Easier to Read UBC3500XLT Scanner Manual

Printed Manual available at Amazon


Last Updated July 21, 2024


Overview Scanning 'Systems'
Main Features   Viewing Tags or Frequencies
Scanning Terminology   Turning System Quick Keys On/Off
Understanding Dynamic Memory   Turning Group Quick Keys On/Off
Understanding Quick Keys   Holding...
Simplex and Repeater Systems   Lockout...
Understanding CTCSS/DCS   Storing...
Turning on the Scanner/Setting the Squelch/Volume   Attenuation
Selecting a Band Plan   Changing Priority Modes
Navigating the Menu   Changing Close Call Modes
  Menu Outline Locking/Unlocking Systems/Searches
Keypad and Knob Controls Locking/Unlocking Groups
A Look at the Display Locking/Unlocking Channels
**Settings Menu** **Search/Close Call Options Menu**
  Cloning   Broadcast Screen
  Locking/Unlocking the Keypad **Search For... Menu**
  Viewing Battery Level   Service Search
  Scanner Reset   Custom Search
Planning 'Systems'   Search and Store
  Worksheets Searching
Entering Text   Quick Search
Program 'Systems'   Storing a Displayed Frequency
  Edit System Name   Reviewing Locked out Frequencies
  Copying/Deleting Systems **Close Call Menu**
  **Edit 'System' Options Menu**   Close Call Only
Creating 'Groups'   Close Call Auto Store
  **Edit Group Menu**   Close Call Hits
Programming Freqs into 'Groups' **Tone-Out For... Menu**
  Quickly Storing a Frequency Related Links/Info
  Programming Frequencies  
  **Edit Channel Options Menu**    
Priority/Priority Plus Scan    

Overview Contents
Again, the manual is like trying to set a watch made in China. My biggest gripe is that is doesn't follow the menu of the radio. So, I have written this manual for myself so I can actually use the scanner and will share it with you.
As you have found out by now, this is a whole different animal as far as scanners go. I have tried to write my manual to follow the menu sequences as closely as possible so you can find things a little easier in the radio.
It does have some cool new features: Scan and Search, Close Call, Dynamic Memory, an adjustable 'Hold (scan) time' for each system and search band, Auto Store (actually an old feature brought back), signal strength bars, numeric battery meter, and the ability to hold about 1600 tagged channels. You can store up to 400 different systems (if there is enough memory). The 'Automatic Channel Setup' allows you to enter a frequency without having to change a step size setting. The Fire Tone-Out sounds like something to try out. The 'Custom Screen' for Close Call is a plus if you live in a busy area. With all of the alerts offered with the radios, the 'Custom Alert' feature is nice too. And, of course, computer upload/download/clone and control.

The '
quick keys' allow you to scan any combination of systems. There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many priority channels you can program. The sound quality is great for a 'mini' scanner. When 'tone search' is enabled for searching or for a channel, it will search for CTCSS and DCS tones, not just one or the other. The Close Call feature will run in the background while scanning and/or searching. An AC adapter, computer cable, and batteries come with the scanner. Another recommendation is the freeware FreeSCAN, a 'must have' for the radio.
Now the annoying stuff. Dynamic Memory has its drawbacks because you have to build everything then program it. Press and hold for 2 seconds to turn the scanner on?? Press and hold Func then tap the scroll control to adjust the squelch?? Why the SMA antenna all of a sudden? No belt clip; a knob screwed to the back of the scanner to slide a cumbersome rotating clip. Alpha tagging is best left to the software. The channels aren't numbered so they can be hard to find if you have a lot of them in a group. The squelch tail is long giving a distinct 'chop' at the end of transmissions; not the nice clean 'click' of my Pro-97. There is no 'per channel' delay; you must set the delay for the whole system (all groups, all channels). The bottom-lit display isn't as bright as my BC246T or Pro 97. The keypad is probably brighter.

An overview of the features can also be viewed at my
Conventional Scanner Comparison Chart page.
For those of you who are new to dynamic memory, or haven't had a scanner in the last 10 years it is a good idea to read the section on that topic.
I will assume you know how to obtain the basic information from the original manual such as following safety procedures, putting the batteries in, connecting the antenna, finding specs, etc. and concentrate on the main functions of the scanner.
I hereby absolve myself from anything that happens to anyone or the scanner as a result of the information you will be reading. You are welcome to copy and/or print these pages and use them in the scanning hobby as long as you don't change, redistribute, or charge/accept money for them. I have tried the best I can to make sure everything is accurate here but if I missed a step or you see something that's obviously wrong, please email me.
Check back often as this document will be updated and revised from time to time.

Main Features Contents
Dynamically Allocated Channel Memory - organized into 'Systems', 'Groups' (within systems), and channels (within groups). As many channels as memory allows. Typically about 1600 channels with alpha tags.
100 Quick Keys - you can set the scanner so you can select a system or group (or systems or groups) by pressing a single key. This makes it easy to listen to or quickly turn off those systems or groups you don't want to scan.
Close Call RF Capture Technology - lets you set the scanner so it detects and provides information about nearby radio transmissions. Close Call 'Do-not-Disturb' checks for Close Call activity in between channel reception so active channels are not interrupted.
Scan and Search Operation - lets you include selected service/custom search ranges during scan operation.
Fire Tone-Out Standby - lets you set the scanner to alert you if a two-tone sequential page is transmitted. You can set up to 10 settings (transmit frequency, tone frequencies) then select one for standby monitoring.
Signal Strength Meter - shows the signal strength for the more powerful transmissions.
Battery Meter - shows the battery strength.
Air Service Search - frequencies are preset in the air band to make it easy to find specific transmissions.
10 Custom Searches - lets you program up to 10 custom search ranges.
Quick Search - lets you search from the currently-tuned frequency if you are searching a system.
AGC - helps automatically balance the volume level between different radio systems.
Custom Screen - allows you to program the scanner to ignore hits on 10 custom frequency ranges the scanner will ignore during Close Call or search operation.
Automatic Channel Setup - accepts frequencies on any valid channel step, even if it does not fall within the band plan's default step.
Adjustable Channel/Frequency Step - allows you to set the step (5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5,15, 20, 25, 50 or 100 kHz) of each channel or search band or select auto mode.
Search and Store - scanner can be set to automatically store all active frequencies from a service or limit search in a system you select.
Priority/Priority Plus Scan - priority channels let you keep track of activity on your most important channels while monitoring other channels for transmissions and you can scan just the priority channels.
CTCSS/DCS Search - lets you search for CTCSS or DCS tones when it finds an active frequency in search and close call modes.
Adjustable Hold (Scan) Time per System/Search - allows you to adjust the length of time spent scanning each system.
CTCSS and DCS Tone Decode - decodes and displays Continuous Tone Code Squelch System tones being transmitted and plays Digital Coded Squelch being received. Also, a tone code only receive option (per channel).
Text Tagging - you can name each system, group, channel, custom search range, and Tone-Out using up to 16 characters per name.
Custom Alerts - for each alert in the scanner (such as channel alert, Close Call alert, emergency alert), you can select from 9 different tone patterns and also set the alert volume level independently from the main volume level.
Adjustable Scan/Search Delay - from 1 to 5 seconds or off (per system or search).
Attenuator - you can set the scanner's attenuator to reduce the input strength of strong signals by about 25 dB per channel, search band, or close call band.
Repeater Find - You can set the scanner so it switches to the input frequency on a repeater system.
Data Skip - allows your scanner to skip unwanted data transmissions and reduces birdies.
Duplicate Frequency Alert - alerts you if you try to enter a duplicate name or frequency already stored in the scanner.
Search Lockouts - you can lock out up to 200 frequencies in search or close call search.
PC Control/Clone - you can transfer data to and from your scanner or another scanner and your personal computer, and control the scanner using a computer.
Low Battery Alert - the scanner alerts you if the batteries need to be recharged or replaced.
Battery Saver - you can set the scanner so it reduces the amount of power it needs if there are no transmissions.
Key Lock - you can deactivate the scanner's keys to help prevent accidentally changing the scanner's programming.

Scanning Terminology Contents
Channel- a programmed frequency location.
Scanning- the process of stepping through conventional channels in groups, which are in programmed 'systems'.
Searching- the process of searching for active frequencies in quick search, service, custom search, Close Call search, Search and Store, or close Call Auto Store.
Function Mode- the mode the radio is in when it's waiting for another key press or scroll.
Hold Mode- used for monitoring a single channel, frequency, or Close Call Hit.
Menu Mode- used for programming frequencies, systems, groups, and other 'system' settings.
Tone-Out Mode- the mode the radio is in when it's monitoring paging tones.

Understanding Dynamic Memory Contents
The scanner's memory is organized in an architecture called Dynamic Allocated Channel memory. This type of memory is organized differently and more efficiently than the bank/channel architecture used by traditional scanners. Dynamic Allocated design matches how radio systems actually work much more closely and make it easier to determine how much memory you have used and how much you have left. No memory space is wasted.
Instead of being organized into separate banks and channels, the scanner's memory is contained in a pool. You build the systems and groups then use as much memory as you need in the pool to store frequencies, talk group ID's, and alpha tags. With all previous scanners, you selected banks to scan that had channels stored in them. With this scanner, you select 'Systems' to scan that have channel 'Groups' stored within the 'Systems'.

You can store as many as 200 'Systems' and you can have as many as 20 groups per 'System' with up to 200 frequencies in each 'Group' (if you have enough memory). The manual says up to about 2500 channels but with alpha tags you get about 1600.

Understanding Quick Keys
There are 100 'System Quick Keys' (0-99) and 10 and 'Group Quick Keys' (0-9).

