location select (or right click) the location name and click Recall. The location in blue type is the current location.
To rename a location
select (or right click) the location name and click Recall. Click Append and rename it. Select (or right click) the old location name and click Remove.
To delete a location select (or right click) the location name and click Remove.

With the scanner: Menu > Set Your Location > Review Location

To review a location tap the location name.
To rename a location
tap the location name then press Rename. Type the new name and press Accept.
To use a different location
tap the location name then press Use Location.
To delete a location tap the location name then press Delete.

Managing Favorites Lists  
Creating Favorites Lists   Export List to a kml File
  Adding Channels to a List Program/Edit Other Systems Copy a List
  Create a List when you Find a Channel Review/Edit Channels Rename List
  Create a List Manually Review Avoids Move/Sort Favorites Lists
Use Location Control Selecting Lists to Scan/Download Delete List
Programming Systems from the Database Export/Import a List  
Creating Favorites Lists
The easiest way to create a list with the scanner is to set your location, range, service types, select (or turn off) nationwide systems, and 'Avoid' anything you don't want to hear from the Full Database (using the side menus), then create a new list and use the Add Current Channels feature to import the channels into the new list. This also allows you to set up lists for future locations.

Or, in the software, you can use
Add Channels On Range for the current location (or specify a location), set the range, service types, and then import channels from the database to a new list. This also allows you to set up lists for other locations.

Another way is to create an empty list in the software and append (add) systems, departments, or channels from the Full Database. (All) sites for trunking systems will be brought in with the systems.

1. Some sites/departments will have a very large programmed range which means you may hear stuff from another state.
2. Some channels will have service types that (according to you) are not correct and you won't want to hear them.
3. You can't edit anything in the database. You'll need to add stuff to a Favorites List to do that.
4. You can't search for unknown TGIDs in trunked systems.

And, If you want to program everything manually, use the software to create and edit favorites lists. If you have the Extreme version, you can create empty lists and manually program systems, sites, departments, and channels into the lists using only the scanner. See
Programming Systems with the Scanner.
Adding Channels to a List
In Sentinel: Edit > Add Channels on Range... This feature will allow you to use the current location (or enter a location by zip/postcode or lat/long), enter the range, and the select service types for the channels you want to monitor then add those channels to a new (or different) list. This includes any selected lists and/or the Full Database.
Clicking OK will allow you Create a List or Select a List to save the channels in.
Notes: Only departments and sites with programmed locations will be added. Any avoided system/site/department/channel (red text) will not be added.
  With the scanner: Menu > Manage Favorites Lists > Create New List (or select list to add channels to) > Add Current Channels will add all channels from all selected lists (and the Full Database if selected) you are currently monitoring to a new (or different) list.
Tap 'Yes' to confirm. Tap 'Use this List' if you want to monitor the new list.
Notes: Any avoided system/site/department/channel will not be added.
When adding channels from the Full Database, only channels that are inside the set range, and from the selected service types are added to the new list.
When adding channels from a Favorites List that has 'Use Location Control' is set to 'Yes', only channels that are inside the set range, and from the selected service types are added to the new list.
When adding channels from a Favorites List that has 'Use Location Control' is set to 'No', only channels that are from the selected service types are added to the new list.
Create a List when you Find a Channel You can create a list and add a channel while scanning.
When you are receiving the channel, tap the channel side menu then Advanced > Add to Favorites List.
The first time you use this option you will see OK and Cancel. Tap OK to continue. Tap New in the lower right, give the list a name, and tap Accept. Use or to page then tap the list to add the channel to the list. You will return to the 'Advanced Channel' menu where you can edit the channel (with Extreme only) or tap Listen to return to scanning.
The next time you use this option the scanner will remember the last list you chose and you will see OK, Cancel, and Other List for options. Tap OK to save into the last list saved into or Other List to create another new list.
Create a List Manually
In Sentinel: Click the Create New Favorites List button or Edit > Edit Favorites List > New Favorites List
Type a name and click OK. You now have an empty list.
With the scanner: Menu > Manage Favorites Lists > Create New List
Type a name and tap Accept. You now have an empty list.


Use Location Control  allows you to enable or disable channels scanned in the list based on your location. Actually, it enables/disables Sites and Departments in Favorites Lists (as long as they have locations programmed) based on your current location and scan range settings. Location Control is always enabled when scanning from the Full Database

To use Location Control, you have to enable it for each Favorites List (default is No). You also need to have locations programmed for sites and departments in each list (you can’t program a location for a system). With 'Use Location Control' set to Yes, the scanner only sees Departments/Sites with programmed locations. Any Department/Site with no location information programmed will not be scanned. If you append (add) a System/Department to a list from the database, the locations will be brought in with each System/Department you append. With Use Location Control set to No, the scanner will enable all Sites and Departments in your Favorites List no matter what the scan range or Site/Department range is set to. 

You don’t need a GPS to scan by location if all of the following apply:
1. You have 'Use Location Control' set to On for the list.
2. You have set your location (by zip code, city, Auto Locate, or manually) or select a location.
3. Your Departments and Sites have locations programmed. 

The scanner then compares your location data with site and department data to determine which channels to scan.  

Conceivably, you could program everything you want to hear into one Favorites List and scan just by selecting locations rather than enabling/disabling lists. If you are traveling long distances a GPS device would be a better way to go (unless you want to keep changing your location).

In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Favorites Lists Tab
Select each Favorites List (or right click Favorites List) and click on Yes or No next to Use Location Control.
With the scanner: Menu > Manage Favorites Lists (select list) > Use Location Control
Tap to toggle Yes or No .
Note: If all your departments/sites don't have locations programmed with Use Location Control set to Yes for your list, you will see All channels that are in range have been avoided... because there are no locations (programmed) to scan. Select Menu then Manage Favorites Lists, select the list and toggle Use Location Control to No .
Programming Systems from the Database (Sentinel only)
To append (add) a System, Department, or Channel:
Expand the database by clicking the '+' next to each country/state/province/county. You can then open Nationwide, Statewide, or County systems and finally select systems and departments. Click (select) an item in the left pane to view systems/departments/etc. in the right pane.
Right-click and select Append Favorites List... to select a list and click OK to add each system, department, or channel (individual sites can't be added).
Program/Edit Other Systems (Sentinel only)
Click on the Edit Favorites List button or Edit > Edit Favorites Lists...
Click the list to select where you want to program a system (or New Favorites List) and click OK.
To Create a New System
, at the Systems tab, click the append icon
and give the system a name, select the system type from the dropdown menu, and click OK.
To Edit a System, click on the system in the left pane to see System tabs.
Departments tab- allows you to append , delete , move up or down , and sort Departments.
Sites tab- allows you to append , delete , move up or down , and sort Sites (for trunking systems).
Unit IDs tab- allows you to append , delete , move up or down , and sort Unit IDs (for trunking systems except LTR systems).
Options tab

System Name- type a name.
Avoid- sets the avoid status.
ID:Search- if checked will include all IDs not programmed.
Status Bit- Yes enables status bits in Motorola systems.
Emergency Alert-
sets how your scanner handles IDs that have the emergency flag set (Motorola/EDACS systems).
P25 NAC- allows you to set or search for NAC tones (P25 one-trunk systems).