'Quick Keys' are used to turn systems and channel groups on and off. This is not the same as locking out or unlocking systems/groups (which you can also do). They are just the number keys on the scanner but once assigned to systems/groups they become the 'Quick Key's. You can program one or more system/group to any quick key or, program one or more system/group with no quick key. Any system, Close Call system, group, or 'Quick Save' system/group not assigned to a
quick key (and/or not locked out) will be scanned.

My advice is to assign everything to quick keys so you don't have to remember what to turn off/on or what to unlock/lockout. There are no indicators in the display showing systems/groups with no quick key so you won't know if they are being scanned unless you see (or don't see) them scroll by in the display.

Simplex and Repeater Systems Contents
Simplex systems use a single frequency for both transmit and receive. Most radios using this type of operation are limited to line-of-sight operation. This type of radio is frequently used at construction job sites, and with inexpensive consumer radios such as GMRS/FRS radios. The range is typically 1-8 miles, depending upon the terrain and many other factors.
Repeater systems use two frequencies: one transmits from the radio to a central repeater; the other transmits from the repeater to other radios in the system. With a repeater based system, the repeater is located on top of a tall building or on a radio tower that provides great visibility to the area of operation. When a user transmits (on an input frequency), the signal is picked up by the repeater and retransmitted (on an output frequency). The user's radios always listen for activity on the output frequency and transmit on the input frequency. Since the repeater is located very high, there is a very large line of sight. Typical repeater systems provide coverage out to about a 25-mile radius from the repeater location.

Understanding CTCSS/DCS Contents
Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) and Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) are two methods used to prevent interference by other radio communications. Your scanner can receive transmissions that use these codes (or more commonly referred to as tones).

CTCSS and DCS systems all use some form of coded squelch. Coded squelch techniques involve the transmission of a special 'code' signal along with the audio of a radio transmission. A receiver with coded squelch only activates when the received signal has the correct 'code'. This lets many users share a single frequency, and decreases interference caused by distant transmitters on the same channel. In all major metropolitan areas of the United States, every available radio channel is assigned to more than one user. Public safety radio systems on the same frequency are usually set up at a distance of 40 miles apart, or more. This means that you may hear transmissions from a distant system when your local system is not transmitting. By programming the CTCSS tone for a local channel the scanner will not stop on transmissions from the distant system. With few exceptions, such as the VHF Aircraft and Marine bands, almost every other VHF or UHF radio system uses some form of coded squelch. By far, CTCSS is the most popular mode among non-trunked systems.

For more information visit Radio Reference's respective pages on CTCSS and DCS.

Turning on the Scanner/Setting the Squelch/Volume Contents
Press and hold for about 2 seconds to turn on the scanner. If the screen is too dark, press to turn on the backlight. Press Hold. Press the scroll control to display the volume level. Turn the scroll control (within 10 seconds) to adjust the volume. Press the scroll control again to close the volume level (or let it disappear after 10 seconds). Press and hold Func then press the scroll control to display the squelch level. Turn the scroll control counter-clockwise all the way then clockwise until the noise stops, then one notch more. Press the scroll control to close the squelch level.
Right away you may want to check these settings in the 'Settings' menu. Set Backlight, Adjust Key Beep, Adjust Contrast, and Set Serial Port (if you plan to upload/download).
You will only be able to do a service search, custom search, search and store, close call search, or close call auto store until you program systems.

Selecting a Band Plan  
The charts below identify the scanner band plans, the frequency range, the modulation mode and the default step size settings.

To Change the Band Plan:
1. Make sure the power is turned off.
2. While holding down 1, 2 or 3 (corresponding number of the band plan), turn on the scanner.
The modulation settings for the channels/frequencies in the above receive bands are default settings. The user can change the modulation to AM/FM/NFM/WFM or AUTO for each channel or custom (not service) search band.

There is no step selection for programming channels because the scanner will automatically accept any available step size.

Band Plan 1


Band Plan 2


Band Plan 3

Frequency (MHz)

Modulation Step (kHz)

Frequency (MHz)

Modulation Step (kHz)

Frequency (MHz)

Modulation Step (kHz)
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
25.000 29.995 FM 5 25.000 49.995 FM 5 25.000 29.995 FM 5
30.000 79.9875 FM 12.5 50.000 84.010 FM 5 30.000 79.99375 FM 6.25
80.000 82.990 FM 10 84.015 87.295 FM 20 with
15kHz Offset
80.000 82.99375 FM 6.25
83.000 87.2875 FM 12.5 87.300 107.950 FMB 50 83.000 87.29375 FM 6.25
87.300 107.950 FMB 50 108.000 136.9875 AM 12.5 87.300 107.950 FMB 50
108.000 136.9875 AM 12.5 108.000 136.99166 AM 8.33 108.000 136.9875 AM 12.5
108.000 136.99166 AM 8.33 137.000 143.995 FM 5 108.000 136.99166 AM 8.33
137.000 137.995 FM 5 144.000 145.9875 FM 12.5 137.000 137.995 FM 5
138.000 157.9875 FM 12.5 146.000 155.990 FM 10 138.000 157.99375 FM 6.25
158.000 160.590 FM 10 156.000 157.425 FM 12.5 158.000 160.59375 FM 6.25
160.600 162.5875 FM 12.5 157.4375 160.5875 FM 12.5 160.600 162.59375 FM 6.25
162.600 173.990 FM 10 160.600 162.025 FM 12.5 162.600 173.99375 FM 6.25
174.000 215.950 WFM 50 162.030 173.990 FM 10 174.000 215.950 WFM 50
216.000 224.995 FM 5 174.000 215.950 WFM 50 216.000 224.995 FM 5
225.000 399.950 AM 50 216.000 224.995 FM 5 225.000 399.950 AM 50
400.000 405.9875 FM 12.5 225.000 399.950 AM 50 400.000 405.9875 FM 12.5
406.000 439.99375 FM 6.25 400.000 405.9875 FM 12.5 406.000 439.99375 FM 6.25
440.000 465.995 FM 5 406.000 439.99375 FM 6.25 440.000 465.99375 FM 6.25
466.000 469.990 FM 10 440.000 449.99375 FM 6.25 466.000 469.99375 FM 6.25
470.000 512.000 FM 6.25 450.000 469.990 FM 10 470.000 512.000 FM 6.25
806.000 960.000 FM 12.5 470.000 512.000 FM 6.25 806.000 960.000 FM 12.5
1240.000 1300.000 FM 12.5 806.000 960.000 FM 12.5 1240.000 1300.000 FM 12.5
  1240.000 1300.000 FM 12.5  

Navigating the Menu  
The scanner's menu lets you select options that let you set up and use the scanner. To use the menu, press the Menu button on the left side of the scanner. To select a menu item, rotate the scroll control clockwise or counterclockwise. The currently-selected menu item is highlighted with a bar on the display. When the menu item you want to select is highlighted, press E/yes or the scroll control to select it. To back up a level, press Menu. To exit the menu press L/O or Scan. To see a complete outline of the menu go here.

Keypad and Knob Controls Contents

Key Function(s)
Scroll Control,
Sql, Vol
Press to select a menu item or save an entry in Menu Mode.
Press once then turn to adjust volume level and view battery info in Scan Mode.
Turn to select scan/search direction and to continue scan/search in Scan/Search Modes.
Turn to select channel or frequency in Scan/Search Hold Modes.
Turn to scroll to a menu item in Menu Mode.
Turn to select Tone-Outs in Tone-Out Mode.
Turn to select characters when editing text.
Press and hold Func then Vol to adjust squelch in Scan Mode.
Menu Press to enter Menu Mode.
Press to return to previous menu.
Press and hold Func then Menu to go to the 'Edit' menu for the current system in Scan Mode.
Press and hold Func then Menu to go to the 'Search for...' menu in Search Mode.
Press and hold Func then Menu to go to the 'Close Call' menu in Close Call Only Mode.
Press and hold Func then Menu to go to the 'Tone-Out for...' menu in Tone-Out Mode.
Func Press and hold to enter Function mode.
Hold/ Press to hold on a channel, frequency, search, Close Call hit, or Tone-Out search. Press again to resume.
Press to recall the last Close Call Hit in Close Call Only Mode.
Press and hold Func then Hold/ to toggle Close Call DND, Close Call Priority, or Close Call Off in Any Mode except Tone-Out.
Scan/Srch Press to start/continue/resume scanning in Scan Mode.
Press and hold Func then Scan/Srch to start/continue/resume searching in Search Mode.
Press and hold Func then Scan/Srch to start a 'quick search' at the current frequency while scanning a system in Scan Mode.
L/O Press to lockout a channel in Scan Mode.
Press to lockout a frequency in Search Mode.
Press and hold to unlock (and enable) all groups and channels in a system in Scan Hold Mode.
Press and hold to unlock all frequencies of all search ranges/Close Call in Search Hold Mode.
Press and hold Func then L/O to lockout a system/search in Scan Mode.
Press and hold Func then L/O to review and unlock search frequencies in Search/Close Call Only Modes.
Press to exit Menu Mode or return to the last mode.
/ Press and hold for more than 2 seconds to turn the scanner on or off.
Press to turn the display backlight on or off.
Press and hold Func then
to toggle the key lock on or off in Any Mode.
Number Keys Enter any frequency to go directly to in Scan/Search Hold Modes.
Press 1-9 to toggle single-digit system quick keys on or off in Scan Mode.
Press 0-9 to toggle custom searches on or off in Search Mode.
Press <4 to move the cursor to the left when editing text.
Press 6> to move the cursor to the right when editing text.
Press and hold Func then 1(Pri) to toggle priority modes in Scan Hold Mode.
Press and hold Func then 0-9 to toggle group quick keys on or off in Scan Mode.
Press and hold Func then 5 to
toggle between frequency or text display in Scan Hold Mode.
Press and hold Func then 7 to scroll to a system/group/channel in Scan Hold Mode.
(.)no /rev Press to cancel an error or warning message.
Press before entering a 2-digit system quick key to turn on or off in Scan Mode.
Press to enter a decimal point for a frequency while programming.
Press twice to delete current character when editing text.
Press 3 times to delete all characters when editing text.
Press and hold Func then press and hold (.)no
/rev to view the repeater frequency in Scan/Search/Close Call Only Hold Modes.
E/yes(att) Press to select a menu item or save a name in Menu Mode.
Press to enter the Menu mode for a displayed channel in Scan Mode.
Press to enter the Menu mode for the current Tone-Out in Tone-Out Mode.
Press to 'quick store' a frequency in Search/Close Call Only Modes.
Press and hold Func then E/yes(att) to toggle the attenuator on/off for a channel in Scan Hold Mode.
Press and hold Func then E/yes(att) to toggle the attenuator on/off in Search/Close Call Only/Tone-Out/Modes.