Fleet Map tab- allows you to program a fleet map for Motorola systems. Defaults to S-0 for all blocks (Motorola Type II system).


To Create a New Department, click on the system in the left pane to select where you want to create a department and click the Departments tab. Click to create a department.
To Edit a Department, click on the department in the left pane to see Department
Channels tab- allows you to append , delete , move up or down , and sort channels.
Options tab

Department Name- type a name.
Avoid- sets the avoid status.

Location tab- allows you to set the location type, latitude, longitude, and range. Click View > Location Format to select DMS or decimal degrees-DEG.
You can program both location types but only use one type at a time (1 circle or multiple rectangles).

If you set the location type to Circle, you can set the range from the location you want to monitor.
If you set the location type to Rectangles, you can append
or delete up to 32 rectangular locations.
Use longitude1 and latitude1 to specify one corner of the rectangle and longitude2 and latitude2 to specify the opposite corner.
To Create a New Site, click on the system in the left pane to select where you want to create a site and click the Sites tab. Click to create a site.
To Edit a Site, click on the site in the left pane to see Site
Frequencies tab- allows you to append , delete , move up or down , and sort trunking frequencies.
Options tab

Site name- type a name.
Avoid- sets the avoid status.
Modulation- sets the modulation (Motorola/EDACS/LTR sites).
Band Type- allows you to select wide-band or narrow-band for EDACS sites.
Attenuation- sets the attenuation.

Band Plan tab- allows you to select the band type or program a custom band plan for Motorola and P25 systems.
Location tab- allows you to set the location type, latitude, longitude, and range. Click View > Location Format to select DMS or decimal degrees-DEG.
You can program both location types but only use one type at a time (1 circle or multiple rectangles).

If you set the location type to Circle, you can set the range from the location you want to monitor.
If you set the location type to Rectangles, you can append
or delete up to 32 rectangular locations.
Use longitude1 and latitude1 to specify one corner of the rectangle and longitude2 and latitude2 to specify the opposite corner.
To Create a New Channel, click on the department in the left pane to select where you want to create a channel and click the Channels tab. Click to create a channel.
To Edit a Channel, click on the department in the left pane then select the Channels
There are a number of ways to edit the channel options using basic windows features and keyboard shortcuts. This is just one way.

Channel Name- when you append a new channel the name is highlighted ready for text entry. To edit click in the name field twice (not double-click).
Avoid- click in the avoid status field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to toggle Off or On.
Frequency- (conventional channel) click in the frequency field twice (not double-click) to highlighted and enter the frequency.
Modulation- (conventional channel) click in the modulation field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to select the modulation.
Audio Option- (conventional channel) click in the audio option field then select the Audio Type and CTCSS/DCS/NAC options. If you are not sure select All.
TGID- (trunking channel) Click View > Motorola/P25/EDACS TGID Format to select the ID format. Click in the TGID field twice (not double-click) to highlighted and enter the talkgroup ID.
Audio Type- (motorola channel) click in the audio type field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to select the Digital or Analog.
Service Type- click in the service type field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to select the Service Type.
Attenuator- (conventional channel) click in the attenuator field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to toggle Off or On.
Delay- click in the delay field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to select the delay.
A negative delay will force a resume after that number of seconds.
Channel Alert- click in the channel alert field then select the Alert Tone and Alert Volume options.
Volume Offset- click in the volume offset field twice (not double-click) to show the drop-down arrow and click to select the volume offset.



Review/Edit Channels (scanner only) You can only append single channels, not systems/departments/sites, to favorites lists from the database or, delete single channels from favorites lists (not the database) using the scanner unless you have the extreme version-see Programming Systems with the Scanner.
Menu > Manage Favorites Lists (select list) > Review/Edit Channels
To add a channel from the database tap Add Channel. Select the country then state/province, then county.
Select nationwide, statewide, or county systems then select a system, department, and channel. Tap Add Channel. The channel will be added to the last department (?).

To delete a channel use or to page and tap the Channel. Tap Delete Channel.
Tip: Pressing and holding or will page faster.
Review Avoids will allow you to review and clear selected or all avoided systems, departments, sites, or channels in a Favorites List or the Full Database.
In Sentinel: Click to select the favorites list or database entry then click the Review Avoids button . Click the department or site to clear then Clear Avoid or Clear All Avoids.
With the scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Avoid Options > Review Avoid List
Tap each system, department, site, or channel to remove the avoid or Clear All Avoids to remove all.
To clear single channel avoids see Edit Channel.
Selecting Lists to Scan/Download
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Favorites List Tab
Selecting each list (or right click) then select On or Off next to Monitor or Download.
Selecting Monitor On will also select Download On. Selecting Download Off will also select Monitor Off.
Check "Monitor Full Database" if you want to include it with your Favorites Lists.
With the scanner:
If you want to scan just the Full Database, Menu > Manage Favorites List > Select Database to Monitor > Only Full Database
If you want to scan just one list,
Menu > Manage Favorites List > (select list) > Use This List
If you want to scan multiple lists, Menu > Manage Favorites List > Select Database to Monitor > Use Multiple Lists
Use or to page and tap each list (and/or the Full Database) to turn on (orange) or off (gray).
See also Other Option Menu.
Import/Export a List (Sentinel only) will allow you to import or save a Favorites List.
To export a list click the File > Export to hpe file... Select the list you wish to export and click OK. Select the systems to export and click OK. Name the list, navigate to a location, and click Save.
To import a list click the File
> Import from hpe file... Select the list or create a new list (and name) you wish to import into. Navigate to a location containing a hpe file and click Open.
Export List to a kml File (Sentinel only)
You can export selected lists to a kml file that will allow you to see (programmed) locations (circle only) for departments (not sites) for your current location in programs like Google Earth.
The feature will only export enabled Favorites Lists (lists with Monitor set to On).

1. Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Favorites Lists Tab
2. Enable each list by selecting the list (or right clicking) then selecting On next to Monitor.
3. Uncheck Monitor Full Database or you will get a huge file for the whole database.
4. Close the Profile window and click
File > Export to kml file...
5. Select the range (All will include nationwide departments) for the departments you want to see and check Open Google Earth after Exporting.
6. You will be presented with a window that allows you to save the kml file. Navigate to a location (or use the default) and click Save.