A Look at the Display Contents

The display has indicators that show the scanner's current operating status. The display information helps you understand how your scanner operates.
Top Line
appears when you press and hold Func to select Function mode in Any Mode.
DSKP appears when data skip is on in Scan/Search Modes.
HOLD appears in Hold Mode.
L/O appears if the system/group/channel/frequency/search is locked out in Hold Mode.
PRI appears in priority mode and blinks in priority plus mode in Scan Mode.
appears to show the signal strength of the Receiving channel or frequency.
will appear if the keylock is on in Any Mode.
will appear and blink (with a tone) if the battery is low in Any Mode.
shows the battery level when you press Vol in Any Mode.
2nd Line
shows the name of the currently scanned system in Scan Mode.
shows the name of the currently searched custom/service search in Search Mode.
will alternate the system name and channel group name for a system in Receiving or Hold
3rd Line
will scroll 'SCAN' and show an up or down arrow to indicate the scan direction in Scan Mode.
will scroll the search frequency range/channels and an up or down arrow to show the scan direction in Search Mode.
shows the frequency (or text tag if programmed) for a channel in
Receiving or Scan Hold Modes.
shows the search frequency in
Receiving or Search Hold Modes.
shows the frequency in Receiving or Search Hold Modes.
will scroll SEARCH in Close Call Only Mode.
4th Line
appears when receiving a priority channel in Receiving or Hold Modes.
shows the receive modulation of the channel
in Receiving or Hold Modes.
shows the receive modulation of the custom/service search
in Search Mode.
ATT appears if the channel/search is attenuated in Receiving or Hold Modes.
shows the tone code (if received) for a frequency if programmed and blinks in CTCSS/DCS search mode
in Receiving or Hold Modes.
5th Line
S0-9: shows the first digit of (systems assigned to) the currently scanned quick key on the left with the blinking second digit (1-0) on the right in Scan or Receiving Modes.
In Hold Mode, only (systems assigned to) the current quick key appears.
  a non-blinking number on the right indicates the quick key is enabled waiting to be scanned.
a - (dash) means nothing is assign to the quick key.
an * (asterisk) means the quick key is turned off.
will appear if the Close Call 'Priority' feature is on in Any Mode except Tone-Out.
will appear if the Close Call 'Do-Not-Disturb' feature is on in Any Mode except Tone-Out.
SCR appears if one or more broadcast/custom screen bands is turned on in Receiving or Search Modes.
REP appears if Repeater Find is turned on in Receiving or Search Modes.
shows the volume level is ready to adjust if you press Vol.
shows the squelch is ready to adjust if you press and hold Func then Vol.
6th Line
GRP shows the group quick keys (1-0) for each system with (groups assigned to) the currently scanned quick key blinking in Scan or Receiving Modes.
In Hold Mode, only (groups assigned to) the current quick key appears.
  a non-blinking number on the right indicates the quick key is enabled waiting to be scanned.
a - (dash) means nothing is assign to the quick key.
an * (asterisk) means the quick key is turned off.

Settings Menu  
To Edit Settings:
Press Menu. Scroll to 'Settings' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the setting and options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.
Set Backlight PC Control  
Adjust Key Beep   Cloning Locking/Unlocking the Keypad
Set Battery Save See Scanner Info Viewing Battery Level
Set Audio AGC   % Memory Used Scanner Reset
Adjust Contrast   Firmware Version  
Set Backlight To use the backlight press . There are 5 different ways to use the backlight:
  Scroll to 'Set Backlight' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1 of the 5 settings and press E/yes to save and exit.
10 sec - The backlight stays on for 10 seconds after you press .
30 sec - The backlight stays on for 30 seconds after you press .
Squelch - The backlight turns on when the squelch opens then stays on for 5 seconds.
Keypress - The backlight turns on when any key is pressed then stays on for 10 seconds.
Infinite - The backlight turns on when you press then stays on until you press again.
Adjust Key Beep This setting turns the key beep on or off and adjusts the volume level.
  Scroll to 'Adjust Key Beep' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1 of 3 settings and press E/yes:
Auto - the scanner automatically sets the key beep to match the master volume setting level you select.
Level 1-15 - the scanner lets you select a key beep level. You can choose any of 15 different key beep levels.
Off - the scanner turns the key beep off.
Press Scan to exit.
Set Battery Save This setting turns the battery saver on or off. The scanner turns off power for 1 second and turns it on for 300 ms when you monitor a channel/frequency that has no activity for more than a minute.
  Scroll to 'Set Battery Save' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
Set Audio AGC This setting helps balance the audio level you hear as you listen to different radio sources so you can hear them at a similar volume.
  Scroll to 'Set Audio AGC' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
Adjust Contrast This setting controls the display's contrast (how light or dark it appears).
  Scroll to 'Adjust Contrast' and press E/yes.
At 'Contrast 1-15' scroll to the preferred contrast level and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
PC Control To connect your scanner to a personal computer, you must first set the scanner's baud rate (the rate at which data is transferred between the scanner and the computer, in bits per second [bps]). Try the fastest settings first. If you have trouble transferring data between your scanner and your computer, try setting the baud rate to a slower setting.
  Scroll to 'PC Control' and press E/yes.
Scroll to Off, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
Cloning To clone (copy) data from one (same) scanner to another, you must first connect the scanners to each other using the included connection cables and a DB9 null modem adapter and DB9 gender changer (neither included), available at most computer stores. Then you must set one scanner as the master (source) and the other as the slave (destination). Plug the smaller end of each of the included connection cables into the Remote jack on the right side of each scanner. Then connect the other end of the cables together using the null modem connector and gender changer.
Then set up both scanners:
  For each scanner, press Menu. Scroll to 'Xfer Information' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Wired Clone' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Master' and press E/yes for the source scanner.
Scroll to 'Slave' and press E/yes for the destination scanner.
When you are ready to clone the scanner, press Scan on the slave scanner first, then Scan on the master scanner. The master scanner checks the connection between the two scanners, then transfers its data to the slave scanner. When the transfer is complete, 'Complete' appears on both scanners. If the transfer did not work, 'Error' appears on the master scanner.

Press Scan to exit.
See Scanner Info
% Memory Used This setting lets you view the amount of memory left in the scanner.
  Scroll to 'See Scanner Info' and press E/yes.
Scroll to '% Memory Used' and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
Firmware Version Allows you to view the firmware version.
  Scroll to 'See Scanner Info' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Firmware Version' and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
Locking/Unlocking the Keypad:
  Hold on any channel. Press Func then to lock or unlock the keypad. The only keys/knobs that work are Func, Hold, and the scroll control for volume.
Viewing the Battery Level: To view the battery level (in volts) press the scroll control and look at the small numbers in the upper right of the display. Press the scroll control again to close the volume level (or let it disappear after 10 seconds).
Scanner Reset: To initialize the scanner's memory, turn off the scanner. Then press 2, 9, and Hold while turning it on.
  Important! This deletes all preprogrammed data. You cannot restore preprogrammed data that has been deleted.

Planning Systems and Groups Contents
Planning your systems will be very important even if you do have the software. Organizing your Quick Keys will be the hardest part of the planning. You can assign quick keys and copy and paste most of the freqs, and alpha tags easily into the software.

I like to scan by general interest so I set my system quick keys accordingly; 1-Public Safety systems, 2-Air, 3-Military, 4-Federal, etc. Then I will nest my groups (ex: Fire, Police, EMS) within the systems, and give them all group quick keys. Unless you always want a group or system on, assign it a quick key; it's easier to turn the quick key off than to lockout or unlock the group or system (IMHO).

So, you have to figure out which systems and groups to assign to your quick keys so you can scan them without a table of contents and with some sort of logic you can remember. Use the worksheets below to help you plan your systems and groups.

Alerts You can program your scanner to alert you when, a channel is received, you receive a Close Call hit, or you receive a Tone-Out hit. For each alert in the scanner, you can select from 9 different tone patterns, and 15 volume settings.

I have put together complete worksheets ready to print to help you plan your systems, Close Call, and Fire Tone-Out, etc. settings. Even if you don't fill them out, they are a good check list for programming.
PDF Worksheets

Entering Text Contents
To program text you must first program the system, group, channel, or custom search. There are links to refer you back here when you have finished programming.
To enter a letter, turn the scroll control until the character you want appears.
(character order clock-wise is upper-case, lower-case, numbers, then special characters).
To enter a decimal point, press (.)no.
To move the cursor to the right, press 6>.
To move the cursor to the left, press <4.
To clear a character or enter a space, press (.)no twice.
To clear all characters, press (.)no 3 times.
Press E/yes when finished to exit.
Press the 'Back' button in your browser to return to programming.