Copy a List will allow you to copy and rename a Favorites List.
In Sentinel: Select the list and click the Copy Favorites List button
Type a name for the new list and click OK.
With the scanner: You will actually have to make the list you want to copy as current, create a new list, and then use Add Current Channels to the new list.
Tap Menu > Manage Favorites List > (select list to copy) > Use This List.
Tap Menu > Manage Favorites Lists > Create New List Type a name and tap Accept.
Tap Add Current Channels. Tap Use This List if you want to set the new list as current.
Rename List

In Sentinel: Select the list and click the Rename Favorites List button

Type in a new name and press OK.

With the scanner: Menu > Manage Favorites Lists (select list) > Rename List

Type in a new name and tap Accept.


Move/Sort Favorites Lists (Sentinel only)

Click Edit > Sort Favorites Lists...

Select and click to move up, or to move down.
to sort. On window exit click Yes to "Save Order of Favorites Lists?"
For new order to appear in scanner you need to check Erase Favorites Lists when you Write to HomePatrol.

Delete List Remember all Favorites Lists are common to all profiles. Deleting a Favorites List will delete it from all profiles.
In Sentinel: Select the list and click the Delete button
Press OK to confirm.
With the scanner: Menu > Manage Favorites Lists (select list) > Delete List
Tap Yes to confirm.
You can't delete Favorites Lists that are in use. Select and use a list you are going to keep first.

Write To/Read From HomePatrol  


To Write to HomePatrol plug the scanner into your computer and select 'Mass Storage' if prompted. Click the HomePatrol menu in Sentinel and select Write to HomePatrol.
Use the write options to erase your favorites lists or update the database in you scanner if desired. Select your microSD card (if you have more than one) and click OK.

To Read from HomePatrol plug the scanner into your computer and select 'Mass Storage' if prompted. Click the HomePatrol menu in Sentinel and select Read from HomePatrol.
Select your microSD card (if you have more than one) and click OK.

It's also a good idea to backup the HomePatrol folder on the microSD card to your computer in case you have to reformat the card.

Changing Locations Holding... Using Global Attenuation Muting Audio
Selecting Favorites Lists to Scan System Side Menu Setting the Squelch Quick Frequency Entry
Selecting Service Types Department Side Menu Changing the Range Locking/Unlocking the Screen
Turning Nationwide Systems On/Off Channel Side Menu Replaying/Recording Transmissions  
To scan your Favorites List just tap the 'Listen' button.
Changing Locations
Menu > Set Your Location > Review Locations > (select location)
Tap Use Location.
Selecting Favorites Lists to Scan
If you want to scan multiple lists, Menu > Manage Favorites List > Select Database to Monitor > Use Multiple Lists
Use or to page and tap each list (and/or the Full Database) to turn on (orange) or off (gray).
If you want to scan just one list,
Menu > Manage Favorites List > (select list) > Use This List
If you want to scan just the Full Database, Menu > Manage Favorites List > Select Database to Monitor > Only Full Database
Other Option Menu After you have selected a list (or lists) to monitor and the channels have been added the 'Other Option' menu will appear for about 3 seconds. This will allow you to change the range, change your location, change service types monitored, or to again change your list(s) to monitor. Quickly tap Other Option.
Selecting Service Types
Menu > Select Service Types
Scroll up or down with or to page then tap a service to enable or disable channels matching that service type. Selected services are highlighted in orange. When using a Favorites List, only those service types included in the list are selectable. Others are grayed out. By default only EMS Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, Law Dispatch, and Multi-Dispatch are enabled.
Turning Nationwide Systems On/Off You can select Nationwide system only when monitoring from the Full Database.
Menu > Advanced Menu > Select Nationwide Systems
Use or to page and tap system to turn on (orange) or off (gray).
Holding on Systems/Departments/Channels
To hold on any system, department or channel simply tap it. Tap it again to release hold mode.
System Side Menu When you tap on the  (arrow) on the right side of the System line a side menu pop-up appears. You can select from a set of options for that level.
Avoid Tap to avoid the system then tap OK or Make Permanent or Make Temporary (depending on the default avoid option) or Cancel.
Sites (not with Extreme)
Gray sites indicate sites enabled by range. Red (grapefruit?) sites indicate sites disabled by range. Orange sites are avoided sites.
Use or to page then tap the site to see site details.
Tap Band Plan to view the Band Plan for Motorola/APCO25 systems.
Tap Avoid Site (or Stop Avoiding) to set avoid status.
Tap Site Frequencies to view the site frequencies.
Use or to page then tap the frequency to listen to a frequency.
Advanced (Extreme only)
Edit Current System (programmed systems only, not database systems)
See Programming Systems with the Scanner.
Site Information
Gray sites indicate sites enabled by range. Red (grapefruit?) sites indicate sites disabled by range. Orange sites are avoided sites.
Use or to page then tap the site to see site details.
Tap Band Plan to view the Band Plan for Motorola/APCO25 systems.
Tap Avoid Site to set avoid status.
Tap Site Frequencies to view the site frequencies.
Use or to page then tap the frequency to listen to a frequency.
Analyze System
See Trunked System Analyzer.
Discovery Mode
See Discovery Mode.
Info Explains the type of system you are monitoring and shows the number of departments and channels in the system.
Prev Selects the previous system in the list.
Next Selects the next system in the list.
Department Side Menu When you tap on the  (arrow) on the right side of the Department line a side menu pop-up appears. You can select from a set of options for that level.
Avoid Tap to avoid the department then tap OK or Make Permanent or Make Temporary (depending on the default avoid option) or Cancel.
Advanced (Extreme only)
Edit Current Department (programmed departments only, not database departments)
See Edit Department.
Info Shows the number of channels in the department.
Prev Selects the previous department the system.
Next Selects the next department the system.
Channel Side Menu When you tap on the  (arrow) on the right side of the Channel line a side menu pop-up appears. You can select from a set of options for that level.
Avoid Tap to avoid the channel then tap OK or Make Permanent or Make Temporary (depending on the default avoid option) or Cancel.
Edit Current Channel (Extreme only; programmed channels only, not database channels)
See Edit Department.
Add to Favorites List (programmed channels only, not database channels)
The first time you use this option you will see OK and Cancel. Tap OK to continue. Tap New in the lower right, give the list a name, and tap Accept. Use or to page then tap the list to add the channel to the list. You will return to the 'Advanced Channel' menu (Extreme only) where you can edit the channel or tap Listen to return to scanning.
The next time you use this option the scanner will remember the last list you chose and you will see OK, Cancel, and Other List for options. Tap OK to save into the last list saved into or Other List to create another new list.
Save Sub Audio (conventional channel) will save the CTCSS or DCS tone/code for the channel. Note: the display will not show the tone/code if it is saved(?).
Save Talk Group ID (trunking channel)
The first time you use this option you will see OK and Cancel. Tap OK to continue. Tap New in the lower right, give the list a name, and tap Accept. Use or to page then tap the list to add the channel to the list. You will return to the 'Advanced Channel' menu (Extreme only) where you can edit the channel or tap Listen to return to scanning.
The next time you use this option the scanner will remember the last list you chose and you will see OK, Cancel, and Other List for options. Tap OK to save into the last list saved into or Other List to create another new list.
Save Unit ID (trunking channel) will save the unit ID to the system.
Tap Edit Name to tag the unit ID.
Tap Edit ID to change the ID.
Tap Set Alert to select the Alert Tone (1-9). Press Next to select the Alert Level (1-15).
Tap Copy ID (Extreme only) to save the unit ID in the copy buffer and allow you to paste it into another system and rename, set alert, etc.
To Paste an ID, (Extreme only) tap Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Options > Edit Favorites List > (select list) > (select system) > Edit Unit IDs > Paste ID.
Info Shows the channel info.
Prev Selects the previous channel the department.
Next Selects the next channel the department.
Using Global Attenuation Tap Atten in scan mode to toggle the attenuator On (red) or Off (white).
Setting the Squelch Tap Squelch then + or - to set the squelch.
Changing the Range Tap Range then + or - to set the range. (two bars are recommended).
Replaying/Recording Transmissions Note: Replay/recording will not start or will end when the batteries become low or are removed from the scanner.
HomePatrol’s Replay feature acts as an instant replay of the transmissions you’ve just heard. It will also replay the display. You can set how long a period Replay will record for instant playback. This period can range from 30 seconds to 4 minutes. While you can replay any recording immediately and continue replaying it, you cannot save it for future listening unless you use the Record button. The recording buffer is cleared when you change lists or power cycle the scanner.
To Replay the Recording Buffer tap Replay. You can't replay during current transmissions.
< or > to replay each transmissions for as long as the replay duration setting. A replay screen will display the system/department/channel of the transmission being replayed.
To listen to recordings with the scanner press and hold Replay. Tap Review Recordings.

To set the replay options press and hold Replay. Tap Set Replay Duration to set.
You can also tap the Record button and begin recording the transmission you’re listening to. The scanner will record until you tap Record again to stop. You can then replay, rename, and/or delete sessions later. The recordings are stored on the microSD card.
To Record tap Record then OK. The scanner will also add the replay recording buffer to the recording. Tap Record again to stop.
You can record up to 1000 sessions but the scanner stops recording when microSD card memory falls below 512MB.
To listen to recordings with the scanner press and hold Record. Tap recordings to Play, Rename, or Delete.
Muting Audio
Tap Mute. To set the mute options press and hold Mute
Quick Frequency Entry
Menu > Advanced Menu > Quick Frequency Entry
Type in the Frequency you want to monitor then tap Accept.
Select the Step Size and Modulation by tapping the corresponding buttons and tap Atten to toggle the attenuator On (red) or Off (white).
or to step through the frequencies.
Locking/Unlocking the Screen Tap the lock icon in the upper right corner of the screen to lock.
Tap the icon again then Unlock to unlock.

Using the HomePatrol with a GPS Contents
You can connect the scanner to a compatible GPS device and set the scanner to automatically lock and unlock departments and sites based on your current location. This also frees you from having to manually enable and disable departments and sites as you change locations when using the Full Database. You will need a serial cable with a 4-pin mini RS232C plug to connect to the scanner and a NMEA compatible GPS device.

ScannerMaster also offers a Universal GPS kit for many different Uniden scanners.

When you plug in the GPS you will be able to select Use GPS or Ignore GPS.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Location Settings Tab
Select the Format and Baud Rate from the drop-down menus.
With the scanner: Press and Hold GPS or Menu > Set Your Location > Set Up GPS
Location Format toggle to select DD.dddd or DMS.
GPS Baud Rate toggle to select 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200.
The last line will show the GPS status; Orange for connecting, Green for connected, or Red for disconnected.

When you plug a GPS device into the scanner, the scan range is reset to 0 miles by default and will stay there until you change the range setting.
2. If you unplug your GPS device or it loses reception to satellites, the scanner will use the last known location as the set location and keep the scan range at 0 miles.
3. You can't simply Ignore GPS after you have selected Use GPS; you have to select a different location then Ignore GPS, unplug, or turn off the GPS. You can still plug the GPS back in.
4. You can't simply Use GPS after you have selected Ignore GPS; you have to select a different location then Use GPS or power cycle the scanner. Unplugging then plugging the GPS back in won't work.

Weather Modes
Weather Scan


With the Scanner: Menu > Weather Mode > Monitor NOAA Weather
The scanner should find the strongest weather channel. Use or to select another channel.
Weather Alert Standby
With the Scanner: Menu > Weather Mode > Weather Alert Standby
The scanner should find the strongest weather channel. Use
or to select another channel. Alert Standby will monitor the selected NOAA weather frequency for alerts and sound different tones when it detects advisories, watches, and warnings. You will not hear audio in this mode. The scanner will also record the alerts. To listen to the alerts use or to select and tap to replay.

Note: When you have the scanner plugged in and are in Weather Standby Mode and the power goes out then back on, Weather Standby will resume only if batteries are in the scanner and Default Mode Battery Power is set to WX Standby. Otherwise the scanner will just power up in scan mode.

Adding Counties to Monitor

In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Weather Tab
Click to create a new list and give it a name.. 
In the right pane, expand the country, then the state/province.
Right-click the county/area and click Append to Counties List or click the green arrow at the top then select the list to append to.
Select a list or county/area and use the buttons in the left pane to rename, remove, or set a list as active.
With the scanner: Menu > Weather Mode > Weather Alert Standby
Press the Location button in the lower right.
Alert on Any Tap to have the scanner receive an alert from any location.
Create New List allows you to create separate lists and add counties of your choice to each list. Type a name for each new list then tap Accept.

Tap each list for more options.

Use This List will monitor counties in the list.
Review/Edit Counties tap Add County and type enough relevant characters to be able to select the county from a short list, then tap the County to add it to the list.
Rename List
will allow you to rename the list.
Remove List
deletes the list.

Extreme Features Contents
Programming Systems with the Scanner Analyze System Discovery Mode


Programming Systems with the Scanner you can edit any systems brought in from the database and to create new systems, departments, sites, and channels. The Sentinel software is needed to add individual systems or departments from the database but single channels from the database can be added.


Create a System
To Create a new system tap Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Edit Favorites List > (select list or create new list) > Create New System
Select the system type, type a name, and tap Accept.