Programming Systems Contents
You have to create systems first, create groups in the systems, create channels in the groups, then program your frequencies into the channels. Or, you can Quick store Frequencies. You can store up to 200 systems, up to 20 groups per system, and up to 200 channels per group. Total channels are limited to about 2500. Channels that have text tags use more memory than those that do not. If you use a text tag for every channel, total channels are about 1600.

One suggestion; assign every group and every system to a quick key. You can assign as many systems you want to a system quick key and as many groups you want to a group quick key. That way you can just turn systems and groups on and off and not have to worry about locking them out. If you don't assign a system or group to a quick key, you have to lock it out if you don't want to scan it.

Use the
worksheets to help you program your systems and groups.
To Create a New System, press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
  At 'Select System' scroll to 'New System' and press E/yes.
At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See
Entering Text.
Then see
Editing System Options to customize the system. Then see Creating Groups. Then see Programming Channels to program frequencies.
To Edit the System Name, press the Menu button. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
  At 'Select System' scroll to the system that you want to assign a name to and press E/yes.
At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See
Entering Text.
Press Scan to exit.
To Copy a System, press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
  At 'Select System' scroll to the system you want to copy and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Copy System' and press E/yes.
At 'New Sys Name?' enter the
name of the new copied system.
Press Scan to exit.
Copying a system will copy all groups, channels, and settings including quick key assignments.
To Delete a System, press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
  At 'Select System' scroll to the system you want to delete and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Delete System' and press E/yes.
At 'Confirm Delete?' press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.

Editing System Options Menu  
Once you have your Systems Created you can configure your System options.
To Edit System Options press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes. At 'Select System' scroll to the system that you want to edit and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Sys Option' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.
Set Quick Key Set Lockout Set Hold Time Set Delay Time Set Data Skip
Set Quick Key assigns a system to a quick key and will be scanned when the key is turned on. The default setting is no quick key.
  Scroll to 'Set Quick Key' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the quick key number (or . for no quick key) you want to assign to the system and press E/yes to save and exit.
  Note: Pressing the first number of a 2-digit quick key will get you closer, 1 for 10, 2 for 20, etc.

Set Lockout determines whether a system will be scanned or not even if the quick key for the system is turned on. The default setting is Unlocked.
  Scroll to 'Set Lockout' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Locked' or 'Unlocked' and press E/yes to save and exit.
Set Hold Time sets (in seconds) the amount of time the scanner will scan the system before moving on to the next (unlocked) system. All unlocked channels will be scanned at least once regardless of this setting. The scanner moves to the next system after the hold time expires, any current transmission ends, and the channel delay time expires. The default setting is 2 seconds for each system.
: set your systems to 0.
  Scroll to 'Set Hold Time' and press E/yes.
Enter the hold time (0-255 seconds) you desire and press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Delay Time for the system sets (in seconds) the amount of time the scanner stays on a channel after the transmission has ended before resuming scanning. This setting applies to all channels in the system. You cannot set the delay on a 'per channel' basis. The default setting is 2 seconds.
  Scroll to 'Set Delay Time' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the desired delay time (1-5 seconds or Off) and press E/yes to save and exit.
Set Data Skip sets what the scanner does when it receives a data signal. With the setting set to on, the scanner stops briefly on the channel, but then immediately resumes scanning automatically. With the setting set to off, the scanner remains on the channel until the transmission stops. The default setting is Off .
  Scroll to 'Set Data Skip' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.

Creating Groups  
Once you have your Systems Created and your Systems Options configured you can create your groups.
To Create a New Group press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
At 'Select System' scroll to system where you want to create a group and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to 'New Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See
Entering Text.
Press Menu and scroll to 'New Group' to create more groups.
Continue at '
Edit Name' below.
Then see
Programming Channels to program frequencies.
To Edit Group Options press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system that has the group you want to edit and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group you want to edit and press E/yes.
Scroll to the options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.
Edit Name Edit Channel Set Lockout
Set Quick Key Delete Group
Edit Name allows you to change the name of a group.
  At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See Entering Text.

Set Quick Key sets the quick key for the group.
  Scroll to 'Set Quick Key' and press E/yes.
Scroll to or enter the quick key number (0-9 or . for no quick key) you want to assign to the group and press E/yes to save and exit.
Edit Channel creates channels and edits channel options.
Programming Channels.

Delete Group deletes a group.
  Scroll to 'Delete Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Confirm Delete?' press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Lockout locks or unlocks a group.
  Scroll to 'Set Lockout' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Unlocked' or 'Lockout' and press E/yes to save and exit.

Programming Channels into Groups Contents
Once you have your Systems Created, Systems Options configured, Groups Created, you can (finally) program your channels. Channels are not numbered in the scanner.

Quickly Storing a Frequency
  To Program a Frequency into a 'Quick Save Group' in a 'Quick Save System', in scan mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Enter the frequency and press E/yes.
At 'Quick Freq Save?' press E/yes.
  Note: If the frequency is already stored in the group, 'Frequency Exists Accept? (Y/N)' appears. Press (.)no to return.
  The scanner will save the frequency in a (created) group called 'Qck Save Grp' in a (created) system called 'Qck Save Cnv Sys' (with no quick keys assigned) and you will be at the 'Edit Channel' menu to complete the settings for the new channel. If you don't want to edit the channel settings or are done editing the channel, press L/O to return to 'Hold' to enter another frequency or Scan to exit.
Then see
Edit Systems Options to customize the group and system.
  To Program a Frequency into an Existing Group, in scan mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Enter the frequency and press E/yes.
At 'Quick Freq Save?' press (.)no.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system where you want to store the frequency and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group where you want to store the frequency and press E/yes.
Note: If the frequency is already stored in the group, 'Frequency Exists' Accept? (Y/N)' appears. Press (.)no to return.
  After storing the frequency, you will be at the 'Edit Channel' menu to complete the settings for the new channel. If you don't want to edit the channel settings or are done editing the channel, press L/O to return to 'Hold' to enter another frequency or Scan to exit.

Manually Programming Channel Frequencies Contents
  To Program a New Channel, press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
At 'Select System' scroll to system where you want to program a channel and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that you want to program the channel in and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Channel' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Channel' scroll to 'New Channel' and press E/yes.
At 'Input Frequency' enter the frequency and press E/yes.
  Note: If the channel is already stored in the group, Frequency Exists Accept? (Y/N)' appears. Press (.)no to return.
  At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See Entering Text.
Press Menu to return to 'Select Channel'. Scroll to 'New Channel' and press E/yes.
Program the rest of the channels the same way.
Then see
Edit Channel Options to customize the channel.

Edit Channel Options Menu  
Once you have your Systems built , systems options configured, groups built, and your channels programmed, you can set your channel options.
To Edit Channel Options:
Press Menu. At 'Program System' press E/yes.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system that contains the channel and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that has the channel you want to edit and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Channel' press E/yes.
At 'Select Channel' scroll to the channel you want to edit and press E/yes.
Or, while scanning, Press Hold to hold on any channel.
Press and hold
Func then press 7/Rcl.
At 'Select System' scroll to system that contains the channel and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that contains the channel and press E/yes.
At 'Select Channel' scroll to the channel and press E/yes twice.
You can also edit any displayed channel in scan mode by pressing E/yes.

Scroll to the options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.
Edit Name Copy/Paste Channel Set Modulation
Set Priority Edit Frequency Set Attenuator
Set Alert Set CTCSS/DCS Set Lockout
Delete Channel    
Edit Name The channel name appears on the second line of the display when the scanner stops on a channel. If you do not enter a channel name, the scanner displays the frequency for systems when it stops on a channel.
  Scroll to 'Edit Name' and press E/yes. See Entering Text.
Press Scan to exit or Menu to return.

Channel Priority This setting controls whether the scanner treats the channel as a priority channel while scanning. There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many channels you can set. When you turn on the Priority feature, the channel(s) will be scanned every 2 seconds. P appears at the end of the default (not the tagged) name in the display to denote the channel is a priority channel.
The default setting is off.
  Scroll to 'Set Priority' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.

Channel Alert This setting controls whether the scanner will alert you when the channel becomes active. The default setting is off.
  Scroll to 'Set Alert' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the alert (Alert 1-9 or Off) and press E/yes.
  At 'Set Level' scroll to 'Level 1-15 or Auto' (the scanner sets the alert beep to the master volume level) and press E/yes.

Deleting Channels
  Scroll to 'Delete Channel' and press E/yes.
At 'Confirm Delete?' press E/yes to save and exit.

Copying/Pasting Channels The scanner can copy a channel (and all its settings) into a copy buffer to paste into the same system (in a different group) or a group in another system.
  Scroll to 'Copy Channel' press E/yes to save to the channel buffer.
To Paste the Channel, press Menu until 'Select System' appears.
At 'Select System' scroll to system where you want to paste the channel and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Group' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that you want to paste the channel in and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Channel' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Channel' scroll to 'Paste Channel' and press E/yes to save and exit.

Edit Frequency Contents
  Scroll to 'Edit Frequency' and press E/yes. Enter the frequency and press E/yes to save and exit.