Edit a System
The easiest way to edit a system (you are monitoring) is to tap the system side menu, tap Next/Previous to select the system, tap the Advanced option then Edit Current System.
Otherwise you will have to tap
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Edit Favorites List > (select list) > (select system)
Edit Name type a name, and tap Accept.
Edit System Options (trunking only)
  ID Search toggles ID Search On or Off.
Set Emergency Alert (Motorola/EDACS) allows you to select the Alert Tone and Alert Volume options.
Set Fleet Map allows you to program a fleet map for Motorola systems.
Status Bit Yes enables status bits in Motorola systems.
P25 NAC Option allows you to set or search for NAC tones for P25 one-trunk systems.
Edit Site (trunking only)
To Create a New Site tap Create New Site, give it a name and tap Accept.
To Edit a Site use or to page and tap Site Name.
Edit Name type a name and tap Accept.
Site Type allows you to select Wide or Narrow for EDACS systems.
Edit Band Plan allows you to select the band type or program a custom band plan for Motorola and P25 systems.
or to page and tap each Plan, type in the input base frequency, tap next, type in the input spacing, and tap Accept
Edit Frequency allows you to create/edit/delete trunking frequencies used for the site.
To Create a New Frequency tap Create New Frequency enter the frequency and tap Accept. For EDACS and LTR systems you will then be prompted for the LCN number.
To Edit a Frequency use or to page and tap Frequency then Edit Frequency. Type in the new frequency then tap Accept.
To Delete a Frequency use or to page and tap Frequency then Delete Frequency.
Modulation (Motorola/EDACS/LTR) toggles the modulation.
toggles attenuation On or Off for the site.
Set Location allows you to set/change the location and range for a circle location and create/change/delete up to 32 rectangle locations for the site.
Tap Circle or Rectangle to select the type of location.
To Edit a Circle tap the Location. Tap the format button in the lower right to select the format if needed.
See note below for input formats and tap Next.
Type in the Range of the circle then tap Accept.
To Create a Rectangle tap Create New Location.
To Edit a Rectangle use
or to page and tap the Location. Tap the format button in the lower right to select the format if needed.
To define the Left Top point of the rectangle. See note below for input formats and tap Next.
To define the Right Lower point of the rectangle. See note below for input formats then tap Accept.

To Delete a Location use or to page and tap Location then Delete Location.
For decimal degrees input-
If you make a mistake use
to erase. Press and hold to clear the line.
Enter the latitude (you need to add 6 decimal places ex: 39123456 for 39.123456) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and 6 decimal places ex: 081123400 for 81 12' 34.00), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be.
For degrees, minutes, and seconds input- If you make a mistake use
to erase. Press and hold to clear the line.
Enter the latitude (you need to add 2 decimal places ex: 40583608 for 40 58' 36.08) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and add 2 decimal places ex: 085583608 for 85 58' 36.08), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be.
LCN Finder starts the LCN Finder (EDACS/LTR).
Delete Site
deletes the site.


Edit Department you do not need to create a department for a trunked system if ID Search is set to On. A Quick Save Group (department) will be created if you want to store new IDs found while scanning.
To Create a New Department tap Create New Department, give it a name and tap Accept.
To Edit a Department use or to page and tap Department Name.
Edit Name type a name and tap Accept.
Edit Channel
To Create a New Channel tap Create New Channel, give it a name and tap next. Select a service type for the channel, type in the frequency or ID and tap Accept.
To Copy a Channel see Copy Channel below.
To Paste a Channel from the channel buffer tap Paste Channel.
To Edit a Channel use or to page and tap Channel Name.
Edit Name type a name and tap Accept.
Edit Frequency (conventional) type a frequency and tap Accept.
Edit Talkgroup ID (trunking) type a talkgroup ID and tap Accept. Type the LCN for (EDACS or LTR) and tap Accept. Type i0 (the letter i, then zero) for a I-Call wildcard ID.
Set Audio Type (conventional/Motorola) allows you to set audio decode for conventional and Motorola channels to analog or digital. Use All if you’re not sure.
All will automatically analyze the signal to determine the squelch mode and code to display if received.
Analog will allow you to set a conventional channel to CTCSS/DCS Search or program a tone or code. Will set a Motorola channel to analog.
Digital will allow you to set a digital conventional channel to NAC Search or program a NAC code. Will set a Motorola channel to digital.
Modulation (conventional) toggles modulation Auto, AM, FM, or NFM for a channel.
Attenuator (conventional) toggles attenuation On or Off for a channel.
Delay toggles delay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 30, -10, or -5 sec.
Set Alert use or to page and tap the alert tone desired (or off) then next. Use or to page and tap the volume level then tap Accept.
Volume Offset toggles volume offset 0, 1, 2, 3, -3, -2, or -1.
Set Service Type use or to page and tap the Service Type.
Copy Channel copies the channel to the channel buffer.
Move Channel moves the channel to the channel buffer.
Delete Channel deletes the channel.
Set Location allows you to set/change the location and range for a circle location and create/change/delete a rectangle location for the department.
Tap Circle or Rectangle to select the type of location.
To edit a Circle tap the Location. Tap the format button in the lower right to select the format if needed.
See note below for input formats and tap Next.
Type in the Range of the circle then tap Accept.
To Create a Rectangle tap Create New Location.
To Edit a Rectangle use
or to page and tap the Location. Tap the format button in the lower right to select the format if needed.
To define the Left Top point of the rectangle. See note below for input formats and tap Next.
To define the Right Lower point of the rectangle. See note below for input formats then tap Accept.

To Delete a Location use or to page and tap Location then Delete Location.
For decimal degrees input-
If you make a mistake use
to erase. Press and hold to clear the line.
Enter the latitude (you need to add 6 decimal places ex: 39123456 for 39.123456) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and 6 decimal places ex: 081123400 for 81 12' 34.00), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be.
For degrees, minutes, and seconds input- If you make a mistake use
to erase. Press and hold to clear the line.
Enter the latitude (you need to add 2 decimal places ex: 40583608 for 40 58' 36.08) and tap to toggle N/S (north or south) if need be.
Enter the longitude (you need to add leading 0's and add 2 decimal places ex: 085583608 for 85 58' 36.08), tap to toggle W/E (west or east) if need be.
Delete Department deletes the department.


Edit Unit IDs (trunking only)
To Create a New Unit ID tap Create New Unit ID, give it a name, type next, type the Unit ID Number and tap Accept.
To Paste a Unit ID from the ID buffer tap Paste ID.
To Edit a Unit ID use or to page and tap Unit ID Name.
Edit Name type a name and tap Accept.
Edit Unit ID allows you to change the unit ID number. Type the new Unit ID Number and tap Accept.
Set Alert use or to page and tap the Alert Tone desired (or Off) then next. Use or to page and tap the volume level then tap Accept.
Copy ID copies the ID to the ID buffer.
Delete ID deletes the ID.
Copy System copies the system and allows you to rename the new system. Type the new System Name and tap Accept.
Delete System deletes the system.