This setting controls how a subaudible CTCSS or DCS is used for the channel. The default setting is Off. See Understanding CTCSS/DCS.
  Scroll to 'Set CTCSS/DCS' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1 of 5 options
and press E/yes to save and exit:
Off - any signal opens squelch.
Search - the scanner searches for and displays any CTCSS or DCS tone that accompanies the transmission.
CTCSS - the scanner only opens squelch if the CTCSS tone you select is also present with the signal. Scroll to the desired CTCSS tone you want present with the signal. Press E/yes to save and exit.
DCS- the scanner only opens squelch if the DCS code you select is also present with the signal. Scroll to the desired DCS code you want present with the signal. Press E/yes to save and exit.
Set Lockout - the scanner does not stop on the channel if the tone/code you select is present. Scroll to 'CTCSS or DCS' and press E/yes. Scroll to the desired tone/code you want locked out. Press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Modulation This setting selects the modulation used for setting the channel. The default setting is auto.
  Scroll to 'Set Modulation' and press E/yes.
Scroll to Auto, AM, FM, NFM, WFM, or WFM(Broadcast) and press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Attenuator This setting controls whether the scanner attenuates signals on this channel by about 25 dB. The default setting is off.
  Scroll to 'Set Attenuator' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.
  Note: You can also do this by quickly pressing Func then E/yes(att) while receiving the channel in scan mode.

Set Lockout
  Scroll to 'Set Lockout' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.

Priority/Priority Plus Scan Contents
To use the priority feature, you must first set your priority channels.
To Turn the Priority Feature On, press Hold to hold on any channel then press and hold Func then press 1/Pri (each time) to select one of two priority modes or off.
  Off - scans normally with no priority.
  On - while scanning a system, the scanner interrupts every 2 seconds and checks the priority channels in each system.
Priority channels in systems with lower 'system quick keys' (starting with 1) have highest priority. Pri appears in the display when you select this mode.
  Plus On - the scanner only scans the priority channels. Pri flashes in the display when you select this mode.
Press Scan to resume scanning.
Or, in scan mode press Menu.
Scroll to 'Set Priority' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the mode you want to use and press E/yes.
Press Scan to resume scanning.
  Note: The quick keys for the system(s) and group(s) containing the priority channel(s) have to be turned on (and groups and systems have to be unlocked) or the scanner will display Priority Scan No Channel.

Scanning Systems Contents
With all previous scanners, you selected banks to scan that had channels stored in them. With this scanner, you select 'System Quick Keys' to scan that have 'Systems' assigned to them. So, now you turn 'System Quick Keys' on and off and 'Group Quick Keys' on and off (within each 'System'). Turning quick keys on and off for systems/groups is not the same as locking and unlocking systems/groups. You can still do that separately (if you really want to confuse yourself). See also Understanding Quick Keys.

First, (unlocked) systems belonging to Quick Key 1 are scanned. Then systems that belong to Quick Key 2,…,9,0,11,…19,10,21,……,99,90 are scanned in order. Systems with the same quick key are scanned in order of creation. Systems with no quick key are scanned last and in order of creation (including created 'Quick Save' systems). Groups within the systems are scanned with the same rules. Channels within the groups are scanned in order of creation.

Then the scanner starts any (unlocked) service searches, searching them in the menu order. Then custom (unlocked) searches from 1 to 10 in turn.

Then the scanner scans the system called 'Close Call'. This system is created if you do a Close Call 'Auto Store'.

Then the scanner starts all over.

You can also unlock any service or custom search to include it while scanning. Service search bands and custom searches don't have quick keys and can be only locked or unlocked.

Press Scan. The scanner scans a system for the duration you set using the 'system hold time' option. The scanner moves to the next system after the hold time expires, the current transmission ends, and the channel delay expires. All (unlocked) channels are scanned at least one time regardless of the hold time setting. Then all unlocked searches are run for the duration you set using the 'set hold time' option.

Notes: If no systems are programmed, or all systems (or groups in a system) are locked out or turned off, 'Nothing to Scan' appears. Turn on a system quick key or unlock a system to scan. If you turn off all groups in a system you will not be able to turn any back on and also see 'Nothing to Scan'. In that case, while in Scan mode, press and hold Func-don't let go. Scroll to the system then press the number of the group quick key(s) you want to enable then let go of Func.

Any system, group, or 'Quick Save' system/group
not assigned to a quick key (and/or not locked out) will be scanned.


To continue scanning (move on to the next channel) press Scan/Srch or turn the scroll control.


To change the scan or search direction turn the scroll control backward or forward.

To toggle between frequency and text display Hold on any channel and press Func then 5. Press Hold to resume.

To toggle System Quick Keys on or off for a single digit system, press the number key assigned to the system. To turn a double-digit system on or off, Press (.)No first then enter the 2 digits.

To toggle Group Quick Keys on or off while scanning the system, quickly press and hold Func then press the number key assigned to the group.


To toggle Group Quick Keys on or off in another system press and hold Func-don't let go.
Scroll to the (enabled) system that contains the (enabled) group you want to turn on/off then press the corresponding number key(s) on the keypad.

To hold on a channel press Hold. To step through channels, turn the scroll control backward or forward. Press Hold to resume.


To hold on any specific frequency Hold on any channel in a system. Enter the new frequency and press Hold. Press Scan/Srch to exit.


To hold on the current system press and hold Func-don't let go. (You won't see tags). Scanning resumes 2 seconds after you release the Func button.


To edit the current channel press E/yes.

To lockout a channel or frequency quickly press L/O.


To lock or unlock a group Hold on any channel or frequency. Press and hold Func then 7/Rcl. At 'Select System' scroll to system that contains the group and press E/yes. At 'Select Group' scroll to the group you want to lock/unlock then press and hold Func then L/O. Press Scan to resume scanning. See also Locking/Unlocking Groups.


To lockout a system/search while receiving the system/search, quickly press Func then L/O.

To store a search frequency press E/yes. Then see Storing a Displayed Frequency.

To toggle attenuation for a channel on or off quickly press and hold Func then press E/yes(att) while the channel is in the display. (Or hold first).


To toggle attenuation for a search on or off quickly press and hold Func then press E/yes(att) while searching. (Or hold first).


To check for a repeater frequency on a channel quickly press and hold Func then press and hold .no(rev). (Or hold first).

To toggle Priority Modes press Hold to hold on any channel then press and hold Func then 1/Pri. Press Hold to resume.

To toggle Close Call modes press and hold Func then press Hold/.


To view a Close Call hit (CC Override On) press any key to view the frequency (even if it's gone).


To view and listen to a Close Call hit (CC Override Off) press E/yes to listen to and view the frequency (only if it's still there).


To unlock a channel Hold on any channel or frequency. Press and hold Func then 7/Rcl. At 'Select System' scroll to system that contains the channel and press E/yes. At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that contains the channel and press E/yes. At 'Select Channel' scroll to the channel you want to lock/unlock then press and hold Func then L/O. Press Scan to resume scanning. See also Locking/Unlocking Channels.


To unlock a system/search press and hold Func-don't let go then scroll to the system/search and press L/O. Releasing Func will return to scanning. See also Locking/Unlocking Systems/Searches.


To unlock search frequencies press and hold Func then L/O while searching. Scroll to the frequency and press E/yes to unlock.

Locking/Unlocking Systems and Searches Contents
Remember, unlocking or locking out a system is not the same thing as enabling/disabling it (turning the quick key on or off).
To Lock out a System (or a search set to search with scan) in Scan Mode While receiving the system/search, quickly press and hold Func then L/O.
Or, Hold on any channel/frequency. Press and hold Func then 7(rcl). Scroll to the system/search you want to lockout and press and hold Func then L/O.
Or, use the Menu to drill down to the system/search options and lock it out there. See 'Edit System Options', 'Edit Service Search', or 'Edit Custom Search'.
To Unlock a System (or a search set to search with scan) in Scan Mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Press and hold Func then press 7/rcl.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system/search you want to unlock.
Press and hold Func then L/O to unlock the system/search. Press Scan/Srch to return.
Or, use Menu to drill down to the system/search options and unlock it there. See 'Edit System Options', 'Edit Service Search', or 'Edit Custom Search'.
To Unlock All Systems, Groups, Channels, and Searches in scan mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Press and hold Func then press and hold L/O until 'Unlock All Systems?' appears. Press E/yes.

Locking/Unlocking Groups  
Remember, unlocking or locking out a group/car is not the same thing as enabling/disabling it (turning the quick key on or off).
To Lock out or Unlock a Group in Scan Mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Press and hold Func then press 7/rcl.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system that contains the group and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group you want to lock or unlock.
Press and hold Func then L/O to lock or unlock the group.
Press Scan to exit.
  Or, use Menu to drill down to the group options and lock/unlock it out there. See 'Edit Group Options'.

Locking/Unlocking Channels Contents
To Lock out a Channel while Scanning quickly press L/O when the channel appears in the display.
  Or, quickly press Hold to hold on the channel. Press L/O.
  Or, quickly press E/yes to go to the menu for that channel.
Scroll to 'Set Lockout' and press E/yes. Scroll to 'Lockout' and press E/yes.
  Or, use Menu to drill down to the channel options and lock it out there. See 'Edit Channel Options'.
To Unlock a Single Channel in Scan Mode press Hold to hold on any channel.
Press and hold Func then press 7/rcl.
At 'Select System' scroll to system that contains the channel and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group that contains the channel and press E/yes.
At 'Select Channel' scroll to the channel and press and hold Func then L/O to unlock the channel.
  Or, use Menu to drill down to the channel options and unlock it there. See 'Edit Channel Options'.
To Unlock All Channels in a Conventional System in Scan Mode press Hold to hold on any channel in the system.
Press and hold
L/O until 'All Unlocked' appears.
Press Hold or Scan/Srch to resume scanning. Note: This will also enable all your groups (turn the quick keys on).