Analyze System


 Trunked System Analyzer

System Load/Reception Status Activity Log Band Scope
Current Activity Activity Log Viewer RF Power Plot
LCN Monitor Talk Group Converter Raw Data Output


Trunked System Analyzer
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Analyze System > Trunked System Analyzer
Tap Select System and type enough relevant characters to be able to select the system from the current Favorites List(s) from a short list, then tap Accept.
Tap the System to select it from the list.
or to page and tap a Site.
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Analyze System > Trunked System Analyzer > Use Current System
or to page and tap a Site.
  System Load/Reception Status The display will show the control channel signal strength, the control channel decode quality, and the level of system activity. Tap and to toggle the site information.
Tap End to return.
  Current Activity As channel grants are issued on new frequencies, the table will populate with the frequencies in use in the system. Any active IDs and Unit IDs will show for each frequency.
The blue frequency is the control channel. White IDs are programmed IDs. Green IDs are unknown (not programmed). Orange IDs are patched. Yellow IDs are I-Calls (private IDs). Red IDs are encrypted (cannot be determined for some system types).
End to return.
  LCN Monitor will display a scrolling chart over time indicating which Motorola trunking channels or EDACS/LTR LCN channels have been active or idle over a 2 minute period.
End to return.
  Activity Log The activity log shows details of every channel grant and certain other system activity. The scanner also saves a complete log of all commands that have been received from the control channel.
End to return.
Note: Activity log files are stored in the \HomePatrol\activity_log folder of the microSD card. For very large log files, it is recommended you use an external SD card reader to read from the microSD card.
The HomePatrol’s USB transfer rate will result in very long transfer times.

Activity Log Viewer allows you to view Activity logs in the Sentinel software.
In Sentinel: Tools > Activity Log Viewer....
Plug the scanner into your computer using the supplied USB cable and select Mass Storage.
Click on the Import Discover Log button
in Sentinel.
Expand each collection and click to select each log.
  Talk Group Converter The Talk Group converter converts talk group IDs between Decimal and Hexadecimal representation (for Motorola or P25 systems) and between AFS and Decimal representation (for EDACS systems). Tap DEC or HEX to enter the value you want to convert.
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Analyze System > EDACS/LTR LCN Finder
Tap Select System and type enough relevant characters to be able to select the system from the current Favorites List(s) from a short list, then tap Accept.
Tap the System to select it from the list.
or to page and tap a Site.
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Analyze System > EDACS/LTR LCN Finder
Tap Use Current System.
or to page and tap a Site.
The LCN Finder makes an attempt to determine the correct LCN assignments for the programmed frequencies on an EDACS or LTR site. Best results are achieved when the site is not extremely busy.
For LTR sites each LCN is determined immediately when it becomes active. For EDACS sites the scanner evaluates the correlation between channel grants and frequency activity. Over a period of time (depending on how busy the site is), each LCN is determined. Note: Because the process uses statistical correlation it can result in false finds, especially on a busy site. Running the LCN Finder several times is recommended.
The scanner will notify you when all LCN number are found. You can tap Save to save the LCN's for the frequencies or tap Cancel.
White cells (with others in the same row and column blacked out) are cells with high LCN to frequency activity and are likely LCN matches.


Band Scope
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Analyze System > Band Scope
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Analyze System > Band Scope
The Band Scope feature lets you have the scanner provide a visual representation of radio activity in a frequency band. The screen is arranged with the frequencies increasing in value from left-to-right, and a signal strength meter for signals. Band Scope Mode searches a frequency range and displays the signal level in real time. You can set the center frequency, span, and step of the frequency range. In Hold Mode, you can monitor the displayed frequency.

The scanner rapidly sweeps between the endpoints of the selected frequency range and updates each bar segment with the relative signal strength in each pass. You can use the band scope in normal mode (the bars are all updated with the most recent signal strength) or 'Max Hold Mode' (the bars update only if there is a stronger signal than one previously stored for the current position).

This feature allows you to get a "picture" of spectrum activity across the selected range, identify intermittently active frequencies, check antenna performance, check coax quality, verify coverage areas, and identify interference.

  Set Center Frequency sets the frequency in the middle of the band scope. Type the frequency and tap Accept.
  Set Span specifies the span of the frequency range you want to monitor. Use or to page and tap a Span.
  Set Step specifies the frequency step you want to use in the span. Tap a Step to select.
  Attenuator toggle to select On or Off.
  Modulation toggle to select Auto, AM, FM, or NFM.

Max Hold set to On will freeze the signal strength bars at their strongest signals. Set to Off will reset signal strength bars on every sweep. Toggle to select.

Tap Start to start the Band Scope.
  To hold and listen to the center frequency tap Hold. Tap Restart to continue.
To move the marker by frequency step (default), use
or to move the center marker.
To move the marker by bar tap 'Marker by: Step' to toggle to 'Marker by: Bar'. Use
or to move the center marker. The number of steps in a bar depends on the span.
In Search Mode the settings button will allow you to: increase or decrease the span, toggle the step size, toggle Max Hold on or off, toggle attenuation on or off, and adjust the squelch.
In Hold Mode the settings button will allow you to: increase or decrease the span, toggle the step size, toggle Modulation, toggle attenuation on or off, and adjust the squelch.
Marker as Center resets the span to set the marker as the center frequency.
Marker as Peak moves the marker to the strongest signal.
The sweep time changes depending on the span and search step size.
RF Power Plot
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Analyze System > RF Power Plot
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Analyze System > RF Power Plot
Allows you to view the signal strength of a frequency for a period of 15 to 120 seconds at a time.
You can use this to check the performance of different antennas or how and where to place the scanner for maximum reception.
  Set Frequency sets the frequency to monitor. Type the frequency and tap Accept.
  Modulation toggle to select Auto, AM, FM, or NFM.
  Attenuator toggle to select On or Off.
  Sample Rate toggle to select 100, 200, 400, or 800ms.
Raw Data Output
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Analyze System > Raw Data Output
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Analyze System > Raw Data Output
This feature is used to analyze raw decoded data using 3rd party software. Uniden doesn't support this yet but will provide the output format to 3rd party developers for future applications.