Search/Close Call Options Menu  
These are the settings you should look at before you perform a quick search, close call search, search and store, or close call auto store.
To Edit Search and Close Options:
Press Menu. Scroll to 'Srch/CloCall Opt' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.
Freq Lockouts Repeater Find Set Delay Time Set Attenuator Set Step
Broadcast Screen Max Auto Store Set Modulation Set Data Skip Air Band Step
CTCSS/DCS Search        
Freq Lockouts Allows you to review locked out frequencies or unlock all frequencies for Searching and Close Call search.
  Unlocking All Frequencies:
At 'Freq Lockouts' press E/yes.
At 'Unlock All' press E/yes.
At 'Confirm?' press E/yes to save and exit.
Press Menu to return or Scan/Srch to exit.
  Reviewing Locked Out Frequencies:
At 'Freq Lockouts' press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Rvw Search L/O' and press E/yes. If no frequencies are locked out, you will see 'Nothing Locked'.
Scroll to the frequency and press E/yes to unlock.
Press Menu to return or Scan/Srch to exit.
Broadcast Screen This setting determines whether the scanner automatically ignores transmissions that are on common broadcasts, paging systems, and other annoyance radio sources during Custom Search, Quick Search, and Close Call Search.
  Scroll to 'Broadcast Screen' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1 of 4 options and press E/yes.
1. Set All Bands On - turns on broadcast screen on for all custom bands. Press Menu to return.
2. Set All Bands Off - turns off broadcast screen off for all custom bands. Press Menu to return.
3. Program Band - then scroll to the custom band (1-10) and press E/yes.
  At 'Set Lower Limit' enter the lower limit of the frequency range and press E/yes.
At 'Set Upper Limit' enter the upper limit of the frequency range and press E/yes. Scroll to the next band and repeat.
Press Menu to return.
  4. Set Each Band - then scroll to each band and press E/yes to turn off or on.
  Band 1-10 - the scanner skips known frequencies for custom broadcast ranges.
Press Menu twice to return.
CTCSS/DCS Search This setting controls whether the scanner will search for a subaudible tone when it stops on a transmission during Searching and Close Call search. The default setting is Off.
  Scroll to 'CTCSS/DCS Search' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.

Repeater Find This feature sets whether the scanner tries to tune to a repeater output frequency when it detects a transmission on a repeater input frequency in Search and Close Call modes. Since you can normally only hear one side of a conversation when you listen to an input frequency transmission, turning this feature on can let you hear both sides of the conversation on the output frequency. If the scanner detects the transmission on the output frequency, it beeps and 'Repeater Found' appears, and it remains on the output frequency until transmissions end. The default setting is off.
  Scroll to 'Repeater Find' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.
Max Auto Store This value sets how many hits the scanner will automatically store when it is in either Search and Store or Close Call Auto Store mode. When the scanner reaches the maximum number of hits you set, it stops the auto-store operation.
  Scroll to 'Max Auto Store' and press E/yes.
Use the number keys to enter a value from 1-255, then press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Delay Time This setting determines how long the scanner waits after a transmission ends before resuming Quick Search and Close Call Search operations. The default setting is 2 seconds.
  Scroll to 'Set Delay Time' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (seconds) or Off to set the delay then press E/yes to save and exit.

Set Modulation This setting controls the modulation type used for Quick Search and Close Call Search operations.
  Scroll to 'Set Modulation' and press E/yes.
Scroll to Auto, AM, FM, NFM, WFM, or WFM(Broadcast) to choose the modulation then press E/yes to save and exit.
Set Attenuator This setting controls the attenuator for Quick Search and Close Call Search operations. Turn on this setting if you are near other strong signal sources to attenuate about 25dB. Attenuation sometimes helps to reduce interference and desensitization that strong signals create. The default setting is Off.
  Scroll to 'Set Attenuator' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off then press E/yes to save and exit.
Set Data Skip This setting controls how the scanner behaves when it detects a data transmission during Quick Search and Close Call Search operations. The default setting is Off.
  Scroll to 'Set Data Skip' and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off then press E/yes to save and exit.
  Note: If you are trying to test the Close Call feature with a nearby transmitter and you do not talk into the transmitter, the scanner will detect this as data and will skip the frequency when Data Skip is on.

Set Step This setting selects the frequency step used for Quick Search. The default setting is Auto.
  Scroll to 'Set Step' and press E/yes.
Scroll to Auto, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 50, or 100 to set the step then press E/yes to save and exit.

Air Band Step This setting selects the frequency step used for the Air Service Search.
  Scroll to 'Air Band Step' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 8.33 or 12.5 to set the step then press E/yes to save and exit.

Search For... Menu  
Important! There are many options and setting in Search/Close Call Options that affect and compliment the settings for searching. Please review those first.
Note: The items below (
in Blue) do not follow the radio's menu order because (IMHO) they should be in the following order to properly setup and use the Search features.
Edit Service Search Quick Search  
Service Search Searching  
Edit Custom Search Storing a Displayed Frequency  
Custom Search Reviewing Locked out Frequencies  
Search and Store    
Edit Service Search
  To Edit a Service Search, press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch. At 'Quick Search?' press (.)no.
Or, Press Menu. Scroll to 'Search For...' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Edit Service' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the service search you want to edit and press E/yes.
  Scroll to Set Delay Time and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, seconds or Off to set delay and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Attenuator and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Search with Scan and press E/yes
  Scroll to Set Lockout and press E/yes. (Used for 'Search with Scan' only).
Scroll to 'Unlocked', 'Temporary L/O', or 'Lockout' and press E/yes to save and exit.
Scroll to
Set Hold Time and press E/yes.
Enter the hold time (0-255 seconds) you desire and press E/yes to save and exit.
  Press Menu and scroll to another service search and repeat the previous steps or press L/O to exit.

Service Search  
The Service Search lets you quickly select and search the scanner's preprogrammed frequencies.
  To start a Service Search, press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch. At 'Quick Search?' press (.)no.
Or, Press Menu. Scroll to 'Search For...' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Service Search' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Air' and press E/yes to start searching. Then see

Edit Custom Search  
You can edit the 10 custom search ranges. The default custom search range names appear as Custom 1, Custom 2, and so on.
  To Edit a Custom Search, in scan mode Press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch.
At 'Quick Search?' press (.)no.
At 'Search for...' scroll to 'Edit Custom' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the custom search you want to edit (1-10) and press E/yes.
  Scroll to Edit Name and press E/yes. See Entering Text.
Scroll to
Edit Srch Limit and press E/yes.
At 'Set Lower Limit', enter the lower limit of the search range and press E/yes.
At 'Set Upper Limit', enter the upper limit of the search range and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Delay Time and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, seconds or Off to set delay and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Modulation and press E/yes.
Scroll to Auto, AM, FM, NFM, or WFM the set the modulation and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Attenuator and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off to set the attenuation and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Data Skip and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off to turn Data Skip on or off and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Set Step and press E/yes.
Scroll to Auto, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 50, or 100 to set the step size and press E/yes.
Scroll to
Search with Scan and press E/yes.
  Scroll to 'Set lockout' and press E/yes.
Scroll to Lockout or Unlocked and press E/yes. Press Menu to return.
Scroll to 'Set Hold Time' and press E/yes. Enter the Hold time in seconds and press E/yes. Press Menu to return.
Press Scan to exit.
  Press Menu and scroll to another custom search and repeat the previous steps or press Scan to exit.
Custom Search  
The Custom Search lets you search the scanner's 10 programmed frequency ranges. To re-program the ranges see Editing a Custom Search.
  To start a Custom Search, in scan mode Press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch.
At 'Quick Search?' press (.)no.
At 'Search for...' scroll to 'Custom Search' and press E/yes to start searching. Then see

Search and Store  
Let's you search and store frequencies in a custom search range or in a service search range into a system. To store frequencies you find during Search and Store, you must first select a system where the frequencies will be stored. You will not hear any audio in this mode.

  To Search and Store Frequencies, in scan mode Press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch.
At 'Quick Search?' press (.)no.
At 'Search for...' scroll to 'Search and Store' and press E/yes.
At 'Select Store Sys' scroll to the system you want to store the frequencies in and press E/yes.
At 'Select Range' scroll to the 'service search' or to 'custom search' to select where to search from and press E/yes.
If you select custom search, all enabled custom search ranges will be searched for frequencies. Start a custom search and disable search ranges you don't want searched first. See
Custom Search.
Press Scan to exit.
  Notes: The quick key for the system must be turned on (if one is assigned to the system) and not locked out to select the system to store frequencies in otherwise you will see 'System Locked'. If no systems are programmed 'No System Stored' appears.
When you select a service search or custom search range(s), the scanner looks for active frequencies within the range(s) and 'Search and Store' appears on the display's lower line and the system name and search range name(s) appear on the display's upper line. When the scanner finds an active transmission, it checks to see if the frequency has already been stored in the system ('Memory Check' in the display). If the frequency has already been stored, the scanner continues to search. If the frequency has not been stored, it stores the frequency into a (created) group named 'Found Channels', then resumes searching. 'Limit Reached' will appear in the display when the Max Auto Store value is reached.
Tip: Before you start Search and Store, run the custom search or service search first to lock out the birdies, data, noise, etc. channels. This will prevent the scanner from stopping on them and doing a memory check each time it passes.

Quick Search
Quick Search lets you search from the currently-tuned frequency if you are scanning a system or enter a frequency to start searching from.
  To start searching at the current frequency:
Press and hold Func then press Scan/Srch.
At 'Quick Search?' press E/yes to start searching. Then see
To start searching at a specific frequency while scanning or searching, press Hold to hold on any channel or frequency.
Enter the new frequency you wish to start at then press Hold to set the new starting frequency.
Press Hold again to release hold mode and start searching. Then see
To hold on a frequency, press Hold. Press Hold to resume.
  To step through the frequencies, turn the scroll control back or forward while in hold mode. Press Hold to resume.
To toggle search bands on or off (custom search), press the number key of the search band.
To toggle a service search on or off, press and hold Func-don't let go. Scroll to the service search and press L\O to unlock.
To change search direction or continue searching, turn the scroll control back or forward.
To step through the frequencies, press Hold. Turn the scroll control back or forward while in hold mode. Press Hold to resume.
To lock out a frequency, press L/O then E/yes to confirm.
To unlock frequencies press and hold Func then L/O while searching. Scroll to the frequency and press E/yes to unlock.
To attenuate a search, press and hold Func then press E/yes(att).
To check for a repeater frequency press Hold to hold on the frequency then press and hold .no(rev). Press Hold to resume.
To save a frequency, press Hold to hold on the frequency. See Storing Displayed Frequency.
To toggle Close Call modes, press and hold Func then Hold/.