Discovery Mode

You can create and save 'sessions' with different settings. Every time you start a session you create a 'run' that can later be reviewed in the scanner or the Sentinel software. You can also setup 1 limit search. Note: Discovery Mode will not start or will end when the batteries become low or are removed from the scanner.
Trunking Discovery Mode Conventional Discovery Mode Review Discovery Mode Discovery Log Viewer Limit Search


Trunking Discovery Mode allows you to monitor a trunked site, log detailed information, and record the audio for each hit.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Discovery Tab
  Click to select Trunk.
Click on the append button
. Click to highlight and type a name.
Click twice (not double-click) in each field to highlight and
select the desired options. Upload to the scanner.
With the Scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Discovery Mode > Trunking Discovery Mode
Or for Current System, Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Discovery Mode > Trunking Discovery Mode
  Create New Session
Create New Settings
Tap Select System and type enough relevant characters to be able to select the system from the current Favorites List(s) from a short list, then tap Accept.
Tap the System to select it.
or to page and tap a Site. Type a name for the session then tap Accept.
Or for current system, tap Use Current System.
or to page and tap a Site. Type a name for the session then tap Accept.
Edit Session
or to page and tap the Session Name.
  Set Discovery Name type a name and tap Accept.
Delay toggles delay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 sec.
Logging toggle to select All or New to log only new channels.
Compare to Database toggle to select On or Off to compare channels with the database. Only new channels will have audio recorded (if enabled).
Record Duration toggle to select None, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 300, or 600 sec. for maximum recording duration.
Time-Out Timer toggle to select Off, 10, 30, or 60 sec. Used to keep a stuck channel from stealing the whole session.
System Information displays system info.
Delete Session deletes the session.
Change System allows you to change the system and site.
  Tap Start to begin Discovery Mode
To avoid channels tap Hold.
Press End to stop.
  Tap Review Run Results to review and listen to hits. Tap Detail to toggle detail or Summary report. Use or to page and view hits.
Tap Restart this Run to restart.
Tap Resume this Run to resume.
Tap Delete this Run to delete.
Tap Rename this Run to rename.
Tap Run Info and use or to page and view info.
Tap Back and use or to page and tap other runs.
Tap Back again to review trunking and conventional results.


Conventional Discovery Mode allows you to monitor a range of conventional frequencies, log detailed information, and record the audio for each hit.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Discovery Tab
  Click to select Conventional.
Click on the append button
. Click to highlight and type a name.
Click twice (not double-click) in each field to highlight and
select the desired options. Upload to the scanner.
With the Scanner: Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Discovery Mode > Conventional Discovery Mode
Or Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Discovery Mode > Conventional Discovery Mode
  Create New Session
Create New Settings
Type a name for the session then tap Accept.
Edit Session
or to page and tap the Session Name.
  Set Discovery Name type a name and tap Accept.
Set Limit Frequencies type the Lower Limit then Accept. Type the Upper Limit then Accept.
Modulation toggles modulation Auto, AM, FM, or NFM.
Step toggles the step size Auto, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, or 25 kHz.
Delay toggles delay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 sec.
Logging toggle to select All or New to log only new channels.
Compare to Database toggle to select On or Off to compare channels with the database.
Record Duration toggle to select None, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 300, or 600 sec. for maximum recording duration.
Time-Out Timer toggle to select Off, 10, 30, or 60 sec. Used to keep a stuck channel from stealing the whole session.
Delete Session deletes the session.
Tap Start to begin Discovery Mode
  To avoid channels tap Hold.
Press End to stop.
  Tap Review Run Results to review and listen to hits. Tap Detail to toggle detail or Summary report. Use or to page and view hits.
Tap Restart this Run to restart.
Tap Resume this Run to resume.
Tap Delete this Run to delete.
Tap Rename this Run to rename.
Tap Run Info and use or to page and view info.
Tap Back and use or to page and tap other runs.
Tap Back again to review trunking and conventional results.


Review Discovery Mode
Menu > Advanced Menu > Advanced Option > Discovery Mode > Review Discovery Mode
Or Tap System Side Menu
> Advanced > Discovery Mode > Review Discovery Mode
Tap a run to review the run
Tap Review Run Results to review and listen to hits. Tap Detail to toggle detail or Summary report. Use or to page and view hits.
Tap Delete this Run to delete.
Tap Rename this Run to rename.
Tap Run Info and use or to page and view info.
Tap Back and use or to page and tap other runs.
Tap Back again to review trunking and conventional results.
Discovery Log Viewer allows you to view Discovery logs in the Sentinel software.
In Sentinel: Tools > Discovery Log Viewer
Plug the scanner into your computer using the supplied USB cable (and select Mass Storage for Extreme users).
From the Menu bar select Tools>Discovery Log Viewer...
Click on the Import Discover Log button
in log viewer window.
Type a
Name for the collection and check Move from HP-1 if you don't want to leave a copy on the microSD card and click OK.
Expand the collection in the left pane and click a run to view.
The Options
button will let you change the ID format and Location format. The drop-down menu will let you select Summary or Detailed information.
Select a recording and press the play
button to listen.
Limit Search Allows you to search for active frequencies between a lower and upper frequency.
In Sentinel: Click the Edit Profile button or Edit > Edit Profile > Discovery Tab
  Click to select Limit Search.
elect the desired settings. Upload to the scanner.
The Avoided Frequencies List will populate with any frequencies you have avoided previously.
  Set Limit Frequencies type the Lower Limit then Accept. Type the Upper Limit then Accept.
Modulation toggles modulation Auto, AM, FM, or NFM.
Step toggles the step size Auto, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, or 25 kHz.
Delay toggles delay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 30, -10, or -5 sec.
Review Freq Avoids use
or to page and tap Frequency to stop avoiding. A 'T' next to the frequency means temporary avoid. Tap Clear All Avoids to clear all.
Tap Start to begin. Use Avoid to lockout frequencies.
Tap any frequency to hold.
Tap use
or to step through the frequencies.
Tap again to release hold mode.

Serial Mode Contents
The serial mode will be used for audio streaming, raw data output, and serial control modes. Upon release, software to use these functions is not available, however the protocols have been provided to 3rd-party software authors for development.

Installing Serial Drivers Before you use the Serial mode, you must install the serial drivers on your PC before you use serial mode for the first time. For Windows XP or Windows Vista, copy the appropriate driver from your
HomePatrol’s “USB Driver” directory to a folder on your hard drive (if this directory is not on your HomePatrol-1, you can download the files from http://info.uniden.com/HomePatrol). When you select the serial mode, your
computer will ask for the location for the drivers. For Windows XP, select Hp1WinXpCom.inf. For Windows Vista, select Hp1WinVista7Com.inf For Windows 7, copy the Hp1WinVista7Com.inf file to the
c:/windows/inf directory.

When you select serial mode for the first time, Windows will find and install the driver. When using serial mode, your HomePatrol-1 is assigned a com port number. The assigned com port can differ, depending on which USB port you have connected the USB cable to.
Reformatting the MicroSD Card  

SD cards should only be formatted using the special SD Card Formatter. Cards up to 32GB are supported. After formatting, the scanner may not be automatically detected (since it is wiped clean), so you may need to uncheck "Hide empty drives" in (Windows 7) Tools>Folder Options>View before doing the next "Clear User Data" step. Then, you need to "Clear User Data" using Sentinel to restore all HP-1 files and directories to the card. You will also need to "Write to HomePatrol" in the "Scanner" menu to restore your Favorites Lists.