Storing a Displayed Frequency (while searching)  
  To program a displayed frequency into an existing group, quickly press E/yes.
At 'Quick Freq Save?' press (.)no.
At 'Select System' scroll to the system where you want to store the frequency and press E/yes.
At 'Select Group' scroll to the group where you want to store the frequency and press E/yes.
After storing the frequency, you will be at the '
Edit Channel' menu to complete the settings for the new channel.
If you don't want to edit the channel settings or are done editing the channel, press L/O to return to searching.
  Note: If the frequency is already stored in the group, 'Frequency Exists' Accept? (Y/N)' appears. Press No to return to searching (or search hold) or E/yes to go to the 'Edit Channel' menu.
  To program a displayed frequency into a 'Quick Save Group' in a 'Quick Save System', quickly press E/yes.
At 'Quick Freq Save?' press E/yes.
The scanner will save the frequency in a (created) group called 'Qck Save Grp' in a (created) system called 'Qck Save Cnv Sys' (with no quick key assigned) and you will be at the '
Edit Channel' menu to complete the settings for the new channel. Then see Creating Groups and Edit Systems Options to customize the group and system.
If you don't want to edit the channel settings or are done editing the channel, press L/O to return to searching.

Close Call Menu  
Your scanner's Close Call feature lets you set the scanner so it detects, alerts you to, and displays the frequency of a nearby strong radio transmission. You can set the scanner so the Close Call feature checks for a Close Call hit every 2 seconds in the background while you are scanning or searching or use Close Call only mode. 'Close Call Do-Not-Disturb' will only check for close call signals when you are not receiving transmissions.  You can also set the frequency band(s) where you want the scanner to look for transmissions. When the scanner detects a Close Call hit, it alerts you according to the Override and Alert settings. You can also set the scanner to Auto Store Close Call hits. The system 'Close Call' is created when you run a Close Call Auto Store.

The Close Call feature works well for locating the source of strong local transmissions such as mobile and handheld two-way radios in areas with no other strong transmission sources. Several factors affect Close Call performance. Performance is increased with higher transmit power, receive antenna tuned to the target band, and a low background RF level. Other than the antenna, you have no control over these factors, but they explain why performance might vary by both location and time. The Close Call feature works better with some types of transmissions than others. It might not correctly display frequency information for transmitters using a highly directional antenna (such as an amateur radio beam antenna) or if there are many transmitters operating at the same time in the same area.
To Edit Close Call Options:
Press Menu. Scroll to 'Close Call' and press E/yes.
Scroll to the options below and press E/yes. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.

Important! There are many options and settings in
Search/Close Call Options that affect and compliment the settings for Close Call. Please review those first.
Note: The items below (
in Blue) do not follow the radio's menu order because (IMHO) they should be in the following order to properly setup and use the Close Call features.
Set CC Bands Set CC Override Close Call Only
Set CC Alert Set Close Call Mode CC Auto Store
  Select Beep   CC DND (do not disturb) Using Close Call Modes
  Set CC Pause   CC Priority Managing Close Call Hits
Set CC Bands Lets you select the Close Call bands to be searched or auto stored. The Close Call feature does not work for frequencies greater than 956 MHz.
  Scroll to 'Set CC Bands' press E/yes.
Scroll to each band you want searched (or not searched) and press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit.
  VHF Low 1- 25-54MHz VHF High 2- 225-320 MHz
  VHF Low 2- 54-108 MHz UHF- 320-512 MHz
  Air Band- 108-137 MHz 800MHz+- 806-1300 MHz
  VHF High 1- 137-225 MHz  

Set CC Alert/Beep/Pause Lets you select how the scanner alerts you when it receives a Close Call signal. Pause lets you select how long the scanner waits after a hit before it returns to the previous operation.
See also
Close Call Hits.
  Scroll to 'Set CC Alert' press E/yes.
At 'Set CC Alert' scroll to 'Select Mode' press E/yes.
At 'Select Mode' scroll the mode you prefer and press E/yes.
  Beep, the scanner beeps when it receives a Close Call signal.
Light, the backlight turns on when it receives a Close Call signal.
Beep+Light, the scanner beeps and the backlight turns on when it receives a Close Call signal.
None, the scanner does not alert.
  Scroll to 'Select Beep' and press E/yes.
  At 'Select Beep' scroll to 'Alert 1-9 or Off' and press E/yes.
  At 'Set Level' scroll to 'Level 1-15 or Auto' (the scanner sets the alert beep to the master volume level) and press E/yes.
  Scroll to 'Set CC Pause' and press E/yes.
  Scroll to '3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 sec, or Infinite' and press E/yes.
  Press Menu to return.

Set CC Override Lets you select how the Close Call feature works while scanning or searching (or doing anything else).
  Scroll to 'Set CC Override' press E/yes.
Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes.
Press Scan to exit. See also
Close Call Hits.
  With this feature on, when the scanner detects a Close Call signal while scanning, the scanner overrides the current channel and goes to the Close Call hit. 'CC Found!' and 'Press Any Key' appear for the length of time set in Close Call Pause (see Set CC Alert).
With this feature off, when the scanner detects a Close Call signal while scanning, 'CC Found!' and 'E to Listen' appear for the length of time set in Close Call Pause (see Set CC Alert).

Set Close Call Mode Selects the Close Call mode when scanning or searching (or doing anything else). You can also do this by pressing and holding Func then pressing Hold while scanning or searching.
See also
Close Call Hits.
  Scroll to 'Set CC Mode' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 1 of 3 modes and press E/yes to save and exit.
Off- Close Call is turned off.
CC DND- Close Call checks for frequencies every two seconds between transmissions.
Pri- Close Call checks for frequencies every two seconds.
Close Call Only This setting puts the scanner in Close Call Only mode. The scanner will not scan or search.
  At 'Close Call Only' press E/yes.

CC Auto Store Allows you to automatically store Close Call hits into channels. If you turn this feature on, the scanner mutes, starts Close Call Only mode, and stores any Close Call hits from the bands selected in 'Set CC Bands' up to the maximum you specified in the 'Max Auto Store' setting. The scanner looks for active frequencies within the bands(s) and 'Search and Store' appears on the display. When the scanner finds an active transmission, it checks to see if the frequency has already been stored. If the frequency has not been stored, it stores the frequency into a (created) group named 'Found Channels' in a (created) system called 'Close Call' then resumes searching. If the frequency has already been stored, the scanner continues to search. This new system and group have the same options as any conventional system/group and can be edited the same way. See also Broadcast Screen.
  Scroll to 'CC Auto Store' press E/yes.
'Limit Reached' will appear in the display when the
Max Auto Store value is reached.
Press Scan to exit.

Using Close Call Modes
To Start Close Call Only Mode press Menu. Scroll to 'Close Call' and press E/yes. At 'Close Call Only' press E/yes.
To Use Close Call while Scanning or Searching, press and hold Func then Hold/ to toggle Close Call Priority, Close Call DND, or Off.

Managing Close Call Hits

In Close Call Only Mode:
When the scanner detects a Close Call signal, 'CC Found!' and 'Press Any Key' appear for the length of time set in Close Call Pause (or until the signal is lost if longer).
Press any key (except Hold) to display the frequency for the delay time set in Search/Close Call Options (even if it's gone).
  To hold on a CC hit press Hold. Press Hold again to resume. See Close Call Hold Mode.
  To store a frequency press 'Any key' then E/yes then see Storing a Displayed Frequency.
  To cancel a CC hit turn the scroll control.
  To lock out the frequency press L/O.
  To view the last CC hit press Hold. Press Hold again to resume.
  To toggle the attenuation on or off (for all bands) press and hold Func then E/yes(att).
  To exit CC only press Scan.
While Scanning or Searching with Close Call Override set to On, when the scanner detects a Close Call signal, the scanner overrides the current audio and goes to the Close Call hit.
'CC Found!' and 'Press Any Key' appear for the length of time set in Close Call Pause (or until the signal is lost if longer). If you do not press 'Any Key', the scanner will return to scanning after 'pause' times out.
Press any key (except Hold) to listen to and display the frequency for the delay time set in
Search/Close Call Options (even if it's gone).
Quickly press Hold to stay on the frequency. Press Hold again to resume.
While Scanning or Searching with Close Call Override set to Off, when the scanner detects a Close Call signal, the scanner does not override the current audio.
'CC Found!' and 'E to Listen' appear for the length of time set in
Close Call Pause. If you do not press E/yes, the scanner will return to scanning after 'pause' times out.
Press E/yes to listen to and display the frequency for the delay time set in
Search/Close Call Options (only if it's still there).
Quickly press Hold to stay on the frequency. Press Hold again to resume.
While in Hold Mode:
  To store a frequency press E/yes then see Storing a Displayed Frequency.
  To lock out the frequency press L/O.
  To start a 'Quick Search' at the current frequency turn the scroll control then press Hold.
  To check for a repeater frequency quickly press Hold to hold on the frequency. Press and hold Func then press and hold .no(rev). Press Hold to resume.

Using Fire Tone-Out Contents
The scanner can be set to respond to fire Tone-Outs, a system comprised of standardized two-tone sequential paging, short one-tone paging, and long group tone paging. You can save up to 10 settings. When you select a setting in standby mode, the scanner also monitors for any other setting that uses the same transmit frequency, modulation, and attenuation settings.