Related Links/Info Contents

How to view these pages in your browsers I have formatted these pages so that you can view them with any monitor, in any browser (Opera, I.E., Foxfire, or Netscape), at any zoom level, and in any screen area size (ex: 1024x768 preferred)-small or large fonts. So if the print is too small, go to the 'view' menu in your browser and adjust it to a bigger level (or smaller if you want to see more on the screen).

Determining Type I Motorola fleet maps You can try a method I found at Radio Reference.com. Determining Type I Motorola Fleet Maps. By Dave Goodson.
Determining Motorola VHF/UHF Base and Offset Frequencies I have found an explanation at Radio Reference.com that describes how to do this if you don't have the information. The Trunked Radio Systems User’s Page also has an explanation. Look for 'Determining Base and Offset Frequencies for the BC245xlt' by John C.

Finding EDACS LCN order EDACS frequencies have to be programmed in LCN (Logical Channel Number) order. I have found a procedure at the Trunked Radio Systems User’s Page which explains how to find the LCN order for an EDACS system if you don't know the order. Look for 'Finding EDACS Logical Channel Numbers' by Todd Hartzel near the bottom of the page.

Finding LTR LCN order LTR frequencies have to be programmed into certain channel slots for the system to trunktrack properly. Radio Reference has a good webpage here: Mapping LTR Systems.
Decimal/AFS Conversion Chart Here is a Conversion Chart to help convert your IDs.

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Click here to visit Scanner Master

Common Fleet Maps Contents
These are some common fleet maps to choose from. In Motorola II systems, all the blocks have size code S-0. In Type I systems, size codes are used in different blocks to denote the maximum number of users in that block. Notice that size code 12 uses 2 blocks. A Motorola Hybrid system (Type IIi) has 'blocks' of the system that are Type I Fleets/Subfleets and Type II talk groups.
The maps that are Hybrid systems are in bold.
Fleet Map 1 Fleet Map 2 Fleet Map 3 Fleet Map 4 Fleet Map 5 Fleet Map 6 Fleet Map 7 Fleet Map 8
Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code
0 S-11 0 S-4 0 S-4 0 S-12 0 S-4 0 S-3 0 S-10 0 S-1
1 S-11 1 S-4 1 S-4 1 (S-12) 1 S-4 1 S-4 1 S-10 1 S-1
2 S-11 2 S-4 2 S-4 2 S-4 2 S-12 2 S-4 2 S-11 2 S-2
3 S-11 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 (S-12) 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-2
4 S-11 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-12 4 S-4 4 S-3
5 S-11 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 S-4 5 (S-12) 5 S-4 5 S-3
6 S-11 6 S-4 6 S-12 6 S-4 6 S-4 6 S-12 6 S-4 6 S-4
7 S-11 7 S-4 7 (S-12) 7 S-4 7 S-4 7 (S-12) 7 S-4 7 S-4
Fleet Map 9 Fleet Map 10 Fleet Map 11 Fleet Map 12 Fleet Map 13 Fleet Map 14 Fleet Map 15 Fleet Map 16
Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code Block Size Code
0 S-4 0 S-0 0 S-4 0 S-0 0 S-3 0 S-4 0 S-4 0 S-3
1 S-4 1 S-0 1 S-0 1 S-0 1 S-3 1 S-3 1 S-4 1 S-10
2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-0 2 S-11 2 S-10 2 S-4 2 S-10
3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-0 3 S-4 3 S-4 3 S-11 3 S-11
4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-0 4 S-4 4 S-4 4 S-11 4 S-0
5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-0 5 S-4 5 S-0 5 S-0
6 S-0 6 S-4 6 S-0 6 S-0 6 S-0 6 S-12 6 S-12 6 S-12
7 S-0 7 S-4 7 S-0 7 S-4 7 S-0 7 (S-12) 7 (S-12) 7 (S-12)
You can tell which block a Motorola ID is in by its number.
Block Lower ID# Upper ID#
0 0000 8191
1 8192 16383
2 16384 24575
3 24576 32767
4 32768 40959
5 40960 49151
6 49152 57343
7 57344 65535


Size Code Fleets Sub Fleets Number of Blocks Number of Talkgroups per Block Max IDs per Talkgroup Max Radios per Block
S0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 512?
S1 128 4 1 512 16 16
S2 16 8 1 128 64 64
S3 8 8 1 64 128 128
S4 1 16 1 16 512 512
S5 64 4 1 256 32 32
S6 32 8 1 256 32 32
S7 32 4 1 128 64 64
S8 16 4 1 64 128 128
S9 8 4 1 32 256 256
S10 4 8 1 32 256 256
S11 2 16 1 32 256 256
S12 1 16 2 8 1024 512
S13 1 16 4 4 2048 512
S14 1 16 8 2 4096 512

Thanks to
Radio Reference.com for most of this information.

Motorola Type II Special Status Bits Contents
Motorola Type II Smartnet systems use these status bits for special transmissions such as emergency, patches, DES/DVP scrambled transmissions, and multiselects. Motorola trunking radios directly interpret them for their special functions, thus no difference is noticed by the person with the radio. The scanner however interprets these special talk group status bits as different talk groups entirely. Below is the conversion chart for these special status bits.
TT ID + # Usage TT ID + # Usage
ID+0 Normal Talk group ID+8 DES/DVP Encryption talk group
ID+1 All Talk group ID+9 DES All Talk group
ID+2 Emergency ID+10 DES Emergency
ID+3 Talk group patch to another ID+11 DES Talk group patch
ID+4 Emergency Patch ID+12 DES Emergency Patch
ID+5 Emergency multi-group ID+13 DES Emergency multi-group
ID+6 ? ID+14 ?
ID+7 Multi-select (initiated by dispatcher)
ID+15 Multi-select DES TG
Therefore, if a user was transmitting a multi-select call on talk group 1808, the scanner would actually receive those transmissions on 1815. Some common uses of these status bits are as follows:
- When a user hits their emergency button, all conversations on the talk group revert to the emergency status talk group (ID+2) until the dispatch clears the emergency status. Therefore, if someone hit their emergency button and their radio was on talk group 16, all communications would switch to talk group 18.
- A lot of Fire and EMS departments dispatch tone-outs and alarms as Multi-select communications (ID+7). Therefore, if your fire department dispatch talk group is 1616, and they do dispatch tone-outs and alarms as Multi-selects, then those communications will be on talk group 1623.
Thanks to the Radio Reference.com for this information.


Last updated August 16, 2024