Setting up Tone-Out  
Press Menu. Scroll to 'Tone-Out for...' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Tone-Out Setup' and press E/yes.
Scroll to '
Tone-Out 1' and press E/yes.
At 'Edit Name' press E/yes. See
Entering Text.
Scroll to '
Set Frequency' press E/yes.
  At 'Edit Frequency' press E/yes. Enter the frequency to monitor for Tone-Out and press E/yes to save and exit.
Scroll to 'Set Modulation' and press E/yes. Scroll to Auto, FM, or NFM and press E/yes to save and exit.
Scroll to 'Set Attenuator' and press E/yes. Scroll to On or Off and press E/yes to save and exit.
Press Menu to return.
Scroll to 'Set Tone' and press E/yes.
  Notes: For two-tone pages, enter the values for tone A and tone B.
For one-tone pages using short tones of less than 3.75 seconds, enter value for tone A, and 0 for B.
For long-tone pages, such as group pages of more than 3.75 seconds, enter 0 for A and the value for B.
  Scroll to 'Edit Tone A' and press E/yes. Enter the tone and press E/yes to save and exit.
Scroll to 'Edit Tone B' and press E/yes. Enter the tone and press E/yes to save and exit.
Press Menu to return.
Scroll to 'Set Delay Time' and press E/yes.
  Scroll to one of 3 settings and press E/yes to save and exit:
Off: the scanner resumes standby as soon as the carrier drops after a page.
1-5: (seconds): the scanner resumes standby mode after the carrier drops and the selected time expires.
Infinite: you must press Hold after a page to resume standby mode.
Scroll to 'Set Alert' and press E/yes.
  Off- the scanner will not alert. Press E/yes to save and exit.
Alert 1-9- to choose any of 9 different beep types and press E/yes.
  At 'Set Level' scroll to:
Auto- the scanner automatically sets the emergency alert beep to the master volume level. Press E/yes to save and exit.
Level 1-15- scroll to the volume level preferred. Press E/yes to save and exit.
Press Menu to return then scroll to 'Tone-Out 2' and repeat to program more tones.
Press Scan to exit.
Using Tone-Out Standby See Setting up Tone-Out first.
Press Menu. Scroll to 'Tone-Out for...' and press E/yes.
Scroll to 'Tone-Out Standby' and press E/yes.
Scroll to monitor a Tone-Out channel (1-10).
Press Scan to exit.
The display will show the Tone-Out name, channel number (1-10), and tone settings. Any transmission received on the frequency will not be heard but you will still see the signal strength bars.

All Tone-Outs (channels) that have the same frequency (and modulation and attenuation) as the one you select will also (and only) be monitored so you can monitor up to 10 Tone-Out channels for one frequency. In this case, the scanner displays each Tone-Out channel for two seconds. It does not scan them; Tone-Out monitors the frequency for all Tone-Out channels with the same frequency. Regardless of the current display, the scanner will alert on any received tone out that matches a stored setting (channel) for the frequency.

To monitor a different frequency, scroll to a Tone-Out (channel) with a different frequency.

If you press HOLD while in standby mode, the scanner temporarily exits standby and you will be able to hear any transmissions on that frequency. No alerts sound, even if a Tone-Out matches one you have stored in hold mode. Press HOLD again to return to standby mode.

  Related Links/Info Contents

How to view these pages in your browsers
I have formatted these pages so that you can view them with any monitor, in any browser (Opera, I.E., Foxfire, or Netscape), at any zoom level, and in any screen area size (ex: 600x800)-small or large fonts. So if the print is too small, go to the 'view' menu in your browser and adjust it to a bigger level (or smaller if you want to see more on the screen).
Newsgroups and Forums
You will have to register for the groups.
Radio Reference Forums  Radio Reference Uniden Forums
Radio Reference UBC3500XLT Wiki Radio Reference Data Base
Uniden owner's manual Radio Reference.com
DMA Radios Hints and Kinks Uniden DMA FAQ
FreeSCAN-Freeware arc3500-Butel software
DMA Software Support-at Radio Reference  

Click here to visit Scanner Master

Menu Outline Contents
The scanner's menu lets you select options that let you set up and use the scanner. To use the menu, press the Menu button on the left side of the scanner. In most cases, the current menu position appears on the upper line of the menu. Menu items and a place to input information appear on the lower line of the menu. To select a menu item, turn the scroll control on top of the scanner clockwise or counterclockwise. When the menu item you want to select appears, press E/yes or press the scroll control down to select it. To back up a level or return to the previous level, press Menu. To exit the menu mode, press Scan. Below I have mapped out the menu.
Program System
  Select System
  New System
  Confirm? Yes/No
  System 1,2,3,etc.
  Edit Name
  (scroll to select characters)
  Edit Sys Option
  Set Quick Key
  Set Lockout
  Unlocked, Locked
  Set Hold Time
  (0-255 seconds)
  Set Delay Time
  Off,1,2,3,4,5 (seconds)
  Set Data Skip
  Edit Group
  Select Group
  Group 1,2,3,etc.
or New Group
  Edit Name
  (scroll to select characters)
  Set Quick Key
  Edit Channel
  Select Channel
  New Channel-
  (Input frequency)
  Paste Channel (Only appears if Channel is in buffer)
  Pastes channel into current group
  Channel 1,2,3,etc.
  Edit Name
  (scroll to select characters)
  Set Priority
  Set Alert
  Alert 1-9
  Set Level
  Auto,Level 1-15
  Delete Channel
  Confirm Delete? Yes/No
  Copy Channel
  Copies channel to ‘copy buffer’
  Edit Frequency
  (Enter frequency)
Set Lockout
  (enter tone)
  Set Modulation
  Set Attenuator
  Set Lockout Search for...
  Unlocked,Locked   Service Search
  Delete Group   Air
  Confirm Delete? Yes/No   Edit Service Search
  Set Lockout   (Service 1-13)
  Unlocked,Locked   Set Delay Time
  Delete System   Off,1,2,3,4,5 (seconds)
  Confirm Delete? Yes/No   Set Attenuator
  Copy System   On,Off
  New System Name?   Search with Scan
  (scroll to select characters)   Set Lockout
Menu   Lockout,Unlocked
Srch/CloCall Opt   Set Hold Time
  Freq Lockouts   (0-255 seconds)
  Rvw Search L/O   Custom Search
  Nothing Locked,freq-1 Unlock?,freq-2 Unlock?,etc.   Edit Custom
  Unlock All   Select Custom
  Confirm? Yes/No   Srch ranges 1-10
  Broadcast Screen   Edit Name
  Set All Band On   (scroll to select characters)
  (Press E/yes)   Edit Srch Limit
  Set All Band Off   Set Lower Limit
  (Press E/yes)   (enter lower limit)
  Set Each Band   Set Upper Limit
  Band 1-10   (enter upper limit)
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   Set Delay Time
  Program Band   Off,1,2,3,4,5 (seconds)
  Band 1-10   Set Modulation
  Set Lower Limit   Auto,AM,FM,NFM,WFM,WFMB
  (enter lower limit)   Set Attenuation
  Set Upper Limit   On,Off
  (enter upper limit)   Set Data Skip
  CTCSS/DCS Search   On,Off
  On,Off   Set Step
  Max Auto Store   Auto,5,6.25,7.5,8.33,10,12.5,15,20,25,50,100
  (1-255 channels)   Search with Scan
  Set Delay Time   Set Lockout
  Off,1,2,3,4,5 (seconds)   Lockout,Unlocked
  Set Modulation   Set Hold Time
  Auto,AM,FM,NFM,WFM,WFMB   (0-255 seconds)
  Set Attenuator   Search and Store
  On,Off   Select Store Sys
  Set Data Skip   System 1,2,3,etc.
  On,Off   Select Range
  Set Step   Custom Search,Service 1-13
  Auto,5,6.25,7.5,8.33,10,12.5,15,20,25,50,100 Set Priority
  Air Band Step   Off,On,Plus On
  8.33,12.5 Tone-Out for...
Close Call   Tone-Out Standby
  Close Call Only   (tone-out 1-10)
  CC Auto Store   Tone-Out Setup
  Set CC Mode   Tone-Out 1-10
  Off,CC DND,CC Pri   Edit Name
  Set CC Override   (scroll to select characters)
  On,Off   Set Frequency
  Set CC Alert   Edit Frequency
  Select Mode   (enter frequency)
  Beep,Light,Beep+Light,None   Set Modulation
  Select Beep   Auto,FM,NFM
  Off,Alert 1-9   Set Attenuator
  Set Level   On,Off
  Auto,Level 1-15   Set Tone
  Select CC Pause   Edit Tone A
  3,5,10,15,30,45,60(seconds),Infinite   (enter tone)
  Set CC Bands   Edit Tone B
  VHF Low 1   (enter tone)
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   Set Delay Time
  VHF Low 2   Off,1,2,3,4,5 (seconds),Infinite
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   Set Alert
  Air Band   Off,Alert 1-9
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   Set Level
  VHF High 1   Auto,Level 1-15
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off) Settings
  VHF High 2   Set Backlight
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   10 sec,30 sec,Squelch,Keypress,Infinite
  UHF   Adjust Key Beep
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   Auto,Level 1-15
  800MHz+   Set Battery Save
  (E/yes to toggle On or Off)   On,Off
Xfer Information   Set Audio AGC
  Wired Clone   On,Off
  Master,Slave   Adjust Contrast
      (scroll to Contrast 1-15)
      PC Control
      See Scanner Info
      % Memory Used
      Firmware Version

Last updated
July 21, 2024